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Danielle hummed to herself as she strolled through the mansion, feather duster flicking in her hand and enormous boobs bouncing in the bodice of her uniform. Reaching the end of the hall, she stopped in the parlor and tapped her chin. Like, what was she supposed to be doing again?

The duster tickled her boobs. Oh! That was, like, right! She was meant to be dusting! Duh! Gawd, she was such a bimbo. With another giggle, she scanned the parlor for dust. It was nigh-spotless, of course, since one of Mistress’s many maids visited it with a duster every half an hour, but she couldn’t disobey her Mistress’s commands, and so after much searching she finally settled on a spot the previous maid had left for her.

Marching over, Danielle bent over, sticking her rear out at the door of the room and allowing her giant boobs to all but fall out of her uniform. She wiggled as she worked, causing her ass and her boobs to swing for side to side in a manner that sent little pulses of pleasure into her groin. Soon enough, she was soaking wet. Not that it really took much.

Finishing her dusting, she stood straight, bit her lip, and looked around. The fire in her groin was growing hotter with the second, forming a stream of sticky fluid that trickled steadily down her leg. In the absence of Mistress or one of her new boyfriends, she needed something to sate herself. But, like, what was she meant to use?

Her eyes caught the handle of the duster in her hand. Duh! She was such an idiot.

Throwing herself into one of Mistress’s many pleather armchairs, she hiked up her skirt and pulled down her panties, exposing the fat pink lips of the vulva hidden beneath. Biting her lip, she thrust her duster’s handle into her hole with a desperate stabbing motion, forcing its thick plastic shaft deep into her depths. Normally, a duster’s handle would have been far too skinny to sate the appetite of someone as thirsty as Danielle, but her Mistress was blessed with the gift of foresight and had provisioned her maids with extra chunky dusters for exactly this purpose.

Throwing back her head, she gripped the duster tighter and worked its fat handle in and out of her pussy with a moan that grew louder with each impact. Slumping back in the chair, she shuddered and sweated, face red and only growing redder. The fire in her groin raged, on the verge of going inferno.

As she pumped, Danielle allowed her mind to drift a little. This wasn’t especially hard, given that her mind was already the mental equivalent of a helium balloon loose in the middle of a cyclone. In this case, her thoughts drifted back to one of their familiar haunts: her previous life, as the Mistress’s former boyfriend.

She only remembered the events thinly, as if they were a film she’d seen long ago and not the events of her own life. David, she’d been called David. She’d had a big, bulky body and a big, bulky co–Oooh~! If she focused hard enough, she could probably have remembered using it, though the thought of cock always made it difficult to think. She wished she could have one in her right now. If only Mistress would invite another boyfriend to the mansion…

As if by fate, her Mistress walked through the door at exactly that moment, boyfriend in tow. “Oh, Danielle,” she said, sounding amused. “Well, I’m glad to see you’re enjoying yourself. If you’d be so kind, would you escort Oliver here to one of the guest bedrooms?”

Danielle leapt to her feet as if she’d been electrocuted. “Yes, Mistress!” Casting her duster aside, she grabbed Oliver by the hand and dragged him to the door. “This way, Master!”

“Oh, Danielle,” called Mistress. “Be sure to keep him entertained, won’t you?”

Pussy gushing, Danielle nodded.


“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Nnn~!” Each time Oliver’s cock slammed into her snatch, Danielle threw back her head and released a little moan. She was burning now, body hotter than ever, ready to ignite and set the world room on fire. “Harder! Harder! Harder! Nnn~!”

Oliver dug his hands into the puddings of her breasts, squeezing till she screamed like some kind of erotic squeaky toy. Laughing, he thrust harder, slamming his cock deep, so deep she practically rippled with the impact. Clinging hard to the bedsheets, she moaned.

Finally, Oliver pulled back and gave one last, almighty push. Danielle screamed; he grunted. Nectar squirted from her pussy; semen spurted from his cock. She fell back, brain on fire, vagina full of cum, and breathed deep, struggling to regain the breath she’d lost. As she did, a round of giggles struck her. Being fucked by a big cock felt gooooood.

She barely noticed her Mistress had joined the two of them in bed, her own curvaceous body on full display and her fingers halfway through a series of signs etched deep into Danielle’s memory.

“Did you enjoy that, Oliver?” asked Mistress, cradling his chin with her free hand. He nodded. “Did you hear how much she enjoyed it?” He nodded again. “How good do you think it would feel to be in her position? To be the dumb slut lying back with her pussy full of semen…? Would you enjoy that, Olivia?”

Eyes dazzled, he nodded, and the Mistress’s fingers completed their spell. Danielle watched, starstruck and horny, as Oliver’s body mass melted away, muscles deflating, face losing all its sharpness, hair lengthening, ass and chest both fattening up. Impressively.

As Olivia smacked her perky new lips and examined herself in Mistress’s hand mirror, the Mistress herself pulled Danielle out of the bed and wrapped something exquisitely familiar around her hips. Its length glimmered, long and purple and hard, in the dull light of the bedroom.

“I’ll leave you to break her in and show her the ropes,” said Mistress, leaning in to give Danielle a quick peck on the cheek. “Be sure to show her all the joys of her new womanhood.”


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