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I'm making a youtube video where I'll be answering EVERY question asked to me. Stupid questions, Not so stupid questions, Fatsona questions, all questions WILL BE ANSWERED! Leave a question, maybe!

UPDATE: Here it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-k98eX9MQ



What would you say is the ideal setup in Fatsona? Items, personas, traits and so forth.


What was your favorite pic or part of Fatsona you made/are making?


1) Are you socially open about your attractions with people who know you personally? 2) what are some of your favourite aspects and sub genres of the fat fetish? 3) How did you develop your drawing skills (where fat figures are concerned)? 4) What are some of your favourite video games, and why? 5) Are there any types of art or creative expression that you would like to try your hand at, but haven’t yet? 6) If you could live in any fictional world, what would be your top 3 choices, and why?


How big will you make your waifu?