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Hey everybody! I got some huge announcements to make that I'm really excited to tell you all about, so let's get to it c:


New for Milady $1 tier: Miscellaneous polls (used to be for Astarte $5)
New for Astarte $5 tier: Early access to animated content and WIPs of animations
New for Lucy $10 tier: Monthly one-off drawings of characters and redesigns from Fatsona!

These new benefits are mostly in response to the page blowing up quite a bit recently, so I hope you're all excited about these. I've been dabbling in animation lately, so I figured that'd be a nice benefit for the $5 tier. I also bumped the Miscellaneous polls down to the $1 tier so that I can get a wider scope, and it also tops off the tier quite nicely :)

Now, the "monthly one-offs" for Lucy are something I feel need to be explained. In the Fatsona Breakout server, there is a brand new channel called #monthly-one-offs, where starting next month I'll be posting monthly(shocker) full pics with the characters and designs from the game! These won't be in the actual game, so consider it like official fan art, if you will. "What does characters and designs mean, metrack?" Well, I do have a few original characters for the game, but every Persona girl in the game will also get a visual redesign because of a time-skip in the story. These redesigns can be the subject of these monthly one-offs, or maybe one of the new characters, or just about anything on that wavelength. Keep in mind- these won't be for the game! So, on top of early access to any content I make for the game, you'll be getting these pics, too.
These monthly one-offs will be Lucy tier exclusive until the game is out, at which point they will be released publicly. This might be a while off, though.

Speaking of Fatsona Breakout, the first official build of the game was posted up today! v.0.1- It's not much visually, but most of the core systems needed for the rest of the game are here and fully functional! Atleast, I hope they're fully functional lol. Here's some screenshots from it!

With these core systems playable and all set up, I can start putting more resources towards the "art" aspect of the game. There's some things to do before that, though, so if you wanna keep up with the development JOURNEY (and maybe play the first build) consider joining up!

Some other Patreon updates
I do have some other little things to announce here, but they aren't as flashy as the things above:

Scheduled Request Polls
This one is a long time coming honestly, and I feel like it should've been in from the start. Starting next month, Request Polls will start on the 1st of every month, and then the poll will be posted on the 15th of the month. This gives about 15 days for submitting characters and voting on them, and I think that's much better than what I got now lol

Fatsona Breakout server restrictions
I was undecided on this topic because I hadn't got a build of the game out, but with it finally out (and the monthly one-offs) I figure I should probably start doing something about it. If you have joined the Fatsona Breakout server and you unpledge, you will be removed from the server. I feel this is fair, because the people who continue to pledge would be basically getting the short end of the deal. I hope you guys understand, I still love you bubbies <3

That's all I got, next month will be pretty crazy with all these changes AND the Ann Challenge pics, but i'm looking forward to all the crazy with you guys :)
Thank you for reading!


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