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Hey guys! It's been a while since I've talked to you all about the planned Patreon changes, so I figured I'll fill you all in on what's going on and what to expect!

No changes will come until July, but June will have a few special events going on:
-Farewell Request Poll: To send off all current $1 tier Patrons, next month's Request Poll will be open to them aswell for both suggesting and voting! Additionally, the top 3 voted characters will get a picture drawn, so please participate!
-New Public Monthly One-Off pic: You guys will all get to vote on 1 more Monthly One-Off pic to be released to the public! Every tier will be able to vote on this, and the winning pic will be uploaded everywhere you find my art!

The following changes will all come at the beginning of July:
-Removal of the $1 Tier
-Introduction of weekly pics system: Metrack Mondays!
-Introduction of a new Monthly "Forum" post to get feedback from you guys and suggest characters for Metrack Mondays
-Reorganization of Patreon tiers (Name, description)

As for July and beyond:
-New $10 tier benefit once all Monthly One-Offs are completed
-Commission tier
-Fatsona: Breakout WG content!

Additionally going forward, I want to include more Fatsona: Breakout content here on Patreon. I am constantly posting assets and stuff for the Development server, but I think the page could really benefit if I start posting that stuff here aswell.

Let me know what you think about these changes, and I hope you're all looking forward to them!



So if we are currently $1 patrons, will we have to finnick with our pledge?


I've never deleted a tier before, so I'm not entirely sure what will happen with the pledge, but once July rolls around I will be deleting the tier entirely so I can assume that the pledge will be removed. Now that you mention it, i'll delete it at the end of June because I don't want the start of July charge to be applied to you guys if it's for nothing lol


Okay, that just means I have to edit my pledge, thanks.