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With the hideous click of some distant lever, the wheels began to spin, slowly at first yet picking up speed with a terrible rapidity till the sound of their turning overwhelmed the prisoners’ screams.

Nami, eyes wide, stared in horror as the loose threads of her toes pulled taut, and, with a soft rrrrip, her feet unwound like old, tattered socks. In seconds, they were little more than string on the rapidly spinning wheel, and the scream rising in her throat finally found its escape.

She wasn’t the only one. Cries filled the air as they all unwound like human spools of thread.

“Stop it! Stop it!” cried Asuka, voice wild.

“Help me!” wailed Aqua, just as desperate.

“Make it stop!” cried someone else. It took Nami a second to realize it was her.

Her collar flashed; her hand jerked. She slammed the button beside her again and again, barely even thinking about what she was doing to the others.

Nor were they thinking about what they were doing to her. As her hand slammed the button over and over, she realized her wheel had started spinning faster. Even as she watched, sweating in terror, the machine finished unwinding her feet and started work on her ankles. In half a minute, it would be on her thighs.

Beads of sweat dripped from Nami’s face. Nomi’s words flashed in her head. She moaned–her heart pounded. Feeling another scream rise in her throat, she pounded the button even faster.

The sound of spinning wheels and clacking buttons and cries of panic filled the torture chamber, bouncing off the walls and rolling back over them. Looking down, Nami moaned as her knees came apart and the wheel started working on her thighs. Her legs–half her legs were gone, reduced to nothing more than orange thread. She almost choked in fear.

High above, the puppet Nomi dangled, mouth jerking in silent laughter.

By now, the unraveling had almost finished Nami’s thighs, and she could feel a terrible tingling in her sex as it felt the pressure too. Nnn~! Screwing up her eyes, she struggled to keep herself from moaning, a struggle that lasted right until the moment the process actually reached her groin, at which point the pleasure became explosive, overwhelming. Giving in, Nami screamed in utter lust.

Around her, the others weren’t faring much better: Yang’s screams of horror broke into moans of ecstasy too as her own pussy started to unravel, and May and Kallen followed shortly behind her.

Nami herself couldn’t take much notice of this, of course. Her mind was too occupied by the fact her sex had been stretched into a single enormous thread and wrapped around a wheel almost as tall as she was. The pressure…! It felt as if she’d been rubbing herself for hours. Madly, she slammed the button. Over and over. But not as fast as some of the others.

Picking up speed, the wheel unwound her lower torso, swiftly unraveling her stomach and hands and coming to her breasts. As it reached them, Nami’s pleasure intensified a thousandfold–just like her sex, she could feel them as they were stretched, feel every inch of their taut new forms as if a pair of hands were groping them all over. She screamed again, losing herself to how good it felt. In the process, she almost forgot about her terror.

In seconds, the machine finished eating her boobs, unwinding them into long strands of thread and slurping it up like so much orange spaghetti. Her arms and shoulders went the same way too, and soon all that remained of her was a head, face flush, eyes rolled back in pleasure.

Out of the corner of her tear-filled eyes, she saw the others: Yang screaming as her own boobs came undone; May and Kallen wailing as theirs started to unspool. No one else was even close to her progress; to her horror, Nami realized she was going to finish first.

No! No! Let it be someone else! Moaning, she tried to push the button more, but she no longer had the limbs to do it. The others pounded madly, and she screamed as her wheel sped up. Spinning apart her neck, it started swiftly on her jaw, giving her just enough time for one last scream before it silenced her forever. For half a second, she stared at the absence of her mouth, silent and terrified, and then, just like that, it unraveled what remained of her head and grabbed her hair to boot. Nami screamed as she shot forward, slung into the embrace of the wheel.

Around her, the world spun so wildly she couldn’t see anything. Her body, draw into a single taut thread, felt so hot she could barely feel anything either. Pleasure coursed up and down her length like electricity through a wire; she wanted to scream in lust, to do anything to air her ecstasy, but all she could do was let the machine weave her.

Threaded into the lascivious arms of the loom, she moaned inside, unable to bear the pleasure, as it wove her like the simple length of fiber she’d become. She had no idea what she was becoming or what of her was going where–her entire body felt as if it had been twisted in on itself, face intermingling with butt and her arms groping her breasts. Pleasure ricocheted down her length, and all she wanted was to give in to it.

With a final, awful clack, the machine stopped, and Nami dropped out of its embrace with a silent scream of ecstasy. She felt so light, so impossibly light, so flimsy. What had they done to her–? What had they done to her–?

A mechanical arm snatched her up and wrapped her around a mannequin. As the fiberglass limbs stretched her holes, Nami screamed in a silent, mindless ecstasy.


Yang stared, heart pounding, as the wheel–and its work–went into reverse. It had just been about to finish unraveling her breasts, and now she watched as it wove them back into existence, rebuilding her vanished nipples like an exquisite tailor repairing a damaged dress.

As the others’ wheels reversed too, the sound of Asuka and Aqua’s tearful moaning cut through her thoughts, and something resembling calm returned to Yang’s brain. She breathed hard, struggling to keep herself from exploding. The machines had stopped. She’d survived, if only barely. But who…?

Sweat dripping, Yang struggled to turn what remained of her body and looked. She could hear Asuka and Aqua, of course. And she could see May… Kallen. Saber. …Nami? Nami?!

Belatedly, she realized one of the wheels was still turning forward. The loom behind it pounded furiously, a pair of mechanical arms twitching up and down and its length over and over. Something was emerging from its mouth, like a piece of paper slipping out of a printer.

As the wheel rewound her stomach back into existence, Yang took a deep breath and struggled to process what she was seeing.

With a final clack, the loom came to a stop, and its arms seized the object in its mouth and wrenched it out: a swimsuit, a one-piece swimsuit, striped, orange and white: milk and tangerines. A stylized pinwheel had been woven into the pattern.

Shaking it out, the machine stretched its holes wide and wrapped it over the body of a dark-haired mannequin with a prominent nose. With that, they retracted, and the loom became still.

Yang stared at this in stunned horror for several moments. Then the wheel respun her sex into existence, and she screamed as all her pent-up pleasure returned in a single, explosive orgasm.

From above, Nomi descended on strings. “Well done, nya! Nyou six did a really great job sacrificing nyour fellow prisoner to save nyour own skins! It does my aching heart good to see such a selfish act!”

Moaning, Aqua burst into fresh tears.

Nomi chuckled. “Well, let’s get moving. We’ve got plenty more depravity to enjoy before the nyight is over, nya!” She vanished into the ceiling, and the door on the far wall opened with a clunk.

As the wheels finished respinning their legs, they came to an abrupt halt, and mechanical arms snipped off the group’s loose threads. A moment later, their cradles rose and snapped open to release them. Yang hit the floor and stumbled, unsteady, unsure whether she even had the strength to continue.

Before she could consider a rest, the room started to shake, dust spilling from the ceiling. Looking up, Yang watched as bricks vanished, snatched away to be used elsewhere. With a single, wordless glance, they all hurried for the exit. Yang tried to avoid looking at Nami as she passed.

“How many times do we have to do this?” cried Asuka, once they were clear.

Saber opened her mouth to reply, and found no words to speak. She looked away, dispirited.

Pressing on, the group reached the end of the corridor. Passing through the door, they found themselves on the stage of an enormous theater, looking up at a mountain of seats.

As they strode onto the stage, something on the far wall of swiveled to face them; Asuka squealed in horror.

An eye. A gigantic eye, bloodshot and pulsing. It took Yang a moment to realize the awful thing was made of glass.

As they stood there in its gaze, terrified it would petrify them or worse, something jerked in one of the theater’s many seats, and the familiar sound of Nomi’s voice filled the air. “Welcome to my private theater, nya.  I’ve invited nyou here to put on a little performance. Don’t mind my guest–” She indicated the eye. “–But, well, do keep them in mind. They’re ever so critical of bad acting, nya.”

She snapped her fingers, and sheets of paper fluttered out of the wings to land at their feet.

“The script,” explained Nomi. “I suggest you hurry up and learn your lines.”

Yang snatched up a sheet and blushed at what she read on it. “Y-you can’t possibly expect us to act out this–.”

Nomi clapped her hands with a wooden clack. “I certainly won’t punish nyour mistakes, but nothing hurts an actor more than the attention of a critic… Allow me to demonstrate, nya.”

She snapped her fingers, and a trapdoor dropped open in the center of the stage, forcing Asuka to step aside with a squeal. From the darkness rose a cage.

“Let me out!” cried the woman inside. “Let me outta here!”

Yang’s heart stopped beating. “Nora?!” she cried.

“Yang!” Furious, dressed in rags like their own, Nora pounded hard against the cage’s bars. “Get me out of here!”

Nomi approached her with a smile. “Let’s start with something simple. Take off nyour top and show me those breasts, nya.”

“Screw you!” replied Nora.

Nomi’s jaw clacked in a harsh laugh. “Well, if nyou don’t want to play along…”

At the top of the seats, the giant glass eye tightened, as if enraged. When it snapped open again, pink light scoured Nora’s cage. She screamed, throwing herself back and clutching her head as her skin turned as wooden as Nomi’s own. With one last moan, she slumped to the ground, silent and unmoving.

“Nora!” cried Yang.

Before Yang could run to Nora’s aid, Nomi flicked her fingers, and the redhead’s body moved again. Supported by five ethereal red strings, she rose into the air.

Yang paled. Nora’s expression of anger was gone, replaced by a simple, painted expression of bliss. Her skin too had changed, turned to smooth, polished wood, and her joints had become simple balls held together by pins.

As they watched, silent and horrified, the puppet Nora slapped her harsh wooden chest with her stupid wooden gloves.

“Oh dear,” said Nomi, “I suppose she still can’t act for nyaught.” Snickering, she snapped, and the cage and what had been Nora dropped back through the trapdoor. It slammed shut with a thud.

Seeing their expressions, Nomi shook, as if in laughter. “Come along nyow, nya. Don’t hesitate! The show begins in, oh, let’s say five minutes.”

Voting time! Vote to decide how the characters perform!

This game has an element of randomness, but the better a character’s acting, the higher their chances of survival. ‘Act Well’ votes will be weighed against ‘Act Poorly’s to determine the quality of each character’s final performance. Characters above a certain score are safe, but everyone below it has a chance to earn the ire of the Critical Eye and suffer a Bad End! At least one character must suffer a Bad End before we can move on, but it could end up being two or even three, so vote wisely!


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