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Hello everyone, as i mentioned the last times i've been struggling a lot with insomnias / depression, i've decided to do a real effort to take care of it, wich is the reason i haven't been able to meet my schedule, i've almost finished the new nsfw preview but i decided to wait before finishing it because i'm going back to the same cycle.

I don't want to pause the months like i was doing before, so the release of previews / artworks might not always be regular or very well scheduled, i will try to have a decent quantity of work per month, i just need to make sure i manage to recover from this bad cycle i've been going on, i hope you will understand, i've received a lot of message of support and asking me to be careful with my health, thanks a lot for that, i totally understand if people have to cancel due to inacivity on my side, i'm really sorry that i couldn't fix my self any other way atm.

Thanks for everything and for reading me.




dont overwork yourself. Take more time to fix your sleep.


Health is priority boss! Look after yourself physically and mentally. Few extra days rest never hurt anyone - you have a hardcore following, we ain’t going no where. The art will be top tier anyway even if it takes a little longer or a rework of the schedule. Keep being awesome Seven <3