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Hello dear supporters and followers!

Today we are releasing a new demo game build, that is focused primarily on advanced and polished combat mechanics we came up with recently.

The combat demo has the same system requirements as all other game builds we released before. Comparing this build to our last Combat Demo #1 - in this one we improved AI of some enemies, added various types of attacks to them, added new exciting features for the player, added new gameplay elements and overall improved the feel, comfort and level of fun and challenge in this build. Additionally we have fulfilled the core concept of combat, that was introduced in last updates in our Patreon blog, so you will see how unique and exciting the new type of combat has become.

While in last demo enemies were pretty easy to deal with, in this one main enemies are tougher then just “I'll take this weapon and beat this creature to death!”. As it was mentioned in our Patreon blog, the combat concept that we wanted to fulfill involved making you focus on figuring out how to defeat the enemy with various elements of gameplay. Main character in the game, as well as you, most likely, is not physically stronger then monsters she encounters, so you need to use the best “weapon” you have - your brain. To actually win the game you need to think, come up with strategies and do your best in fulfilling them.

We can't be more excited for you to try out this demo for yourself! Have fun! :D
(Or actually we CAN be more excited - when the full game will be released ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

WARNING: Not all of the UI has been translated yet. What we have basically done so far is – tested the translation system, and translated only a few parts of the UI with it. For the best experience we suggest you keep English as the primary language at this time.


Text Dreamy Wings in a private message on Patreon. Tell him you want to try out this game build. If you have pledged more than 5$ already overall, we will be happy to share our game build with you!
NOTE: If you have not pledged enough, or became a Patron only recently, unfortunately, you have to wait for the next month, when Patreon charges money from your card. Then you will be able to access the game build.


After you test the game build, please fill out this form! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdnrvlhMjB2zVJZI96qzS2ClC_ZUVSvly_8JKniDu9oERa6jA/viewform

Thank you for your continued support and attention!

