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Hello, I have made a hard decision, i know it's going to sound very sudden but this is something i have been thinking for months now.  As you may have noticed it's been hard for me to keep going for more than one month in a raw, i'm pausing Patreon a lot because my health is falling apart, but it wasn't just physical it is also mental.

This isn't anyone's fault, I thought that making a living out of my art by selling Nsfw pictures would work out, but for some reason it makes me very unhappy to say the least.  

I'll to take some time to see what i'm going to do next, i still love making art i think but i really need to fix my self, so i'm not sure how things are going to evolve right now, i'll see how i finish this month, i will probably upload one last set of rewards.  

I want to say that i really deeply appreciated your support, i hope you wont be angry at me, i might open my self to commissions in the future because i know many of you waited a long time for it, i just need some time to figure things out.  

I will pause the billing and see what we do next month if i shut it down or make it evolve.

John aka Seven


Nick Montoya

Your health always comes first. I wish you happiness and it has been a pleasure.


Hey John. At the end of the day, your health is far more important. Give yourself a break and get all your ducks in a row. I hope you do come back. I love your art. If you don't, thats alright too, because it meant it was a better choice for you and I respect that.


You need to do what is best for yourself. I hope things get better for you. Thank you so much for everything!


Take your time, John. Whatever choice you end up making, we'll wholeheartedly support it.


We understand, your health and happiness is and should be in the first place <3


Your health comes first of course. Really dad to hear that, hope it'll get better soon 🙏🏼




Whatever your decision, I wish you the best of luck, and I have thoroughly enjoyed your work :D


I don't think anyone here will be angry at you, we all love you work, we sub to you for that very reason! You're a talented guy, as an artist myself I couldn't even begin to do what you do in 3D, but I totally understand the metal side of things trying to make a living of your work can have! Hopefully this isn't the end of your Patreon, personally I love you work, even if you changed away from the NSFW stuff, I'd personally just love to see your high quality work with cool background be they clothed or not, as I say, you make great stuff! But of course, health comes first, take all the time you need, I'm sure we'll be here when you get back and resume payments (I know I will be) but if not, if you do decide to stop, I'm excited to see what you do next.

Neron Kesar

No worries man, I've been supporting you here for a long time now, and I get it. Especially with the Pandemie. Staying healthy and having a happy life is important.


John. If we're all going to be true to ourselves as creative people, coming out of this last year, we all have to re-define what does and doesn't make sense for us. Whatever your future choices, I hope it's something we can all support and share in. And if it's more private, then I think we'd all wish you luck in that too!


You do whatever you need to do to get better, Seven. You have my full support. Whether that means quitting, taking a long break, only making SFW art, or other options that i cant think of, ill stick around. I appreciate you and what you do and wish the best for you. ❤️


We are very happy with the effort you’ve put into us your fans and we deeply appreciate you, and understand that it’s time for changes, we support you on every decision you make, count on us ❤️


Noooo :((((


I would hate to see you go completely but your health comes first and do what ever you must to feel happy. Even if it means never doing NSFW again, I would support you regardless because your art is beautiful and your talent is something to behold. Stay safe and hope everything works out the way you want it to.


Taking care of yourself should be priorty #1. if you decide to still make art, sfw or not, we'll all be here waiting for your content. wishing you the best


You do you, sir. Even if that means having to take a break from this. Your mental health is way more important.


Sad news indeed. You and your art will be truly missed, but nothing's more important than taking care of yourself. Best of luck for whatever the future may bring! Should you make a return to making videogame art, no matter (n)sfw, we will be waiting here for you.


Take care of yourself bro. Health is more important than everything else. No matter what are you going to do, we will support you for sure :)


Stay safe get better man 🖤


Angry? NEVER! I'm so grateful the beautiful arts you've created. Your League of Legends works were all gorgeous and it made feel more real especially K/DA ALL OUT. But your happiness & health should always come first hope you get better soon.


Gotta echo everyone else here, health is more important, but your work seems too good to go away completely. I don't know about others but I'd be perfectly happy to keep supporting with a massive reduction. 1 picture a week, or something like that. You were massively undercharging anyway so supporting your health and wellbeing is no issue. Take care of yourself.

Ahri Sz

Seven focus on your health, everything will improve and get better I'm sure! You are the best artist I have seen in <. Beautiful arts!


Your art has astonished me ever since I had the pleasure of finding you in the web, it has been my background on all my devices since. So hearing you possibly leaving forever is quite a shock, i`d be lying if i`d say it wasn`t. That being said your mental and physical health should allways be your top priority and if you are doing something you do not enjoy, nobody should and can force you to do so. If you do feel like you want to do more art NSFW or not I, and many others from what i`ve read, will gladly support and awe at your art again. Until that day comes take good care of yourself and I wish you the best for your future whatever path you may choose


As all the others already said your health is number one priority. Your art is more than awesome and I will always love to see new art pieces from you but take as much time as you need. <3


Take care of yourself my man.


Damn... you are one of my favorite artists, and I was going to see if you were open for commissions, too. I hope your health improves, and you can find the passion to enjoy creating art again. Do what you need to do to find your happiness again.

Classical Salamander

I know that feeling, I've started and shut down four or five different accounts various places trying to figure out what type of art I want to create, what I'm comfortable with and what makes me feel sick. :( Take care of yourself physically and mentally, create art you're proud to share with the people closest to you, and don't ever let anybody convince you to do anything you don't believe in.

Kimi no Na wa

Take care of yourself Seven! Your health is most important! Your work has given a new impetus to my life, so I will always be grateful to you! I will always support you!


Dude I only use patreon for your pics !! But take care of you !!! Greetings from Mexico !!!


Seven, sometimes the right thing to do is the hard thing to do. Your art is simply amazing and you have shown your improvements over the course that I have followed you. Seems that many here agree that we would support you in the future, if you feel it would be the best decision for you. Please take care of yourself. Don’t think that we would be angry, as health is very important. Take your time, recover and pursue what makes you happy. We thank you very much for the art you have shared with us, your thoughts and your ambitions. We will be here if you decide to come back. <3 Psyloken


It's totally ok. If you come back, we will be here and if it's not, we were able to enjoy your beautiful art. I hope everything go well for you.

J. Robin

In the end, it's totally your call. A question though, are we still going to see the May nsfw bundle that was previewed already?

Medron Pryde

Take care of yourself, man. And continue making SFW pictures if that makes you happy. Or find something else entirely if it doesn't. Your art is amazing, and I would love to see more of it. :)