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Hope you are all doing good =), i wanted to thanks you all for your support and welcome poeple who joined recently

Group picture are a lot lot of work and the heat doesn't help @_@ i might do some pairing for the next ones, i also realised i had made a mistake on the last rikku picture on her hairs, made me see i might be a bit tired atm, couldn't even see it before.

I have prepared new pinups that will comes next week, i will slow down a little to not overwork, i have added mythmaker irelia in the next pinups to come, i'm preparing a more casual lingerie serie for some of the pinups art coming next

Coming back next week with more preview :)





Great work and such good details! But the solo/duo ones are still my prefered favorites.


Render more than one group pictures sure will make your PC fry some eggs lol Can't wait to see this month rewards <3