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FloofBae : "Brave warriors, for your hard work we are sending you to the mythical land of Japan for a vacation."

"We hope you can take in the sights and meet the local-oh cancel that we are already in conflict! The conflict appears to be over their lack of population and the battle is...taking quite the turn." 

"We need brave ninja, mages and knights to volunteer to tackle these beasts and...'sate their needs.' Best of luck!"


This month's theme is all about you! Nobles, Knights, Mages and Ninjas. Today marks the beginning of our conquest. Our first destination is another Kingdom thats quite similar to our Motherland, Japan! Their army is a force to be reckoned with, demons and mythical creatures, robot assassins and giant monsters. But we will take them all head on!

Its time to list down your marks! Which Japanese fictional/mythical characters will your Tier avatar be fighting? Go forth, Warriors of Lood!




Only the strength and bravery of a Knight is capable of facing off against a Shīsā! And an Oni!


The massive Red Oni and Blue Oni, ready for battle with their rippling muscles and massive clubs, covered in only thin loin clothes that barely cover their massive girths, face down the two our strongest set of women from the Kingdom of Lood, the brave Knight and the Regal Noble. Both Oni are much larger than normal men, at least 5 times larger, massive giants in comparison, their might is legendary, maybe even more then our soldiers can handle...who will win? Will our warriors prove victorious, or with they become victims to the throbbing clubs of these powerful Oni?


Our lady-knights set aside their armor for a time to take a break from their mission and bathe in a nearby river, only to discover it's already occupied by another creature from Japanese folklore: Kappas! After a small chat, it seems these creatures' numbers are severely dwindling as well, especially due to the bad reputation they have... downright heartbroken, our knights have found their real mission! (Of course, who knows if they were telling the truth; Kappas have always been known to be mischievous beings...)


First idea: Miss knight/s finds her/them selfs trapped in a kitsunes illusion, while the mages are desperately trying to fight the fox girls off, all while the ninja's are being dominated by miss knight. Second idea: Miss Knight tries to fight a pack of Jinmenken ("Human-Faced Dog") and is later found in a alleyway being breed by the pack. Third idea: Miss Ninja tries to capture a Tanuki and gets tricked into worshiping its giant balls.


A female Moon mage takes on Amaterasu the sun goddess and loses. Being dominated by the sun goddess

Just another Monday

Brought to the Land of the Rising Sun seeking respite and beauty, a male Knight instead rescues a group of Yokai girls from abductors: a kitsune, an oni, a yukionna, and a tanuki girl. They reward his kindness and warmth with love and romance, and perhaps children for his family line.


Myself vs a Kitsune spirit she flirts with the knight and thinks he'd look better as a woman, possesses him and turns him into a girl and manipulated into 'aiding' her with her services

Ed Wood

Hmm...How about "Having underestimated the locals, the crew finds themselves overpowered and captured by Oni. After a thorough breeding, they are taken on an exploration of the Eastern Slave Trade"

El Cid

Traversing the mountains nearing sunset, our lady knight becomes lost with her troop. They come across a friendly elderly lady, who greets the invaders with hospitality and not hate, offering for them to stay at her home for the night. On guard the knight accepts with no alternatives. Slowly losing guard as the elderly lady makes the troop dinner and having conversation they fall asleep. In the night the knight wakes up to find herself bound and gagged. The elderly lady is a Yamanba who is going to teach the knight a lesson about traveling on her mountain.

Gannon Clark

The Mysterious Amabiko comes up from the sea to give a prophecy to the commander of this army of lewd! However, it will only give her the prophecy under one condition....


First: Our male knight is travelling with his troop only to fall into an ambush by a bunch of Thicc oni ladies that seems to want a different kind of plunder from our as these taller amazoness ladies are taking what they want from our knight. Second: A noble from the kingdom of lood, is resting with her army leaving the guards to the noble knights, and trustworthy mages and ninja's however, as the noble was resting she got ambushed in her sleep by a bunch of Onryo's that sought to take revenge on the kingdom of lood and cause trouble with the noble lady's body. Third: SheepBae as a knight, saying something then the army of lood got distracted by what she said and everyone just started boning the meep knight and played daddy roulette ignoring the orders they were given (For a time)


I don't know Japan folklore to much so big just drop clan of sexy ninja to spice things up. http://pictures.hentai-foundry.com/n/Nayuru/791841/Nayuru-791841-Fnf_Schatten.png