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Hey guys, quick Patreon update here.

The Haru Drive is coming very soon! I plan to make this a very momentous event, and I have some details to share with you guys.

  • Starting tomorrow, all new Patrons will contribute +5lbs to the Drive total! This Special Offer ends October 22nd. Note: it is +5lbs regardless of the tier pledge. 
  • Milestones will be based on weight-gain as opposed to Ko-fi donations as the Ann Drive was. These milestones add extra parts to the Drive sequence in addition to other special rewards such as adding another character to the Drive!
  • There will be many ways to participate, from Deviantart favorites to Twitter retweets. Every bit counts!

I don't have a release date yet, but I'm still pushing for this week.

I have also implemented an automated message system for new subscribers, thanking them for their pledge and (more importantly) giving them a link to the Fatsona: Breakout server! I've had a ton of issues with the Patreon integration beforehand, so hopefully this will allow people to easily join the server now :)

If you are pledged in a $10+ tier, DM me and I will get you the server link ASAP!

Lastly, an update on Monthly One-Offs. When I last spoke of Monthly One-Offs, I expressed my issues with the system currently. I've decided to reevaluate Monthly One-Offs and how to go forward with the system.

Monthly One-Offs will be released here on Patreon the last Friday of each month. Along with this more definite date, I've decided to add remakes of past Monthly One-Offs to this benefit. Since this will end up being a massive image-pack for Fatsona:Breakout, remaking old pictures to keep in line with my current quality standards and any updated character designs will increase the consistency of the pack by a LOT. The goal is to have every one of the Monthly One-Off pics look as best as they possibly can. New Monthly One-Offs will still be made and released, and I have some exciting plans for those as well.

I plan to run this revised Monthly One-Off system until the end of Fatsona: Breakout development, where all the Monthly One-Off pics will be posted publicly leading up to the release of the game. After that, I will be introducing a new system in it's place, yet that is TBD at the time of writing.

Like the June Monthly One-Off, the late August Monthly One-Off will be given to any previous subscriber who unpledged in the month of September. Look forward to both August and September's Monthly One-Offs coming out soon!

Thank you for reading!


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