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Saber into Rin’s Sexdoll (Inanimate TF, Fate)

Saber squirmed, struggling to escape the glyphic restraints around her wrists. There was only one spellcaster perverted enough to have done this to her, and she knew exactly who it was. “Cast–!”

Rin stepped into the bedroom. Saber blinked.

“Hello, Saber~,” said Rin, looking down at her with a smile. “Enjoying your new accouterments?”

“Rin?!” Saber could barely speak. “You’re behind this?!”

Rin laughed. “Naturally. I don’t know if you realized this, Saber, but I really enjoyed the fun we had warming up Shirou~.”

Saber went red and turned away. Did Rin really have to remind her about that?

As if in answer, Rin threw herself forward onto Saber’s lap, clambering onto her till they were face to face. Flushing, Saber tried to pull away. Was Rin…? Was Rin going to kiss her?

Smiling, Rin began to unbutton Saber’s blouse, slipping her hands inside it and under her arms to unclasp her bra. Saber bit her tongue, struggling not to squeal as the magus’s hands wrapped around her breasts and squeezed them together till she could only screw up her eyes and moan.

Finally, Rin kissed her. Saber threw back her head and squealed, pussy burning. She–she didn’t want Rin to do this, but she couldn’t deny it was–

“There,” said Rin, pulling away. “The spell is complete.”

Saber blinked. “What spell? What are you–?”

A tremor rolled through her body. She gasped, struggling to bend over and clasp her gut.  What was–what was going on? It felt–it felt as if someone had kicked her in the sheath.

Lowering her eyes, Saber cried out in horror. Even as she stared, Rin brushed away the fabric of her blouse to expose what had been Saber’s belly button. Now it looked more like a cap. A simple plastic cap. And the surrounding skin was beginning to turn shiny…

“R-Rin?!” As Saber stared in utter horror, a wave of glossiness rolled out from her changed belly, leaving her stomach as smooth and shiny as if it were made of plastic. With this change came an accompanying feel, even stranger: a strange emptiness, as if she’d been hollowed out, emptied. “What are you doing to me?”

Rin simply laughed. “Just wait and see~.”

Not that Saber had any choice. Horrified, she stared as the gloss continued to spread up her form. It reached her sex and her breasts at roughly the same time, which was unfortunate, because it felt like someone taking jumper cables to her nervous system. “Nn~!” Throwing back her head, Saber spluttered and gasped as her boobs and labia expanded, the former exploding into a fat pair of balloons, perfectly round, and the latter puffing into a plump ‘O’ of flesh, bright pink. Both sent shockwaves of pleasure rolling through her flesh till she could only try to scream in utter ecstasy.

As her butt swelled too, lifting her up on her fattening cheeks, the wave of plasticity rolled onward, smoothing out her shoulders and plumping up her thighs. As it flowed down her limbs, Saber found them moving on their own accord, stretching wide and freezing that way, like she wanted someone to give her a hug. Rin was happy to oblige. “Mmm~, thank you, Saber~.” Finally, the gloss reached her hands and her feet, where her digits hugged each other tightly too, before fusing into a single lump of shiny flesh at the ends of each of her limbs. Saber stared in horror. How was she supposed to hold a sword like this?!

With the rest of her body finished, the magic finally turned its attention to her head, rising steadily up her neck and lapping at the edge of her lips. Realizing what was about to happen, Saber drew in breath for one last scream, but she never got the chance to make it. Before her eyes, her lips plumped into a single fat ring. Then the magic rolled over said eyes, reducing them to empty facsimiles.

Saber could only sit there, squirming inside.

Face red, Rin leaned in close. “Finally,” she said, stripping off her own clothes. “Now I can have you all to myself.”

Her pussy crashed into Saber’s plumper one. A scream of lust echoed through the King of Knights’ head.

Meet the Meat (Inanimate TF)

Miyuki groaned as her chubby body swung left and right. Caught in a harness of plasticky ropes dangling from a hook which was itself trundling along a rail on the factory ceiling, groan was the least she could do in her situation. Where were they taking her?

With a hiss, a door opened before her, and she found herself thrust into a sleek white room that smelled faintly of soap. As the entrance snapped shut behind her, several mechanical nozzles emerged from the walls. They looked up her up and down and, just as she thought they were going to probe her, disappeared. She sighed in relief.

Then the lasers came for her clothes.

As her school uniform fell away in tatters, Miyuki screamed and shook and pleaded desperately for someone to help her. It wasn’t fair–it wasn’t supposed to be like this! She was supposed to be the class president, not just a… not just a piece of meat!

They cut away her underwear next, freeing her generous boobs to bounce as she swung. Next emerged several jets, which promptly sprayed her with a blast of what she could only assume was soap. She closed up her eyes and tried to pull away, without success.

As the jets disappeared, a set of fans replaced them. Miyuki squealed as they blasted her with hot air, making her hair fly back and her skin feel like it was cooking. Finally, the far door opened, and the hook hauled her on into another chamber. This one was pink, with a long, throbbing pointer dangling from the ceiling. It lit up as she entered.

“No! Nonono! Not like this–! Not like–!”

The pointer’s beam struck her with an insidious zap. Miyuki screamed and thrashed, but all she accomplished was making herself swing from side to side a little. “Nooo!”

As the pointer worked its magic on her, she felt her muscles losing their strength, her body losing its ability to move entirely. She squealed and fought harder, but this only seemed to speed the process up. Soon, she could barely move at all. And then, she couldn’t even do that.

A wave of pinkness rolled over her flesh, and with it came a smell like… like… pork?

Realization struck her in a single horrifying instant. No! Nonono! I don’t wanna be meat! I don’t wanna be meeeeeeat!

The hook released her. She dropped through a hatch, down a large tube, and landed on a plate. A catgirl with a knife and a fork looked down at her and licked her lips.

No! Nononono!

Miyuki screamed as the Bakeneko sliced into her.

The Mud Pits  (Tentacles, Sensory Deprivation Pit)

Mindy exited the changing room with the expression of a pertinent approaching church. Before her, between the smooth white tiles and exquisitely-potted plants, lay the spa’s infamous mud baths, large and brown and steaming like… well, she didn’t want to make the comparison.

Hugging her towel to her chest, Mindy approached, footsteps cautious.

One of the attendants, seeing her hesitance, hurried over. “Hello,” she said, all cheery smiles and sunshine. “Is this your first time here?”

Mindy swallowed, then nodded. “My… my mom booked me an appointment as a birthday gift,” she said with a nervous laughter. The second the words were out of her mouth, she regretted it. Why was she admitting she hadn’t paid herself? Did she want them to think she was some kind of childish freeloader?

If the attendant cared, she showed no sign of it. “Why don’t you let me help you into the pit?” she said, gesturing towards the closest.

“Don’t you mean the bath?” asked Mindy.

“We prefer the term ‘pit’,” replied the attendant, smile sickly.

“O-oh, oh. Of course,” said Mindy.

The attendant held out her hand to take Mindy’s towel and–after another moment of hesitation, Mindy removed it. Her face flushed as the attendant looked here up and down. “My, the pit is just going to love you.”

“E-excuse me?” said Mindy.

“Oh, nothing.” the attendant beamed. “Oh, before you get in, here’s one of the complimentary candies we offer all our guests.” She passed Mindy a little boiled candy. “For you to enjoy while you’re relaxing.”

“Oh, um, thanks,” said Mindy. She plopped the candy into her mouth without a thought. It tasted strangely savory. She was reminded of mince.

As Mindy sucked on the little treat, the attendant took her hand and helped her descend the into the mud pit. She shuddered at the feeling of the sloppy substance touching her–it was shocking warm, like… like a hot chocolate pudding. Her body tingled as it slipped slowly inside.

Yet, strangely, by the time she was in up to her shoulders, she could barely feel it anymore. It was as if her entire body had gone numb. It didn’t feel bad though, more… relaxing? Perhaps that was the pits’ intended effect?

Placing her arms on the sides of the pit to keep herself above the surface–she couldn’t feel anything in her feet, least of all the bottom–she suckled on the candy and threw a confused glance at the attendant. “Now what?”

“Now you just sit back and relax,” said the attendant, clapping her hands. “The pit should start working its magic momentarily.” And with that, she bounced away.

The word of this last part left Mindy a little confused, but she ignored it and closed her eyes and tried to focus on relaxing. The candy in her mouth tasted nice, and the mud all around her was lovely and warm, even if she didn’t quite understand the appeal yet. She could feel it moving as she lay there, feel it shifting, rising and falling, as if someone were stirring it. She wondered if that were a side effect of its heat.

Resting her head on her towel, Mindy lay there and frowned. She had to admit it felt nice, but she really didn’t get the appeal.


Half an hour later, the candy finally dissolved. Swallowing the last of its sweet liquid, Mindy sighed. Maybe she should have tried the acupunc–

It was as if twenty-four hours of the roughest sex anyone had ever experienced had occurred instantly. In a single moment, so brief you couldn’t even comprehend it, Mindy’s holes went from fresh to ravaged, so raw she could have screamed at the sensation of their use. At the same time, pleasure roared through her nerves in amounts no human being was ever supposed to experience. Like a tsunami, it crashed into the barriers of her brain and demolished it, washing away all coherent thought in a flood of sheer, unadulterated ecstasy. And so she did scream, throwing back her head and wailing incoherently as her entire body shook with the force of a thousand unfelt impacts finally catching up with her.

Eyes rolling back in their sockets, drool pouring out of her mouth, she slumped, mindless, into the mud and sank. It released one last bubble, like a burp, then was still.

The attendant arrived a minute later to collect her towel.

Pokégirls into Sextoys for Sabrina (Inanimate TF, Pokémon)

Sabrina smiled as she stepped into the room, a dildo in one hand and a buttplug in the other. “Which do you think I should use first?” she asked, thrusting them forward. “The brunette or the girl with blue hair? What do you think?”

Misty struggled to pull away, but Sabrina’s telekinesis kept her bound to her chair.

“Come on,” said Sabrina, “you must have some preference.” She pushed the sextoys a little closer.

Misty wanted to close her eyes or look away or do anything to avoid the awful sight filling her vision, but the form of the toys filling her eyes was undeniable as anything. The dildo had May’s horrified face, while the buttplug had Dawn’s terrified eyes. Misty simply shook her head feebly.

“Still can’t decide, huh?” said Sabrina. “Well, I guess I’ll have to try a third option…” and with an evil smile, she snapped her fingers.

Misty found herself forced upright, hands slammed against her sides and her feet held tightly together. As she struggled to escape, a terrible pressure assaulted her, as if a giant’s hands were squeezed her between them. She screamed, but her voice soon cut out as her lips slammed together, and her entire face flattened as if crushed beneath a press.

The invisible hands or Sabrina’s power continued to squish and sculpt her victim, rolling her into a tight cylinder and shaping her head into a rounded cap. Finally, she pinched Misty’s clit, sending a bolt of pleasure rolling through her, and stretched it into a long, hard switch. Only then did she release her.

Falling to the floor with a groan, Misty lay there frozen and in ecstasy, wishing she could scream to let out some of the pressure assaulting her.

With a flick of her finger, Sabrina snatched her up. “Perfect,” she said, flicking Misty’s switch.

Misty’s form started to buzz like a hive of angry bees, each tiny motion striking her with a fresh bolt of ecstasy. St-Stop! Stop! Turn me oooooof…!

She could only scream as Sabrina lowered her to her clit.

Totally Spies into Mandy’s Computer Files (Inanimate TF, Totally Spies)

“Clover! I can’t believe you’ve done this to us!”

“Hey! It wasn’t my fault that stupid ray gun had the power to zap us into a computer!”

“Once we told you not to touch it, it was!”

Sitting back against the wall of the monitor that had come to serve as their prison cell, the three spies sighed. At least this couldn’t get any worse, right?

The door swung open; Mandy stepped into the room.

Sam and Alex turned to Clover in unison. “Clover, please tell me this isn’t her room?”

Clover swallowed. “Er…”

What do we do now?” cried Alex, watching as Mandy threw off her jacket and approached the computer.

“Hide!” cried Sam, throwing herself into a folder. The others copied her.

Throwing herself into her chair, Mandy sat back with a sigh, opened Chrome, typed in Bing, and used it to search for Google. From here, she accessed Facebook and began scrolling through her timeline.

“What’s she even doing?” said Clover, poking her head out from behind her folder.

No sooner had Clover spoken up than Mandy’s eyes snapped to her. “Urgh, what’s this?” she asked, sending the cursor flying towards it. Clover squeaked and dived out of the way, but she couldn’t stop the cursor from grabbing her folder and hoisting it into the air. “Is this some kind of spam?” Mandy asked, shaking Clover from side to side.

“L-l-let go of me!” Clover’s eyes spun.

In the end, Mandy simply shrugged. “Well, whatever.” And without another word, she tossed Clover and her folder straight into recycling.

“G-Guys? Wh-what happens if I get delete–AAHHH!” Clover screamed in what might have been shock or might have been pleasure as she and the folder she was in dissolved into a formless cloud of pixels. Sam and Alex watched in horror.


“Oh, hey, there’s another one,” said Mandy, turning the cursor’s attention on Sam. “Who installed all these files on my laptop?”

Sam froze as the cursor seized her folder. “N-no! Stay away!” She screamed as it hauled her away, towards the inevitable void of the recycling bin. “No! Wait! Mandy, st–AIIIIII!” Her cries of terror became a moan of utter lust as she struck the bin and disintegrated into rapidly dissolving pixels.

“Sam!” cried Alex. She wanted to leap to her feet and run to her friends’ aid, but no sooner had she stuck her head out of the box than the cursor turned its attention to her. She struggled to move, images of her friends’ fates flashing rapidly through her mind. “W-w-wait–!”

“Just one more!” said Mandy, happily. “Once I delete this, my computer should run so much faster! Especially if I install a few new toolbars!”

Her cursor caught Alex’s folder. Alex screamed as it flung her towards the bin. “No! No! Not like this! Not like–!”

Striking it, she vanished, snuffed out like a candle flame.

“Much better,” said Mandy, right-clicking to empty the bin.

Ina Eats Gura and Turns Her into Ass Fat (Vore, Absorption, Hololive)

Closing the door behind her, Gawr Gura stepped into the studio with a frown. “Ina? You wanted to see me?”

“Oh heeeey, Gura.” Ina turned away from her screen with a smile on her face, leaving chat to fill with grinning emojis behind her. “Interested in doing a little impromptu collab?”

“A collab?” asked Gura, bouncing over with a grin. “Sure! What are you thinking of?”

Ina smiled wider than Gura had ever seen. “Just hold still for ooone second.”

“Er, okay, sure, what exactly are you going to–H-hey!”

As Gura watched in horror, Ina’s mouth stretched impossibly, inhumanely wide and dropped towards her like a giant, tooth-filled meteor. Gura, frozen in shock, was too stunned to pull away. All she could do was stand there and screamed as Ina’s plump lips wrapped around her and slurped her between them. In an instant, everything went hot and dark and wet.

Screaming in horror, Gura pounded on the walls of Ina’s swollen cheeks as she slid slowly down the slide of her tongue and down the awful, meat-walled tunnel of her throat. It closed around her, sneezing tight. Gura struggled to breathe–the air stunk.

A second later, a hole opened beneath her, and Gura dropped into a small fleshly sac which clung tight around her. Only as her skin started to sting, clothes slowly dissolving, did she realize where she was.

“No! No!” she cried, pounding at the walls of Ina’s stomach. “Ina! Let me out!” With every second, it became harder to fight. “Let me out…”


Gura woke to a terrible weight on her shoulders and an awful pressure on her face. It felt as if she’d been pressed into a bag with a stone block on her head. Groaning, she strained to move, but the weight on her body was too great to escape. The best she could do was make herself jiggle a little.

A familiar chuckling caught her ears. “Looks like someone’s finally woken up. What should I do with her first, Chat?”

The pressure on Gura’s face vanished, and she found herself spun around. When she came to a stop, the two halves of her strangely swollen body smacked together with an audible clap.

When she regained her focus, she found her staring at Ina’s screens. Her Chat was filled with lewd messages, one of which they repeated over and over and over: “Shark butt, shark butt, shark butt, shark butt…”

Realization came slowly.

“Why don’t we start with a little massage?” said Ina, hands digging deep into Gura’s face. “After that, I’ve got plenty of other fun stuff planned~.”


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