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Welcome to my Stack! I will be adding books to my collection every month and sharing them with you here. So here is the next entry! (Feel free to ask questions in the comments and I will try and answer them to the best of my abilities.)

Book: Helmut Newton Polaroids 

Part I




The availability of Live View pretty much negates the need for using Polaroids to preview the scene to see what works and what doesn't. That being said, have you ever used them in the same manner for your work? Or have you ever used Polaroids alone for a shoot? Also, are there any specific shoots by this master artist you particularly like/appreciate?


Hi Akash, Using a light meter or a Polaroid camera today to check your shot is kinda pointless because of DSLRs. However I do often shoot on the Polaroid just for the rawness it brings to the image. The chemicals at play in such a short time does add to the idea of that sudden moment, as much so for the subject being caught in time to the photographer having captured something unique. I feel it is sometimes the midpoint between the quickness and the lack of depth of an image made with pixels to the image shot on film. If you go through my older posts, you will see tons of my Polaroid work. Go explore! As for a special shoot by Helmut, there are way too many to choose, so sharing a few. Helmut was the Master of light, kink, nudes, and naughtiness and yet his women were strong. That balance and skill of creating something absurd and yet beautiful, intimate and engaging was his gift. http://www.fashionphotographerinlondon.com/albums/Newton-Nudes/Helmut-Newton-Nude-indoor-36.jpg http://www.fashionphotographerinlondon.com/albums/Newton-Nudes/Helmut-Newton-Nude-indoor-40.jpg http://www.fashionphotographerinlondon.com/albums/Newton-Nudes/Helmut-Newton-Nude-oudoor-30.jpg https://i0.wp.com/erickimphotography.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/larger-1.jpg?w=685&ssl=1 https://acedmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/left-Rue-Abriot-with-Yves-Saint-Laurent-1975-right-Grace-Jones-and-Dolph-Lundren-1985-credit-Helmut-Newton.jpg