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Hello everyone, First, i'll never say it enough but i thanks you all a lot for your support, your kind messages too, it makes a huge difference for me.

I wanted to make this update since early October but i couldn't find time to do it, and right now i still can't bring all the changes and new projects i have in mind, but i will tell you what i can at the moment, it might take some time to read but it i think it's important so it's up to you :)

As you noticed I couln't open commissions as i was hoping for during Ocober, the reason for that comes from what happened after i paused the billing for september, i managed to start working on side projects and i was thinking to open commissions at that moment, but during the first week of october i had a strong drop out of patrons, i was expecting it a little but it scared me to be honest, so i decided to start producing content again much earlier than expected.

Now there is another important thing i want to talk about, i started this patreon adventure in order to make a living out of my art, before this i was working as a motion designer and i started tons of art projects but i couldn't find the time to finish them, with your help i finally managed to make artworks again on a regular basics wich is something i seriously love and i'm extremely grateful for that !

The hardest for me at the moment  it's to also find the time to work on those project i started long time ago, and for that i will really need your help, so in the next months i will submit teasers about those projects and if some of you want to fund them all help will be welcome :)

I'm also thinking about creating a group of patrons to get more involved in the creative process, for instance : before i submit new pictures or also to take part on the creation of the new projects, give advice and feedbacks on new ideas etc.. so please don't hesitate to message me if you are interested !

It's all for the moment, i know it's already a lot so thanks you if you managed to read it all ^^ I will make another update in december to make some change on tiers, but i wont change the pricing.





🥵🥵🥵 geeeez what an artwork. And yeah post up them projects!


Seven you should be doing a discord for patrons where you can share your new projects, there are a couple of artists basically doing the same and also it becomes easier to have feedbacks or suggestions.


So sad to hear that many patreons have dropped out! But don't worry Seven, because many of us are here to support you . So don't get discouraged! I hope everything gets better soon! I love the Ahri artwork, keep it up :) As regards the tier, are the rewards gonna be more expensive ?


No, pricing don't change, it's mostly for the acces to old nsfw content and to change the "supporters" tier.


I think you should try to punish the posts of your works on Reddit. I can understand that people don’t pay for your awesome content when they can get nearly everything for free a day later (sometimes earlier then I get it here?) on Reddit. I don’t know if I would be a help but would like to help you if I can. :) keep up your great work. :)


I totally understand you, i'm the first to be troubled by that, i don't think i can punish people there though and i don't like that idea but i'm looking for another solution.

Noah Salinas

No matter what you decide to do, I hope you continue to find enjoyment in your passion as I will support that every step of the way. You've got some amazing talent going on.

Andrej Kučerík (Sargo)

Always looking forward for your posts especially the once from League of L. You are really an amazing S tier artist ! I feel like I'm praising your job under almost all of the recent works but it's really that amazing that I can't get enough ! Thank you and stay awesome :)


woah woAH WOAH 😍🤩 New background for my phone My best decision months ago (maybe for whole 2020 😏): joining your Patreon gang 😇 Writing this while blasting KDA PopStars/The Baddest/More on loop through my TW in-ears 😁 And yes Ahri...i'm keeping my eyes on you

Classical Salamander

She looks so good... and pink! I know what you mean about starting projects and not having the time to work on them... it seems that's the entirety of my art these days :o I would love to be able to comment on your work, even though I don't have much of my own, I do like to help when I can. Would you make that a separate Tier of Patrons? It might help to keep it organized, even if it was just a few folks.

Ahri Sz

New projects are great! I will be happy to help you!


I think chasing after what you really love doing and having fun doing it is something you should always strive for, and I'm glad to hear that you've found that for yourself! I want to see all these side projects you got going on, it sounds really cool! <3


Do what yoy love is all matters. Don't be to harsh to yourself. Your health is important as well. Can't wait for your future project btw, it's gonna be awesome😆