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Commissioned by Black Wolf



Ed Wood

Not gonna lie, this kinda pic screams for a pregnant variant, lol

Just another Monday

After a long fuck fest, for what felt like months, Venom had attained the emotional and physical devotion of three Spider ladies. As he laced his added tentacles into Silk and Black Cat, Gwen had the privilege of riding his massive dick once more. This way, she would be impregnated by his very member, just like Felicia and Cindy. And to assure each would carry a new brood for him, his tentacles would secretes his sperm cells as well as a latent aphrodisiac to keep them aroused and their fertility still potent. Soon, they would start to swell with his heirs, not like Carnage or Scream or any of the rest- oh no! These babies are human/Klyntar hybrids with more potential and good genetics in them.