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Hey everyone, hope the new year is treating you all well :)
It's been a pretty slow month for metrack, i've been mostly devoting all of my art time to finishing up these blobs, but I do have some announcements to make on the PATREON front.

Early Access

As i'm sure you've all noticed, I put the Ann and Haru blobs up on Patreon a little early as sort of a benefit. Now, because I didn't formally list this before as a benefit, i'll touch on it now. Going forward into the future, some "bigger deal" pictures might be put up as early access on Patreon. I wont do this with every pic, but if it's like a sequence, or a really long awaited pic, or it just came out exceptionally good, I may put it up on Patreon a bit early. I have added this to the list of benefits for the $1 tier, and I plan to do some more of them with the other Persona 5 blobs I have to do. Beyond that, I will probably be much more reserved with them, but I will make posts whenever there is an early access picture! 

New tier logos 

While this may not be a big deal to a lot of people, I figured I should mention it anyways. I've gone ahead and redone the tier logos to just be more visually pleasing in the way that they're formatted. Because of the way Patreon displays the tiers, my old tier logos just didn't look that great. I've gone ahead and given each of the designs a fancy little border just for some extra flair. Let me know what you think! 

$10 tier: Lucy!

So, I've been hinting at it for a while now, and due to some people requesting I put it in now, I have gone ahead and added the $10 tier, Lucy. For the time being, this is a support tier. If you like my work and feel rather generous, then this is the tier for you! Any pledge is greatly appreciated, and I want it to be really clear that this is only a temporary use case for this tier. Currently the only benefits unique to this tier is the Lucy role in my discord server, however, I do have exclusive benefits coming soon for this tier. Information about the upcoming benefits for this tier will be announced next month! In the meantime, I'll be working hard to finish up any last art I have to do, and if you choose to support me just that little bit more, I will be very grateful. I don't really expect anyone to join this tier when it's kind of moot, but I figured because people were curious about it, I might as well set it up early. 

Anyways, that's all from me this month! Ramona Flowers won the public request poll, and I'll be drawing her, along with Junko from the December request poll shortly. If you'd like to participate in the next request poll, I'll be hosting the January one tomorrow, 1/26. The Astarte and Lucy tiers will have access to it, so be on the lookout! Thank you all again for your continued support! I've gotten so much new patrons lately, and its so humbling to me that so many people would support my stuff this way. Hopefully I can continue to provide for you guys, and I really REALLY hope that what I have planned for Lucy works out... but i'll talk more about that next month. BYE!


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