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You all heard of Patreon's new adult content policy, right? Its come to my attention a fellow artist has gotten his artwork flagged recently and I think its a good time to have a discussion or maybe get some opinion from you guys.

I've already finished working on the next Vex bestiary adventure sketch but I'm concerned the artwork will get flagged for its bestiality content when I post it in here.

So I'm looking for a solution, maybe a site where I can post the sensitive artworks but still have them private for your eyes only. If you guys can help me out that would be greatly appreciated. 



Why not post a message to alert Patreons but send it via email on a distribution list. Anyone that doesn’t get it can message you?


Maybe you could try sharing via Google drive?

Tracy Scops

Why not setup a Discord channel? Easiest way to interact with patrons. It even dialogues with Patreon’s list of your supporters.


There is one artist who goes by the name of Shiin that used tumblr pages to post all his art and would send out new passwords each month to his patreon's to access them. I am not sure if he still does it that way due to I haven't funded his content in awhile, but maybe you could contact him and ask how that works? I don't use tumblr really otherwise I would just straight up offer to help you out in setting it up. XD Sorry this annoying struggle came up, rooting for ya in figuring it out! :D Hope this possibly helped a bit.


Google Drive sounds like a good idea as long as no one leaks the link. Maybe password protect it?


I know a bunch of artists who have patreon exclusive discord channels so that could be something to look into


That is my current plan but I'm looking for a better option if there is any since tumblr also have some restriction on adult content. Thanks for your input :)


I'm embarrassed to say it but I'm just beginning to learn about discord. Cant quite understand how everything works yet but I think its one of the best options I have right now.


A few artists on Patreon share goodle docs links with patrons for exclusive content, the ones I know send the link out in the Patreon messanger


A Discord channel would actually be a really good idea, I think. I'm no tech whiz but I do have a basic knowledge of how it works, and would be happy to help with anything I could. Alternatively, the tumblr and other options could work, yeah.


On discord you could set up a channel that is nothing but links to content: no reply by users allowed. And then have others channels that you could use to talk to backers, all under one discord server.

Ed Wood

Google doc or download links seem to be the best options


Yeah, perhaps you could just upload them to Mega or some other drive and the patreons could have access to it.


I like the patrons to have a certain page they can go and check out the old artworks on their own. Some new patrons might not be aware and dont send me requests, I dont want them to miss out.


Is it not the case that having it be locked-only posts is okay? That's what I'm seeing some artists have to do, take down or censor all their public posts but private is fine.


If its confirmed then thats great news. So far all of the content has been set to patrons only but after hearing about other artists I'm not so sure keeping it private is enough anymore.


But what about the people joining the server who is not a patron or no longer pledging? I'm assuming a person can pledge to my patreon account, get the link to the discord server, unpledge patreon and stays in the discord server.