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Hey guys!

Its been 5 months since I’ve last posted any sort of update. I hope you are all doing well. I know 2020 hasn’t been the best year for all of us, but I’m still optimistic.

I have said this a bit back on twitter, but after months of reflection, I ended up with the conclusion that I should just draw whatever that makes me happy, whether that is kink or not. AKA I’d be more open to do kink stuff again every now and then. I still want to focus more on the SFW stuff and the Kinky stuff as more of a SIDE thing.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely proud and happy of all the stuff I’ve made in recent months. But sometimes you just gotta stay true to what you like. I love fat girls and I should embrace that side of me as well. Turns out It’s all about “balance”

The big issue that led me to be burned out in the first place was my poor work life balance, having work and the self inflicted obligation to do kink overrule everything else, leading to me to spiral into a mess of emotions. For a huge while when I was still doing kink art, I complained that I want out. But now when I’m out of it for a while, I do miss doing it again in a way. Life is weird like that.

I know it must sound really odd seeing me change my decision from last time, which might piss some people off, but people aren’t set in stone. In my years here, I’ve seen people leave then come back before. It’s nothing new. I guess this is a first for me and I'm still learning.

To sum up this story even shorter: I got horny thoughts and I want to draw fat girls again. Turns out I could do it on the side while not destroying my mental health and work life balance. But please don't expect it on a regular basis.

Thank you for understanding.


Merry Christmas and happy holidays, everyone!



I think it’s because when you’re not forcing yourself it’s more enjoyable, happened to me too with a lot of things


You do you man! I love your art kink or not. You enjoy yourself and have a Merry Christmas!


As someone who went from intimidated by your skills to respecting them, I'm glad you are back. It seems a lot of artists view this field as embarrassing or shameful due to its nature, so they want out, making it feel like the right move. Rumor was some outside forces may have bullied you into leaving, but rumors are a dime a dozen. This is going to sound stupid, but when you decided to pick up an art trade from me, it made me realize something; you're human like me. Treating you like a God (which I have) can isolate someone. I don't want to isolate you. I would like you back in the community as one of us, and I know everyone will agree with me. Whether it be those amazing Bionicle sketches or your girls gorging on food. Anything from your mind is welcome. Happy Holiday, Jeet.