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Small portrait to say Welcome to all our new patrons :3 thanks a lot for joining !

I also updated her model at the same time, new prestige nsfw pictures to come soon ;)




It is so pretty love it !

Ahri Sz

How much realism! You are impeccable in your arts! Perfect!


It's look really well done. But at least for me it's become uncanny valley. And i can't tell you why.


I'm so glad prestige Ahri is getting some love, she looks so stunning! 😊😊


I can't get enough of Prestige K/DA art! Love the details you put in especially the charm heart and eye shadow and ofc the fox eye <3


This is so good!


Quality is insanely high, but her face just doesn't remind me of Ahri... There's something off with the shape of her lower face, hard to put my finger on what Think her mouth is perhaps a bit too wide? Maybe her nose? Or maybe her chin is a bit too pointy? I like the art don't get me wrong, just giving some ideas on how to make her look more like the character :) https://scontent-bru2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/52807433_1575575105878804_5523772372986888192_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=L8AQs-8vCs0AX99E6Cx&_nc_ht=scontent-bru2-1.xx&oh=9755613272608c188d5d6d24c8873756&oe=5EEB7C72


Ho don't worry i feel the same, i think it's due to my new workflow because i used the same model just tweeked my texture mostly, i'll look into it :)


Holy Detailed Hell!!! I don’t think I have any compliment that’s good enough for how incredible this looks! 😮


reminds me a lot of rihanna... that might not make sense as to why. I just see her in this... and it's fantastic.

Classical Salamander

Looking fine! Great update, I'm glad to hear you have some NSFW work in the pipeline! <3