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Hello everyone =) just a word first to say all rewards are ready and will be released tomorrow at 1.AM Paris time, and now i wanted to talk a little bit about June and probably for July too depeding how things goes.

I'm still having sleep issues, i'm used to it now so i basically let it happen and try not to let it bother me, but it has one consequence is that i have hard time working atm, I might postpone some new fanarts or adding new character during the next two months depending how much my insomnias hit me.

I also want to make some progress on my Edenwreck project so i decided to change it a little bit and make it an Nsfw based project so i can include it into our rewards, i will see if i can do it or not and no worries i always keep priority to new fanarts or pinup.

I might focus a bit more in the first two weeks of June on custom Series, i already made some of them but i also work on the environment / sets fo them so it take a bit of time to come out.

I hope it will be okay and i remain here in case you want to tell me feedbacks or suggestions, i try to answer as soon as i can, don't hesitate to remind me if i forgot.




Gotta do what you gotta do to take care of your health first!


You’re doing great Seven! The arts are outstanding as always <3 I’m sure you’ll work the balance out soon, sometimes it will just click one day! You got this!