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I can see this being a positive change. Best of luck with this new direction you are taking!

Shelby Decker

Will miss your kink work, as it was some of the best, but you do what's best for you. ✌


Yeah based on a lot of the content you've put out, I can see why this would feel like more of an obligation than something you directly enjoy. Good on you for pulling the plug when you feel it was necessary. I'll probably stick around here since your content is great in general, kink or not. Hopefully what comes of this will bring you happiness and give you some well deserved rest though

Bigby Lies

Your kink work is absolutely some of the best there is, and it played a big part in inspiring me to draw kink art myself. I'll miss it incredibly, but I look forward to seeing all the new work you create regardless.


There's no shame in making changes, especially for the better. If you think this new direction is what's best for you, then I support your decision wholeheartedly.


Good on you man! Do what's best for your well being! Christ knows your non-kink stuff is fantastic (looks at the samurai jack pics, the mako jojo pic, the mandalorian pic, etc...) so I'll still keep watching and pledging!


I already commented on the twitter post, but I wanna tell you on here as well! Even if you don't draw anymore kink content in the future, I will gladly still support you on here as well! You're an amazing artist and I can't wait what you have in store for us in the future!


I'm glad that you're moving in a good direction. Focusing on your own projects sounds exciting, and I can't wait to see what you've got in store next. Your work inspires tons of other artists, and that's not about to change any time soon!


You will always have support from me man, your artwork, character designs and style are one of my favorites to learn from and enjoy. Can't wait to see what you do next!


While I'm sad to see the kink art go, I have always been a fan of your normal art and I am glad to see you wanting to make a change. I will still continue to support you ❤

Guy Face Thrace

I'm supportive of not drawing underage characters, but really disappointed that you're downsizing your kink stuff. Not all of us have a soft girlfriend. :( I suppose it's inevitable though, and you're growing as a person in a new way. "You're good, kid. Maybe even the best there ever was"


If this what you think is best for your mental health, then that's what matters most.

Drew Cornog

My philosophy is to let the artist do whatever they feel comfortable with. If it is time to stop making a certain kind of art then I support it. If you are making changes to help your mental health, go for it. Regardless what you make, you have my full support. I enjoy your work, especially the character design. I can’t wait to see what comes next in your career.


You're a great artist Jeet. This community was lucky and should be thankful to have you. You have our support no matter what.

Roberticus M

It's hard to say I'm happy you're leaving it behind. I'm not happy to see a series I love end or reach the end of a book and realize that's it, but these things happen. It doesn't make the journey any less enjoyable knowing that there's an endpoint. I'm glad I could support you through it and really enjoyed what you created. As sad as I am to see you change your stance on some things and regret decisions it's important you do what you feel is right for you. It was a pleasure and I will hold out hope that someday down the road we might get a sequel or even just an OVA or two from you.


It's a shame how much drama arose from all of this. I already got the impression that you were done with this whole thing, and that's okay. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.


Hopefully I'll make something cool I'd get to share with you guys. Thanks for the support, man!