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Hello everyone, for the moment i still keep patreon paused, my sleep improve very slowly, also i need to be honest with you guys i'm not sure yet if i will be able to get back to what this project used to be.

I realised that one of the reason for my insomnia was coming both from work and possibly from a depression, for the last 3 years i've been pretty much working alone, no much of social life anymore so i think it need a real change, i don't know yet what i'm going to do, i'm working on it but i don't want to give up on what we created here.  

I sincerely appreciate our community, i kinda regret not being more present, i think i needed time to clear my mind and understand what is going on with me.  I will see what i can do, what need to change probably during April, i hope you understand.  




Hang in there Seven! We support you no matter what happens!


Health is always mote important, take your time. We will wait for you <3