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We know Vem is an avid student of magic, and she loves to indulge in her own experiments. So the curious sorceress bought a tome of summoning from a shady vendor. 

In her quarters, she sets up the altar and prepares to commune with other worldly creatures. As she finish her enchantment, the tome rumbles and glows. A voice appears in her head and begin conversing with her. 

Hours passed as Vem bombards the mysterious being with questions of ancient magic. In the end she was promised the knowledge and nigh limitless source of power, but everything comes at a price. She has to bear a child in her womb, the child of the Great Old One himself.




Hmm..Wonder how the baby will look.



Just another Monday

I would imagine the "Great Old One" is more evil aligned, but Vem's goodness will birth a neutral good aligned Kit Fisto like baby.