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Kyoko Kirigiri squealed as the world opened up and swallowed her. Screaming, she dropped through a dark tunnel, bounced off a smooth plastic floor, and came to a stop sitting stunned, her heart pounding. Rubbing her head, she sat up. Where was she?

Swallowing, she stood and looked around. She found herself in a large glass beaker capped with gleaming white machinery. Beyond it lay a gigantic laboratory, its walls and floors all sculpted of the same smooth white plastic. Thin glass cages, like giant test tubes, surrounded her on all sides, connected to the ceiling by a tangle of thick cables, each wide enough for a person to slide through. Studying them, she shivered at the implications. Had she slid down one herself? How was that even possible? She’d just been in the middle of a Class Trial! Was this another one of Monokuma’s stupid games?

As she flung her detective’s mind into another round of queries, a door on the far wall opened with a hiss, and a woman bounced into the room, tail quivering behind her.

Kyoko froze, momentarily unsure what she was looking at. Were they wearing some kind of cosplay? Only as they got closer did she realize the cat ears and tail were real.

“Hi!” said the catgirl, coming to a stop in front of Kyoko’s tank. “I’m Futanari, nya! Thanks for volunteering to take part in my experiment!”

Kyoko blanched. “Experiment?!”

“That’s right! I’m a scienty-est, nya!” With a giggle, the catgirl flapped the tail of her labcoat, inadvertently drawing Kyoko’s eyes to the gigantic bulge protruding from her spandex-clad groin.

Following Kyoko’s eyes, the catgirl giggled. “Oh, don’t mind that, nya. We’ll get to that when we nyeed it. In the meantime, let’s get nyou prepped to take part in the experiment!”

Before Kyoko could say anything more, the catgirl approached a control panel and tapped away at its keyboard.

The floor of the tank flashed, and Kyoko looked down to see a disc of pink light rising from below. Where it passed, her clothing flashed and burnt away like dust under a flame–she squealed and raised her legs, struggling to keep them out of its effect, but all she achieved was delaying the inevitable. The disc continued to rise, steadily vaporizing her clothes, and in seconds she stood as naked as she slept, struggling to conceal her breasts and her privates.

Blushing a deep red, she struggled to keep herself from screaming in horror. “G-give me my clothes back!”

Futanari simply shrugged. “Sowwy, nya, but nyou’ve gotta be nyaked before the experiment can start. Don’t wowwy though, I’m gonna give nyou some nyew clothes soon enough!” Giggling, she turned her attention back to the control panel. “First though, we gotta fix up nyour body! Why don’t we start with a nyice nyew booty, nya?”

Kyoko blinked. “What do you mean? What are you talking about?”

Futanari giggled. “It’ll be easier to show nyou, nya.” With a smug little chuckle, she punched another button on her console.

High above, pink light crackled. Kyoko’s eyes snapped upward, and as she watched, a spark of pink light shot down one of the giant pink cables and came at last to one of the test tubes on the floor. Squealing, a woman dropped into it. Kyoko’s eyes went even wider as she realized who it was.

“Where am I?” cried the new arrival, pounding hard against the glass of the test tube. “Let me out of here!” Her short black hair shook with the fury of her punches.

M-Mukoro Ikusaba, thought Kyoko, swallowing. The Ultimate Soldier. But why would they bring her here?

As if to answer her question, the catgirl flicked her a grin. “I said I was going to show nyou, nya. Boop!” She tapped a button on the console.

Before anyone else could say anything, a bolt of pink lightning dropped from the ceiling of Mukoro’s tank and slammed into her body. She screamed as it struck her, arching her belt and screaming at the sky. In a flash of flame, her clothing disintegrated, and beneath it her skin, revealed, shone slick with fresh sweat. Kyoko couldn’t help but notice how perky her nipples were.

All of a sudden, the Ultimate Soldier’s screams turned… gloopy. As Kyoko watched in horror, her fellow student’s lips stuck together, glued like two pieces of gum. While she struggled to get them apart, a thick glob of liquid flesh fell from her chin, and within seconds Mukoro was melting. Thrashing in fear, she collapsed into a thick puddle of flesh which bubbled and steamed as it cooled, little waves lapping against the glass of the test tube.

Kyoko had to bite her tongue to keep herself from screaming. “What have you done to her?!”

Futanari jiggled. “Nyou’re nyot very patient, nya. Hold tight!” Boop! With another press of a button, a mechanical arm tipped in an enormous needle descended from the ceiling. Phasing straight through the glass of Mukoro’s tank, it stuck its end into the soup and, with a hideous slurping, sucked. When it retracted, Mukoro’s molten form sloshed in the glass of its own tank.

Kyoko watched in horror as the needle shot towards her. “St-stay away!” she cried, pressing herself against the wall of her chamber. “Keep that thing away from–!”

Tendrils of pink light seized her body, wrenching her off the floor and spinning her around till her ass aimed at the ceiling. She squealed, more in embarrassment than horror. “Stoooop! Stooooop!”

Without a pause, the needle slipped straight through the glass of her tank and stabbed into her exposed ass. She screamed as it depressed, and she felt its contents filling her.

After several seconds, the needle pulled out and jabbed her other cheek. Several more seconds of terrible, painful pressure, and with one last schlup, it extracted itself and vanished back towards the ceiling. The pink light dropped her.

Lying there on her front, Kyoko groaned. Her ass felt as if she'd been subject to twenty-four hours of spanking. Moaning, she looked back, and almost screamed at the horror she found behind her: her ass had blown up like a pair of loaves in the oven, and when she grasped her cheeks, an awful pleasure ran through her. She felt so sensitive she wanted to scream.

(Urgh, where am I now? What’s going on? Why do I feel so… fat? Urgh! Hey, stop–stop shaking me you bitch! Let me out! Let me outta here!)

“What have you done to me?!” she cried, struggling back to her feet. Her enormous new rear made it a little difficult, and she soon ended up toppling into the wall of the tank. The impact made her squeal as a jolt of pleasure seared her. Slamming her legs shut, she bit her tongue and tried to focus.

“Given nyou a great nyew ass, nya! Nyou’re going to nyeed one if nyou’re going to be the Ultimate Whore, after all.” She giggled.

Kyoko could only gape. “The Ultimate… Whore?!”

Futanari covered her mouth and laughed. “That’s right, nya! Nyow, what should we do nyext… Hmm… Well, I guess since we’re on the topic of nyour ass, it would make a lot of sense to puff up nyour butthole too, wouldn’t it?” She giggled. “After all, every twintail who sees it is gonna wanna get some use out of it!”

Heart pounding faster with the second, Kyoko slammed her fists against the sides of the tank. “This is insane! Let me out of here!”

The catgirl stuck out her tongue and pulled down her eyes. “How about nyo, nya?” With a giggle, she pulled another button on her console.

Lightning swam down from the pipe again, and another woman landed in the tank opposite Kyoko. “H-hey?!” she cried, leaping instantly to her feet. “What the hell?!” Her ridiculous pigtails shook with frustration as she threw herself at the glass, pounding hard.

“Junko?” Kyoko bit her tongue.

Futanari didn’t give her time for much more than that, unfortunately. A second later, a bolt of lightning struck her head, and Junko screamed as it incinerated her clothing. Wailing in… delight?, she threw herself back against the wall and lay there panting as her flesh began to bubble. Soon, like her sister, she’d started to melt as well.

Kyoko watched, heart thudding in horror, as the Ultimate Fashionista’s beautiful body sank to the floor of the tank as a puddle of simmering flesh. As Futa’s needle descended to extract it, Kyoko hurried to cover her ass. Not again!

Unfortunately, Futanari had thought ahead, and as soon as the needle was done sucking, Kyoko’s tank flashed and wrenched her back up into the air, spinning her around and parting her cheeks to expose her anus. “Stop!” she cried, struggling to slam them shut. “Stooop!”

Gliding across the room, the needle slammed to a stop oh-so-close to her anus, and gave it the tiniest little prick, like a school nurse administering a shot. Delicate as it was, Kyoko felt the pressure in her butthole immediately. Screwing up her eyes, she shook and screamed, kicking madly, as the little hole of her ass blew up like a bagel in the oven, swelling into a fat, round ring of flesh, more like a horse’s than anything human. And the sensitivity… She had to bite her tongue to keep herself from wailing–even the slightest touch of air against her ass made her want to scream in delight.

The needle retracted, and the pink light released her. Collapsing to the floor, Kyoko lay there and moaned, too sore and too sensitive for anything more involved. Her butt felt like someone had wedged a tree up it. And the pleasure… She bit her lip and tried to ignore it.

(Oh fuck, she really injected me into her… I’m an asshole. A literal asshole. It’s… it’s so awful. How could this be worse? It’s the worst situation in the entire world! I want to die, and yet… Oh, the despair! The sweet despair! Nnn~! It feels so good!)

Outside the tank, Futanari giggled. “Oooh, that’s much better, nya. I can’t wait to try it! First things first though, let’s finish off nyour body! What should we do nyext…? Hmmm… Ooo, how about nyour lips?”

“M-my lips?” said Kyoko, instinctively touching them.

“That’s right! Nyou’ll nyeed a nyice big pair of fat ones with all the cock nyou’ll be sucking!”

Kyoko squeaked.

Boop! A few more taps of Futanari’s fingers, and another one of Hope’s Peak Academy’s ultimate students dropped into a test tube. “E-eh? Where am I?” cried a short girl in a kimono. “I was just with Mahiru…” Whirling around, she caught Futanari’s eyes and glared. “Hey! Let me out of here, you stupid bitch!”

Futanari chuckled. “Such a lippy brat. Let’s do something to fix that, nya.” Boop!

Hiyoko screamed as a bolt of lightning struck her, and with a flash of flame, her kimono disintegrated. Falling back onto her ass, she lay there and moaned, eyes trembling as the energy coursed through her flesh, rapidly raising her temperature and libido. With a wild scream, she gave into the latter, and not a second later, her body dripped and started to melt.

Kyoko swallowed, heart pounding, as the Ultimate Traditional Dancer melted into a thick puddle of flesh just like the students before her. Descending from above, the mechanical arm stuck its needle in and sucked her up like the soup she’d become.

As it approached, Kyoko raised her arms to shield herself. Scarcely a second later, the cage’s light grabbed her arms and wrenched them apart, thrusting her face forward and sticking her lips out. The needle jabbed them both without mercy, and she moaned as they started to swell, plumping up fat. By the time the needle was finally empty, her lips looked obscene, blown up so large she could barely see past them. When she tried to speak, all that came out was a wild ‘Mmmphf!’ “Mmmphf!”

(H-help! Help! Let me out of here! Let me out! It feels so weird! Mahiru! Mahiru, help!)

Behind her control panel, Futanari practically fell over laughing. “Nyahahaha! Nyou look so stupid, nya! Oh, but so enticing! I can’t wait to get my cock between those thick pink smackers!” Giggling, she punched a couple more keys. “Nyow, with nyour lips done, I guess it’s time for nyour boobs, isn’t it? After all, the Ultimate Whore needs an enyormous pair of knyockers!”

Trembling, Kyoko looked down at her own petite chest and whimpered at the thought of it blowing up as obscenely as her ass. “Mmmphf!” A second later, she chastised herself–forget herself, which of her friends was Futanari going to abuse this time?!

This time, two of the pipes dangling from the ceiling flashed, and a pair of young women–distinct if very similar in appearance–dropped into the tubes waiting below.

“H-hey? What the hell is going on?!” cried Akane, pounding against the glass.

“K-Kyoko?” cried Aoi, looking horrified. “What’s wrong with you? Where are we? What’s happening?”

“Mmmphf!” Even as she struggled to answer them, lightning dropped and incinerated their clothing. Akane and Aoi both screamed as it coursed through their flesh, making their skin bubble like soup on the hob.

Finally, with one last moan each, they collapsed just like the others, sloughing into two quarter-tanks full of thick, bubbling human soup. The last thing Kyoko saw before their features melted were their eyes rolling back in lust, lost to the ecstasy of their own fates.

Another needle-arm descended from above, and together with its partner, they hurried to suck up the Ultimate Swimmer and Gymnast, slurping them up like a pair of tasty smoothies.

Kyoko flinched as the needles finished their drinkers and turned to her, aimed at her breasts like a pair of perverted mosquitos. “Mmmphf! Mmmphf!” Stay away from me!

This time, they didn’t even bother to move her arms. Instead, the needles simply slipped straight past them and jabbed their tips into the patch of flesh they could reach. Kyoko squealed as an intense pressure formed in her breasts, formed and grew stronger with every passing second.

Eyes trembling, she watched and moaned as the needles depressed, injecting their contents into her. Beneath her hands her boobs grew like balloons on the tap, larger and larger with the second, their thickening flesh pushing away her hands and sliding around her fingers. As her arms disappeared into her own growing curves, Kyoko screwed her eyes tightly closed and moaned at how good it felt. It wasn’t fair that something terrible could feel so amazing.

Finally, with a pair of tiny plops, the needles retracted. Opening her eyes, Kyoko looked down and moaned.

Her chest–her flat, serious chest–was gone. In its place, two enormous beach balls, thick and bouncy as the largest woman in the world’s. Hanging almost all the way down past her waist, they trembled with sensitivity, their every little movement striking her with pang after pang of irresistible pleasure. Her desire to touch them was almost impossible to sate–she wanted nothing more than to dig her hands deep into the flesh, to squeeze and grope herself till pleasure consumed her mind. Only the stubborn desire to resist Futanari kept her from giving in.

(What the fuck is going on?! Why can’t I move?! And why the hell am I so soft and squishy all of a sudden? Nn~! Fuck, I feel so sensitive… Hey! Stop squeezing me! Stop it! Nn~!)

(W-will someone please explain what’s going on?! Why am I so jiggly all of a sudden? And why does it feel so good?! Kyoko…? Kyoko! Stop! Stop touching me like that, please! Nnnn~! Kyoko…!)

Using the glass to support herself, Kyoko fixed the catgirl with a glare. “Mmmphf! Mmmphf!” You’ll pay for this! I promise!

Futanari cocked her head and raised a hand to her ear. “What’s that, nya? Nyou want me to do something for nyour pussy too? Good idea! Hmm, who’d be the most appropriate of nyour friends to stick in nyour cute little cunt… Hmm… Hmm… Ah! I have the perfect idea!” Boop!

Realizing what Futanari had said, Kyoko froze, face blank with horror. St-stick in my sex?

Heart thudding, she moved instinctively backward, as if believing she could walk straight out of the tank. Her ass squishing against the wall only made her moan a little louder.

One of the pipes on the ceiling flashed, a pink spark running all the way down its length to the tank ahead, where, with a petite scream, a cute young woman with brown hair and a flat chest, eyes wide with understandable fear.

“Mmmphf!” Kyoko cried. Chihiro?!

“K-Kyoko?” said Chihiro, struggling to pull down her skirt. “What’s going on? Where–Ahhh?!”

“This one should be entertaining,” said Futanari, licking her lips.


Snapping upright, the Ultimate Programmer screamed as the lightning tore through her clothes and set alight her body, making her entire form shake like it was about to explode.

As Chihiro’s skirt and panties dissolved, Kyoko froze, blinking in surprise. Wh-what? Is that–?

Futanari burst into laughter.

Chihiro’s eyes rolled back in their sockets, and with one last intense moan, she dissolved into another thick pile of goo at the bottom of her tank. As she sat there and steamed, a needle hurried to suck her up.

Luminous arms grabbed Kyoko by the waist and hauled her into the air, flipping her onto her back and spreading her legs to expose her pussy. She squealed, shaking and struggling as the needle carrying Chihiro flew across the room towards her. “Mmmphf! Mmmphf!” Don’t you dare! Don’t you–!

The needle slammed straight into her labia–one jab for each side–and Kyoko screamed as they started to swell, puffing up into a fat pair of lower lips comparable to her upper ones. The change might not have been as noticeable as with her ass and her breasts, but the sensitivity was all but unbearable. As a breeze caught her sex, she snapped upright, squealing in lust, unable to resist the pleasure surging through her. It felt like someone had taken a jackhammer to her pussy.

(Ahhh! Ahh! Ahh! Ah! Nnn~! It’s too much! It’s too much! Make it stop! Kyoko, please, you have to do something! Anything! Just make it stooop!)

As she moaned, the arms released her. Striking the ground with her inflated ass, she lay there and moaned, shuddering with ecstasy. Her body felt so big and sexy, so erogenous, she could barely think. It was like her libido had been turned up to eleven and then given another sharp twist for good measure.

Outside, Futanari giggled. “Well, I think that’s enough bodywork, nya. Well, almost, anyway. All the best hookers have some cool tattoos~. What do nyou think about getting a couple too…?” She chuckled.

Kyoko struggled to stand, the incredible weight of her new body pinning her to the floor. “Mmmphf…” Please, no… “Mmmphf…” No more…

“I’m so glad to hear nyou like it, nya!” boop!

Two more flashes from above, and two more girls dropped screaming into the tanks. This time, each happened to be wearing a beautiful dress.

“Where are we?” said Celestia Ludenberg. “I demand you release me from this awful bottle!” Despite her strong tone, her eyes showed obvious fear. She banged against the glass and shivered, paler than ever.

In the other tube, meanwhile, Sonia Nevermind placed her hands on the glass and trembled. “Please, let us out!”

Futanari giggled. “Don’t worry, nya, nyou’ll be out there sooner rather than later. First, however…” Boop!

Lightning struck Sonia and Celestia’s bodies. Screaming, they shook on their spot, limbs jerking and eyes rolling back in their sockets.

Unlike the others, they didn’t immediately lose their clothing and melt: with a wild moan, Celeste hugged her chest, groaning as her boobs blew up till they were almost bigger than Kyoko’s own. Ripping through her dress, they burst straight into the open, fat and jiggly with nipples like little mountains. Squeezing them, she moaned in ecstasy.

Meanwhile, Sonia underwent a similar change of her own: looking back over her shoulder, she squealed to see her skirt rising as her asscheeks swelled in sync with Celeste’s butt, her enhanced rear lifting up her skirt, while her swelling thighs tore through her thigh-high socks. Squealing, she fought the pleasure to force her skirt down and hide the growth.

Not that it made much of a difference, because a second later her and Celeste’s gowns both vanished in a whoosh of flame, exposing their sweat-slickened skin and enhanced assets both.

Unlike Futanari’s other victims, however, they didn’t melt. At least, not instantly. First their skin turned shinier and shinier, redder and redder–no, pinker and pinker–till they were shining almost as brightly as the lightning coursing through them.

Just as it seemed they might explode, they started to drip like all the others. With one last moan from each, they collapsed in on themselves, sinking to the floor of their chambers as nothing more than a thin pink fluid, glossy and bright. Celeste managed one last wail of panic before her face melted into the goo, and with that, they were silent.

Kyoko watched, trembling in fear, as the two needles stabbed into the tanks and started slurping the pair up like a pair of elephants at a watering hole. Withdrawing, they spun to face Kyoko and zipped across the room to her. She squealed and slammed her eyes shut, expecting the worst.

Once again, her tank’s holographic hands grabbed her by the limbs and lifted her into the air, holding her arms against her sides and her legs together to give the needles access to her front and back both. This time, they came to a stop over her womb and her tailbone, exactly the kind of places you’d expect to see a whore have tattoos. She whimpered.

Working slowly, they jabbed her and jabbed her over and over, a thousand tiny little stings, none too painful on their own, but together… Screwing up her eyes, Kyoko moaned as the needles danced, unable even to shiver for the arms holding her firm. If the needles were working anywhere else, it might almost have been bearable, but it was as if they’d chosen the most sensitive parts of her body to torment–each little jab was like a firecracker exploding in her skin.

As they worked, two designs took shape on her flesh, each painted in bright pink ink: above her butt, a tiny bust of Celestia, with emphasis on bust. The little caricature was almost all boob: two fat breasts in bright pink, with a little head barely visible poking over the hills, eyes wild with lust.

(This… this is obscene! Nnn~! How dare you do this to–Ah! Oh, my… Oh… Oh my… Nnn~! You’ll pay for…Ah!)

Over her womb, meanwhile, the needle painted the poor Ultimate Princess, her regal figure, portrayed with her legs lifted high and her sex fully exposed. Her hands dug deep into the swollen fat of her thighs, while her face showed the delight being trapped this way brought her. Though reduced to a handful of thin pink lines, her identity, and her ecstasy, were as obvious as if she’d been human.

(Nnnnn~! Nnnn~! Ah! Ah! Ah! It feels too good! It feels too good! Somebody, please! Make it stop! Please, before I give in and… Ah!)

As the ink sank into her skin, so too came a terrible feeling. Leaning on the side of the tank, Kyoko screamed as electricity surged from the tattoos, searing her nerves with an orgasmic flame. Clasping the wall of the tank for support, she moaned as her pussy ignited, melting her brain with its desperate new desires. She screwed up her eyes, trembling at the force of them. She… she wanted to be fucked. She wanted to be fucked so badly.

Looking in through the glass, Futanari giggled at the sight of her. “Aw, nyou look so cute and fucky-ble like this, nya! Want me to do nyou nyet?”

Kyoko struggled to her feet, heart pounding. Unable to speak through her swollen new lips, she settled for shaking her head.

“Aw,” said Futa. “Well, don’t worry. Nyou’re nyot quite finished nyet anyway, nya. To start with, we still nyeed to get nyou some clothes!” She tapped the console–two of the pipes above lit up with a spark.

Moments later, two more girls dropped screaming into the tanks waiting below.

“Wh-what’s going on?” cried a long-haired girl in a nurse’s outfit. “Wh-where are we?”

In the tank beside her, a shorter haired girl in a hoodie gripped her backpack’s straps and looked around too, her eyes wide in shock, though she kept her lips closed.

Futa rubbed her bulge with a giggle. “I think these two will look great around nyour hips, nya. Don’t nyou think so?

Kyoko struggled to shake her head, but it was too late: Futanari had barely finished speaking than she slammed the button on her console.

Chiaki Nanami opened her mouth to cry for help and screamed instead as a bolt of lightning struck her, incinerating her clothing and wrenching her naked figure around the chamber like a doll. Bouncing off the wall, she moaned and jerked sideways, her breasts jiggling with the sudden motion.

Slowly, as it pulled by strings, Chiaki floated off the ground and into the air, where her arms snapped apart and curled forward, forming a large ‘O’ in front of her. Her legs, twitching and spasming just the same, bent up to join them, curling in an impossibly flexible manner.

Moaning and thrashing, still struggling to escape the influence restraining her, Chiaki gave one last wild scream of delight… and went silent as her head collapsed into her torso, her entire body flattening out and thinning till all that remained was fabric in the color of her hair. Her limbs thinned, her torso stretched into a triangle, and finally she shrank till she was barely larger than her own head.

At last, the lightning faded, and Chiaki dropped to the floor of the tank, unmoving: a living woman reduced to a simple thong.

As Mikan screamed in terror, a pair of arms extended from above and pulled the new thong out of the tank. Stretching it playfully, it carried across the room to Kyoko, who could only moan as she found herself flipped onto her back once again, her legs seized and forced through the thong’s holes without mercy.

Turning her over, the arms tightened their grip on the new thongs straps and wrenched it up Kyoko’s body so hard she could only scream as it sliced into her ass, cutting between her cheeks like a wire through cheese. As it slipped deep into her crack, fabric digging into her puffed up pussy and anus, she squirmed and moaned, eyes full of pained tears. “Mmmphf! Mmmphf!” Stop! Please! They’re too tight!

One of the arms gave her ass a slap, making her cheeks jiggle in their tight new underwear. This done, they retreated.

(N-no! I’m stuck against Kyoko’s– Nnn~! This shouldn’t feel so good, and yet–! Ah! Nnn~. Someone help me, please!)

Outside, Futanari laughed, while Mikan stared in horror. “They fit nyou so well, nya! Of course, I can’t just leave nyou like this! We nyeed to finish the rest of nyour outfit too! Starting with…” She turned to Mikan.

Catching her gaze, Mikan squealed and backed up, arms raised to shield herself. “N-no! Please, don’t–!”


Arching her back, Mikan screamed as lightning poured into her skull and flowed all the way down her spine, incinerating her nurse’s outfit and snatching her off the ground. Her skin shone as the energy heated up her core, making her screw up her eyes and wail in lust, her sex dripping with fresh juice. “St… Stoo–Mmmphf!”

Her cries cut as her head snapped upward, mouth opened wide, as if preparing for a mother bird to come and stick some food in it. Frozen there, eyes trembling, she nonetheless managed a feeble moan as the tank spun her 90 degrees and slammed her arms against her sides, forcing her legs so tight together you could barely tell the difference.

The lightning flared, earning a fresh moan of horror, and Mikan’s mouth stretched wide and wide and wider, impossibly wide, scrunching up the rest of her face and head and neck around it like a sock.

It wasn’t the only hole growing either: down below, her pussy and her anus fought to exceed it, swelling till they were large enough to admit a lamppost each.

As her holes grew, the rest of Mikan’s body collapsed in on itself, crushed like a can till she was barely a foot in height. Soon her holes had grown so large she was almost entirely hollow, her body reduced to a few millimetres in thickness.

Her skin shimmered in the light and blurred, taking on a new color and texture both: deep blue and rough, with a golden zipper and threads of white fabric poking out from her holes. What remained of her hair spun itself into a belt with a big golden buckle, while extra crevasse: false pockets, useless and aesthetic, formed on her sides and her back.

Finally, the lightning died and Mikan fell to the floor of the chamber. The arms wasted no time in snatching the new hot pants up and carrying them to Kyoko, still floating on her front in the air. She squealed and moaned as they forced her legs inside them, slipping the denim down her length till it reached her ass, where they had to give it a few sharp tugs before they could get her cheeks inside it. Kyoko moaned through every step, squirming at the feeling of her cheeks being squeezed.

In the end, her ass slipped inside with a pop, and with that the arms and the light released her. Kyoko dropped to the ground and lay there panting, gigantic boobs shaking with each labored breath. Her new shorts barely covered even half of her ass: large lumps spilled out of the top, exposing the tight pink wrong wrapped around them and the tramp stamp painted on her tailbone. Lying there, she moaned, body afire with new sensations. She’d never felt quite so good in her life.

(Nnn~! Nnnn~! P-please, make it stop! It’s too much! I feel like I’m going to burst! Someone please help me!)

This time, Futanari didn’t bother to taunt her. Humming to herself in amusement, she simply tapped away merrily, and girl after girl fell from the pipes and into the transmuter tanks: a long-haired idol moaned as her body slimmed into a tight, skimpy, crop-top; a red-haired photographer and a white-haired swordswoman screamed as they shriveled into a pair of fishnet stockings; and a bespectacled writer and a punk musician wailed as their clits grew, their assholes expanded, and their bodies contorted into a pair of dark high heels.

Finally, the pipes stopped flashing, the transmuters stopped humming, and the arms hauled the last of the new clothes over to Kyoko’s body. Squished into her tight new top, her breasts threatening to burst straight out of it, she moaned as they forced her into her new stockings as well, her thigh fat fighting to get through the holes. By the time they got to her heels, however, she’d given up all resistance. What was the point of fighting when the catgirl was in complete control?

Applying her mascara and eye-shadow, the tank released Kyoko’s body–she struck the ground with a click of her new heels against the plasticky floor. Standing there, she could only scream up her eyes and shiver in lust. With her assets squeezed and her womb tattooed, she felt hornier than she ever had in her life. The only thing keeping her from dropping to the floor and fingering herself like a madwoman was a vague spirit of defiance. A spirit that felt weaker and weaker with every passing second.

Giggling, the catgirl tapped a button on her control and approaching, tail quivering in excitement. As she neared Kyoko’s tank, she stroked the crotch of her leotard and it split, allowing her leviathan of a cock to slip out into the open. Springing free of the latex, hard and erect and equipped with a pair of balls like coconuts, it twitched, already firing off little spurts of precum as she approached, licking her lips.

Kyoko shied away, heart pounding, but one glance of the catgirl’s cock was enough to snatch away the little strength remaining to her. The sight… the smell… Those thick, pulsing veins… That whiff of precum… Slipping into her sensorium, it set off a chain reaction in her brain that left her on her knees and drooling, unable to resist her burgeoning pleasure anymore. Her pussy burned, poured, soaking straight through her panties and her shorts to leave a puddle on the floor of the tank. When she breathed out, she actually fogged up the glass.

Coming to a stop just outside the tank, Futa snapped her fingers, and the glass fizzled out of existence as if it were nothing more than a hologram. She stepped inside, cock leading the way like a battering ram.

Appropriately, its arrival crashed through Kyoko’s last vestige of willpower. Pussy alight, she moaned like the whore she’d become and thrust herself forward, desperate to get her lips around Futanari’s shaft. The instant her lips touched it, she spasmed as if shocked–pleasure surged through her form like electricity, setting her every orifice on fire and making her moan through the shaft in her mouth. “Mmmmphf~!” Screwing up her eyes, she squealed and forced her lips down the shaft, shivering at every little vein she felt as they passed under her.

Before she could reach its base, Futanari’s hands grabbed her hair and tugged her forward, slamming her tip into the back of Kyoko’s mouth. She squealed, shuddering in ecstasy, as the intense pleasure of it surged through her, making her sex burn even hotter in the process. Heart pounding, she sucked hard, slurping at Futa’s shaft like a vacuum and licking its length with wild abandon. Each time she felt the slightest twitch, she shivered in ecstasy.

Slipping one hand between her legs, she used the other to grab Futa’s balls and squeeze them; the catgirl gasped. Licking her lips, she giggled in delight, tightened her grip on Kyoko’s hair, and thrust even harder, slamming her cock into her mouth and straight down Kyoko’s throat. The former detective moaned, screwing up her eyes and shivering as the utter ecstasy of it rolled through her like the impact of a bomb. Her body shuddered, boobs and buttcheeks jiggling madly.

Finally, Kyoko felt her mistress’s cock twitching faster and faster, and closed her eyes in anticipation of what was to come.

Drawing back, Futanari sucked in a deep breath, gave one last deep thrust into Kyoko’s mouth, and came with a wild moan. Kyoko felt the surge of semen, hot and salty as anything she’d ever tasted, as it poured into her mouth and filled her cheeks, stretching till she had no choice but to swallow. Still, she wasn’t quick enough: cum poured out of her lips and her nostrils, ruining her make-up.

Pulling out with a sigh of delight, Futanari stepped back and smiled in amusement. “Mmm~, that felt good, nya.” A fat glob of semen dripped from her tip. “Did nyou enjoy it as much as I did?”

Kyoko opened her mouth and immediately slammed it shut as semen started to pour out. Swallowing, she closed her eyes and sighed in delight, absent-mindedly fingering herself at how good it tasted. “Mmmmmf~,” she said at last. “Mmm-mmmphf~.” Her voice came out airy, as if something more important than semen were dripping out of her nostrils.

Futanari giggled. “Nyou might just be a success, nya.”


Biting her lip, Ni poked her head through the doorway, absently catching her twintails on the frame. Satisfied she wasn’t about to be photographed, she slipped fully inside, adjusted her hair, and released a deep breath. Finally, she was here!

Her cock twitched in her hot pants, desperate for her to pull down her fly and free it to have its way with every hole in a quarter mile. Giggling, she patted it playfully. “Nyot nyet, nya. Just hold on a little longer!” It throbbed again, as if to say ‘yes, ma’am’.

Giggling, she bounced on, scanning everything in the club with her eager eyes as she passed. As the foremost brothel-cum-strip club on this side of the Spiral, Double Trouble didn’t fail to disappoint: the air smelled of sweat and semen, and no matter where you looked there were bodies on display. To Ni’s right, a curvaceous redhead spun around a pole, and to her right, a short blonde shook her ass at a crowd of jostling twintails. Up above, a stacked brunette made out with a bottom-heavy milf, and down below, a busty blue-haired girl was offering a night class on advanced calculus.

Passing over the bridge that crossed the Club’s lower floors, Ni finally arrived at the central bar. Slipping into a seat, she tapped the counter with her claw to summon an attendant and slipped a small pouch of bells across the counter. “Hi, I’d like a room with the new girl, nya.”

Grinning, the attendant handed her a card. “Try Room #44, nya. She should be almost done with her current clients.”

With a thanks, Ni hopped off the chair and scurried in the direction of the private rooms, her cock throbbing a little harder with each step.

She arrived just in time to see the door swing open and another catgirl emerged, looking exhausted. “Nyou up nyext?” asked the cat, voice drained. Ni nodded. “I hope nyou packed an energy drink or something.”

Frowning, Ni swiped her card and slipped into the chamber, so pent-up she had to push her cock down to keep it from bursting through her hot pants. It was a failed effort–the instant she looked up and saw the new whore on the bed, her cock snapped up like a spring-loaded rod, tearing straight through her pants and out into the open.

The new girl herself sat in the center of the large, heart-shaped bed, pulling up her shorts and wiping semen off her curves. Catgirls–twintails all–lay on their sides around her, cocks out and limp, still dripping cum. Their chests rose and fell from exhaustion; one dripped, so tired she’d started melting.

Bending down, the whore wrapped her hand around a moaning twintail’s cock and raised it to her lips, where she sucked the cum from its tip as if using a water fountain. Swallowing her latest meal with a shiver, she released her previous guest’s shaft and rolled over to better see her new one’s. The instant her eyes caught Ni’s cock, they filled with lust. She licked her lips–her enormous, swollen lips–and crawled forward, boobs shaking from side to side like a sack of cantaloupes.

Swallowing, Ni took her cock in her hands and stroked it, heart pounding. She was careful not to pump too hard–the way things were going, she’d explode before they even got started.

Slipping off the bed with a series of incredible jiggles, the new whore shuffled over to Ni, her giant lips smacking as she sized up the catgirl’s cock. Ni herself bit her lip as the strength of the lust flowing out of the girl’s brain–it had been forever since she encountered someone so horny.

The new whore came to a stop and, lowering her head, planted her lips on Ni’s dripping tip. Ni slammed her eyes shut and moaned at her touch. It felt way better than it had any right to.

As the catgirl’s lips slid down her tongue, Ni found her thoughts drifting to the other voices in the ether:

E-eh! Eeeh! Not another! Get it off me! Get it off me! Get it ooooooff! As the new whore tightened her grip on Ni’s cock and slurped, this voice degenerate into a series of wordless whines, utterly pathetic. Ni shuddered in delight.

It took only a few seconds more for her to reach orgasm. Pulling out mid-ejaculation, she took her cock in her hands and sprayed the new whore’s face, making sure to get plenty on the trashy slut’s fat lips.

No! Nooo! Stooop! It’s so saaalty!

Ni had barely finished cumming before her cock was hard again. With plenty of time left on her session, she sized up the whore’s breasts and licked her lips. There was no way she’d leave after cumming just once…

Throwing herself onto the bed, she spread her legs, aimed her cock at the ceiling, and pointed at the hooker’s breasts. She didn’t have to say anything–the girl straddled her form with a moan, fat tits in hand, hurrying to wrap them around Ni’s swollen member.

No! No! As her tits tightened on Ni’s cock, two voices sounded from inside them, one from each breast. Pleeease! wailed the first. Please, I have enoooough! Make it stop!

You bastard! cried the other, still fighting furiously to escape. When I get out of here, I’m going to pound you into–Nnn~! H-hey! Stop that! It feels–Nnnn~!

Feeling the whore’s boobs on her shaft and listening to their feeble protests, Ni swiftly came to a second explosive orgasm. With a moan, she threw back her head as her cock sprayed cum like a hose, blasting it all over her partner’s tits and instantly turning their protests to moans.

As the whore pulled away, Ni noticed the symbol tattooed above the girl’s womb. A regal woman posed in the middle of orgasm–her fat thighs spread and her eyes rolling back–it emanated a constant, erotic moan, as if the mind inside had completely lost itself to pleasure.

Nnn~! Fuck her harder! Harder! Stick your cock in her cunt and fuck her haaaaaard! Make her cum! Make her cuuum! Fuck! Fuck!

Giggling, Ni lay back, stroked her cock back to erection, and gestured for the hooker to straddle her. “Go on,” she said. “Show me how tight nyour pussy is, nya.”

The whore didn’t need to be told. With a muffled moan, she pulled down her booty shorts and her thong and flung them aside. They struck the walls and slid down to the floor, where they lay in a sad heap, entangled and afraid.

Ch-Chiaki! You’re all inside me! Nnn~! It feels weird!

Nnnn~! How much longer is this going to last? Someone help us! I can’t take it anymore!

This done, the whore rubbed her exposed privates and clambered back onto the bed. Shuffling over Ni’s body, she spread her legs and lowered her drooling cunt to the sticky tip, waiting to receive it. As it neared her, Ni caught the thin voice emanating from inside.

Make it stop! I don’t want to do this anymore! cried the whore’s pussy, voice tearful. Please, it’s too much! I can’t taaaake it! I–


Ni gasped as the whore’s ultra-tight sex slammed into her shaft, her girth instantly silencing the mind trapped inside it. Plugged tight, they wailed in delight, a thin note of horror cutting through their pleasure.

Grabbing Ni’s breasts for handles, the whore took a breath and started to bounce atop her, slamming her butt into Ni’s thighs and forcing her dripping pussy all the way to the base of her shaft. Balls bouncing with each impact, Ni bit her lip and shuddered. She could already feel the pressure building, bringing her closer and closer to–

“Nnn~! Nyaaah~.”

Pulling out and leaving her partner’s pussy sobbing, Ni sat on the side of the bed and stroked her shaft, eager to get it nice and hard again. She still had enough time left on the card for one triumphant, climactic fucking, and she knew exactly how she planned to use it.

“Show me nyour butt,” she said, grinning at the thought.

With a moan, the whore obeyed her, flipping onto her knees and sticking her butt in Ni’s face. Grinning, Ni clasped it, digging her hands deep into the fat and focusing her senses on the struggling mind inside. Nnn~! Stop touching me like that! Let me out of here, or I’ll–

Pulling the girl’s cheeks apart, Ni instantly slammed them back together, smirking in amusement as the ass’s mind collapsed in a pile of ruined pleasure. Or what, nya?

Her eyes caught the tattoo inked on the girl’s coccyx. Leaning close, she cocked her head and found her tuning into the middle of a furious protest:

–dare they turn me into something so vulgar! I’ll make them pay! I’ll make them pay! …I’ll make them– Every now and then it cut off, punctuated by sobbing.

Smirking, Ni took the girl’s ass in her hands again and spread its cheeks to reveal the plump donut hidden beneath. As she guided her cock towards it, however, she couldn’t help but cock her head in confusion.

Nn~! Nnnn~! It’s so awful! It’s so awful! Nn~! How could it get any worse…? How could it get any better?! Such delicious despair! Nnn~! It’s the greatest thing in the world!

Ni frowned. She guessed this one was already broken. She supposed it made sense though, given where they were… Pulling back, she thrust.


Nnnn~! So awful!

Clasping the whore’s fat cheeks, Ni pulled back and thrust, pulled back and thrust again, slamming her shaft into the hooker’s dirty hole over and over without mercy, making her giant cheeks ripple and clap with each impact.

Nnn~! Nnnn~! It’s so delicious! Harder, harder! Make me suffer moooooore!

Laughing, Ni obliged, slamming her cock into the whore’s plump anus one last, emphatic time, and came with a scream that could probably be heard several rooms away. Semen poured from her cock like a burst water main, filling the whore’s ass and drowning out its voice before blowing backwards to spray her with it too. Seconds passed before Ni finally stopped cumming.

Moaning, Ni pulled out with a sign and slumped sideways, her chest rising and falling as she struggled to regain her breath. “Mom…”

The whore, meanwhile, stood and shook herself off.

She’d barely put her panties back on before the door opened and another twintail poked her head in. “Are nyou almost finished, nya?”

The Ultimate Whore rounded on them with a look of utter thirst.


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