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Hey, everyone! Happy New Year!

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking about what I want to do in 2024, and what I’d like to change going forward. To be upfront, I feel like my writing has started to stagnate. For the past two years, I’ve been devoting more and more of my free time to writing commissions/for Patreon, and less and less to my personal projects (you know, the Big Ideas that are totally going to make me famous). And while writing TF content is still fun, I’m no longer as excited about it as I was a few years ago–I’ve written certain TFs so many times that I’m struggling to even think of new ways to describe them, let alone ways to keep it interesting, and it’s really starting to get to me. I want to take a break and focus on something new.

To be clear, this isn’t a retirement post. It’s unlikely I’ll ever make a formal retirement post, but this certainly isn’t it. What I would like to do is shake things up a little. What does that mean in practice?

To start, some of you may already have noticed my commissions are now closed. (And to be clear, I will 100% be completing all extant commissions–I’m only refusing to take new ones.) I wanted to free up my schedule, and given the choice between closing commissions and closing my Patreon, I hope it’s obvious why I picked the former. I’d like to spend the majority of this new time working on my long-neglected personal projects, but I also want to put a good chunk of it towards Patreon too.

Speaking of, while I would like to put more time into Patreon, I don’t just want to write twice as many poll stories, not when they take forever to put together and inevitably leave half of you disappointed. What I would like to do is focus on more shorter-form content: flashfics, captions, sketches, etc. Especially sketches. I feel like I’m in a bit of a rut as a writer, but I’ve been having more fun drawing than ever. If you guys would like to see more TF pics and short sequences, please let me know, because I’d love to spend more time on them.

As part of the lead up to this announcement, I’ve also been thinking of changes to the channel’s tier structure. I’ve wanted to offer you guys something better for a long time, but there have been two major obstacles: my lack of time to work on things, and my dread fear of promising more than I can provide. Closing commissions has (or will) solve both of these issues, and with them out of the way I’d like to give you all a better deal.

What does that mean exactly? …I don’t really know yet. To start, I’d like to replace the current Countess Captions system with a standard ‘X captions/pics/whatever per month’ system and possibly open a new Princess tier. I’m also thinking of offering a limited number of commission slots to patrons as an explicit benefit, but I don’t know how that would work in practice. I’m going to hash out the specifics over the new couple of weeks as I work through my remaining commissions, and we’ll see where we go from there. In the meantime, if you have any ideas, feedback, complaints, etc, please let me know! I don’t use Patreon as a patron, so I have hard time accessing what’s reasonable as a benefit.

…Thank you for reading all that, and an extra big thanks to all of you for supporting me! As much as I want to change things around, I’ve really enjoyed everything I’ve done with you guys, and I hope we can continue to have fun together going forward!


(For anyone wondering, Ruby’s SLTY New Dress is almost complete and will be uploaded tomorrow! :P)


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