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Hello lovely supporters! I hope you are all doing well.

Some of you might not know that I'm currently working a day job as a storyboard artist at a small studio in Thailand. It's a time consuming job which work hours do vary between different projects. This means there is a bit of time for me to work on my own stuff after working, but that hasn't stopped me for the past few months.

However this might a bit of a challenge due to me planning my own ambitious projects.

That's right, I have an announcement that I'm currently working on pre production on my very own animated short. This isn't the first time I've done so. The last one being made in 2016 as my student film.

Animation has been an ambition of mine since a young age and being able to produce one has been a privilege. However animation takes a lot of effort, which the drawback is that I won't be drawing as many pics as usual, meaning the uploads for kink stuff won't be as consistent.

However, I'll try to update you with the usual stuff you came for as much as I can.

Also I am aware this might encourage a lot of people to leave, but that's fair and understandable. Like I've always said supporting me is not an obligation. You are free to spend your money as you wish.

I'll continue to update you guys with my progress.

Thank you for your monumental support!





Best of luck with your job!


pft screw leaving, we know patreon isn't your only source of revenue (at $354/month, minus patreon's share and taxes and whatever, it'd be incredible lol) real life work must always prevail on patreon work, (as long as you don't forget about us ^^), and your true fans will stay here no matter what, so don't worry about us and do your thing :)


Good luck with it mate!!!