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Hello Guys, first i want to say that rewards are almost all done and ready, i will upload everything so you can have it on the may 2 as usual.  I want to thanks you all again for being present right now, for all the support i am extremely grateful of it.

Now, i'm currently going through a rough patch if i could say that, i need to make some important changes because things are becoming unsustainable for me, i'm not depressed or anything like that, but the way i've been working / making art is clearly not working anymore, i have to make some decision and find a better path.  

I don't know yet what i'm going to do, but  i have to stop doing things on a loop it affected my creativity and i clearly reached my limits there, i still appreciate creating for you guys, so i don't want to close my Patreon, atm i'm thinking about either changing the way i make a leaving of my art or focusing on nsfw pictures.  I don't want to decide alone on this, so don't hesitate to tell me what you think, also i realized that it became very hard for me to communicate properly, i'm probably responsible of this, anyway i'm going to try my best to be more open.

Again thanks you for everything, i hope i wont freak you out with this message.




Ahri Sz

Always stay calm, we understand you. Sometimes we get into a difficult phase but I'm sure I'll get better! Don't push yourself too hard, you have all the time to do things here, always focus on your health and personal life. The rewards can wait, but your psychologist can't, so take your time, I will always continue to support your work. Soon everything will get better and you will find a new path >:< I know it's just words, I wish I could help more, but I'm not very good at English ;-;, I'll make it better for you.


Thanks you, well i'm calm that's why i wanted to talk about it before it becomes impossible to deal with ^^ and don't worry i understoood everything you said :)


aww no don't worry it's going to be okay ^^ i'm just wondering how i'm going to make things evolve from here :)

Ahri Sz

Anything you want to talk about one day just call >:< and we can talk if you want.


sad to read that you're struggling like that. of course your fun/health is most important. i think we are all glad for every pic we get, cause they are all great! for me i am always up to nsfw art, that was the reason why i started to follow you. (now i am here for everything). as i said: do what you wanna do, thats important. its YOUR hobby/work, we cant demand anything from you. and you shouldnt feel under pressure (for me pressure kills my creativity and fun). and if you can release only one pic per month, we are ok with it! i hope you got my point - my english isnt that good 😅 (just hoping for my xayah nsfw we talked about already 🥰 - but even here: you must be comfortable with it and for me i keep following you no matter what you are doing) i know thats no solution, but hopefully it helps you to find your new way! thanks seven ♥️


Well it does help :) i don't mind going for more nsfw art, my struggle comes mostly from the time for both fanarts and nsfw art takes to make so maybe focusing on one more than the other will help.


mh maybe you could start to release 1 or 2 pics per month at the beginning. and always do 1 more for the next month til you found out your limit which is easy to handle for you? you know what i mean


Maybe make some months NSFW only, and others SFW fanarts only. Got no better idea.


that could be a good idea tought i don't know if people will stay with it x'D thanks for suggesting :)


Hope that you find more inspiration soon! I actually don't mind it if you just reduced the number of posts per month.. You don't have to do so many if it's not sustainable or you don't feel good doing them. Even 2 or 4 per month is plenty! I love both styles, so I hope you can keep doing both if possible <3


I know it can be hard but you're going to need to figure out what's best for you; we can't know enough to make that decision for you. If you want my option, the first thing I want is what's best for you. I find your fanarts, original creations, and NSFW versions to all be fantastic and I hope you can find a space where you're comfortable creating them and sharing them with the world. If you can be more specific about what's not working for you, what you'd like to change, or what you'd like to do, providing that information to us may help us provide better feedback. If you can organize your thoughts that way, a survey or a poll might be useful for gathering information. At the end of the day though, no matter what we like I think you should prioritize being happy with what you're doing. Balance is hard but important. Good luck.


ho well atm it's mostly that i can't keep it going in matter of revenues and no matter how much i work i still decreease very fast so i need to figure a way to make this viable ;)


Que penses-tu de tout montrer ? Genre en teasant ? L'avancé sur ton travail, même des idées abandonnées (je suis quasi sûr que tu en as), tes "sketches" des trucs du genre ? Ou alors tu n'oses pas montrer quelque chose que tu penses de "fini" ? Si c'est le cas je comprends aussi :D

Andrej Kučerík (Sargo) (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-01 10:06:48 I almost never leave comments on either youtube, reddit or whereever but I often comment on your posts because I am just so happy to see when you make a post. I am still amazed we got someone so talented like you creating this awesome art (to this day I haven't found anyone with style similar to you and on that level) and even more so that you do nsfw content. I really hope that you don't stop doing this and more people find and appriciate your awesome work ! Just a tought that came to mind when writing this - maybe try to dig into nsfw animations ? (might even bring new people here) I remember Evelynn video from you some time ago which had potential :D in the end I hope you can find balance in things and get through the rougher times and be happy :) (my selfish me got rly excited when I read "focus on nsfw pictures" part which I would love soooo much) Keep up the awesome work <3
2023-04-29 03:38:54 I almost never leave comments on either youtube, reddit or whereever but I often comment on your posts because I am just so happy to see when you make a post. I am still amazed we got someone so talented like you creating this awesome art (to this day I haven't found anyone with style similar to you and on that level) and even more so that you do nsfw content. I really hope that you don't stop doing this and more people find and appriciate your awesome work ! Just a tought that came to mind when writing this - maybe try to dig into nsfw animations ? (might even bring new people here) I remember Evelynn video from you some time ago which had potential :D in the end I hope you can find balance in things and get through the rougher times and be happy :) (my selfish me got rly excited when I read "focus on nsfw pictures" part which I would love soooo much) Keep up the awesome work <3

I almost never leave comments on either youtube, reddit or whereever but I often comment on your posts because I am just so happy to see when you make a post. I am still amazed we got someone so talented like you creating this awesome art (to this day I haven't found anyone with style similar to you and on that level) and even more so that you do nsfw content. I really hope that you don't stop doing this and more people find and appriciate your awesome work ! Just a tought that came to mind when writing this - maybe try to dig into nsfw animations ? (might even bring new people here) I remember Evelynn video from you some time ago which had potential :D in the end I hope you can find balance in things and get through the rougher times and be happy :) (my selfish me got rly excited when I read "focus on nsfw pictures" part which I would love soooo much) Keep up the awesome work <3


I'm relatively new here, but you seem to have devoted fanbase. We'll understand whatever you'll do.


Thanks you for taking the time to answer :) well Videos i wouldn't mind if i had more time ^^i'll do my best to keep this going !


I'm here because I like your SFW work. I find the NSFW rather a hindrance when recommending it. I wouldn't mind at all if you focus on SFW. But here you should consider that (at least that's my claim) SFW are used as background images or sometimes printed out and end up on the wall.