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Hey all! Just wanted to put out a quick post addressing a few things. Firstly, join up in the Fatsona discord server if you haven’t already! All the action happens there, and there’s even a new build on the horizon. Every month I get people in this tier that never join the server... don’t waste your money! If you can’t find the invite link, message me on here or discord and i’ll get it to ya. Secondly, I just wanted to say that all 3 current Monthly One-Offs have gotten updated and improved a bit. Those are in the #monthly-one-offs channel in the server, if you wanna check those out. I was debating whether or not I should post them here on Patreon, but I opted for this instead. I FIXED ANNS WEIRD ASS FACE! GO LOOK AT IT! Lastly, just thank you all again for your support on this. It makes my world to put so much love into something and have people be interested in it. You guys are the best ❤️

Anyways, to wrap up, join the server if you haven’t already. And if you have? Stay tuned for CHIHAYA monthly one off and the HUGE upcoming build. shits crazy

ok byeess


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