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          Greetings my fellow followers, I'm here to announce a slight change in the reward system for now. There has been a bit of an issue with the difference between the 3 dollar and 5 dollar pledges, so to cut the problem and to be honest with you guys, I figured it be easier to make you get all the perks by just paying 3 dollars. Now you can enjoy all the exclusive content as your heart desires and I think it'd be easier for me to manage everything. 

However I am considering adding more rewards in the future such as adding votes and character suggestions in the future. But for the time being, I will be busy with a lot of personal stuff in these few months. Please stay tuned!

Thank you for all your support!




I'm looking forward to the new reward tiers you come up with, so I can hop back up to $5, or even higher if you come up with something tantalizing!


dude, why are your first posts still available only for 10$ pledgers, now that there's no 10$ perk?