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Ladies and GentleBarbarians, I'm really, really torn right now. On one hand, I have the poll. On the other, I have the discord roleplay bonus arts. And now on my mage hand I have a new thing called Project Discord Baes, featuring our lovely discord ladies and Artist Bae herself. 

I am still very excited to work on all of the artworks, but I can only do so much. Now I'm going to ask you guys what you are really interested to get for this month's reward. Because I need to push some of these workload to next month. Please let me know in the comments below. Love you




I vote Poll > RP > Bae.


As much as I want to see those, I think it's best to push back the Baes. It's still a fairly new idea and it would give you more time to get new Baes too. Not to mention it doesn't seem as challenging project, so you'd have some time to rest too


I agree with the others. You already know everything you need from the poll. But the RP and the Baes are being added to and changing


Yeah, Poll, RP, then Bae...then when this is all done you need to take it easy with something simple XD


Thanks for your input, I appreciate it!