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They will be released tommrow at 01:00 am Paris time.

Now regarding July i decided to finish the custom kda serie, so i will add a custom for kda Akali as well, and make group pictures with all the girls again one last time, i might do this during July and also august.

I still really need rest and for the moment i have hard time renewing my creativity, I'll see when i feel ready to bring new series / fanarts etc..

Originals are still in progress, i will probably add some WIP / previews on discord when it is ready :)

I'll probably come back this week with nsfw previews and maybe a pinup art if i can :) we will see

See you soon




keep going 7! but at first look fpr 100% health :) thats more important. We are happy aslong you are.


Can't wait to see more of your original work! Also, hope you get better soon! Don't overwork.