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RWBY Fusion

“Oooh, what is that?” said Ruby, examining the vial with a grin.

That,” said Weiss, snatching it out of Ruby’s grip, “is a vial of very expensive, highly experimental Dust, and you are not to touch it or play around with it at all, is that understood?”

“Awww.” Ruby slumped. “What the point of Dust if you can’t use it?”

“What’s it supposed to do anyway?” said Yang, grabbing the vial from Weiss’s hands.

“Hey, give that back! I told you, it’s experimental. We don’t know what it does.”

Leaning down from her bunk, Blake pinched the vial from Weiss’s fingers. “It doesn’t look like any Dust I’ve ever seen.”

“That’s because it’s experimental! What part of that are you not getting?” Snatching the vial back, Weiss held it tightly to her chest. “It’s new and expensive and highly unstable, and only one person is qualified to guard it, understand?”

“Who’s that?” asked Ruby.

“Me,” said Weiss, smugly. “Obv–woah!” Tripping on the carpet, she slammed straight into the ground. The Dust exploded in a flash of pink smoke.

Ruby–and the rest of the Team–screamed as it rolled over them. Raising her hands to shield her face, she coughed as it crashed into her. Where it touched her skin, the Dust made her tingle, body rapidly heating up. Within seconds, she was sweating all over.

“Nn~! Guys… are you…” Ruby screwed up her eyes. “Are you feeling as hot as I am?”

“Yeah,” said Yang, hurriedly throwing off her jacket

“Hey, what are you doing?” Weiss cried, staring at Blake, who’d just finished unhooking her bra.

“Taking this off before I melt!” Blake snapped. “Your stupid Dust is burning me up.”

Soon enough, the rest of the Team found themselves copying her approach. The heat refused to abate–if anything, it grew worse.

Seeing her teammates standing there naked, red-faced and panting, Ruby found a different kind of heat welling down below. “Weiss…” she moaned, stumbling forward hungrily.

“Hey, get away! Don’t–Mmmphf!” The two fell to the floor, entangled.

As Ruby wrapped her lips around Weiss’s nipple, someone crashed into her back and wrapped their arms around her breasts. “Nnn~!” Blake? Barely a second later, someone else slammed into her, digging their arms into her ass.

For several seconds, the four lay there in a pile, writhing and squirming, entangled, sweaty flesh smacking against sweaty flesh. With every second, Ruby felt herself and her friends closer and closer, as if they were melting together. She would have panicked, but it just felt so good.

Slowly, the heat in her groin grew, hotter and hotter, till it was all but unbearable. But just as she was about to cum, she found she couldn’t move at all. Snapping back to something like sanity, she looked around in shock in. Where am I–? What’s going on? It felt as if she were trapped between two enormous pillars of flesh. And her mouth felt so wet… Urgh! It was like she’d vomited juice.

Urgh… What’s going on? came Weiss’s voice, from above. Why do I feel so heavy?

Nn~! Me too! cried Yang. It’s like I’m abseiling with a backpack full of rocks!

Guys? cried Ruby. Where are you? …Where’s Blake?

Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Blake’s voice came from just behind her. Urgh! I feel so swollen! And my mouth, it’s like I’ve a swallowed a log of–

“This…” said a new voice, “...is interesting.”

Ruby’s new world lurched, carrying her towards the room’s mirror. In it stood the largest and most beautiful woman Ruby had ever seen. She had all their best features: Yang’s hair and bust, Blake’s hips and butt, Ruby’s silver eyes, Weiss’s… charisma.

Between her legs, her pussy dripped, its pubic hair thick and brown with a faint hint of red.

Oh no, thought Ruby, as the woman’s fingers neared her.


Strolling into the company kitchen, Asuka paused mid-way to the fridge to frown. What was that thing?

Sitting on the counter was an enormous, boxy machine, bright pink and plastic. It looked a little like a toaster and a little like an oven, but so large you could have fit a small woman inside.

A small woman herself, Asuka was instantly curious. She gave it a look around and found an explanation taped to the cupboard above it. “Autobakery?” she said. “What, like a fancy bread machine? Is this what the company spends money on instead of raises?”

With a sigh, she gave the machine a curious poke. How did you even make this thing work? It had so many buttons she had no idea where to start.

Feeling confident, she started punching them at random. What was the worst that could happen? It was only a bread machine.

Click! Pssss. With a hiss of steam, a hatch on the side of the machine snapped open, exposing its complex mechanical innards. Asuka couldn’t help but peer inside. “Isn’t this a little complicated for a bread ma–?”

A pair of robot hands with giant cartoon mitts burst out of the machine and grabbed her by the waist. “Hey!” she cried as they tugged her towards the hatch. “Get off me, you Mickey Mouse-looking regrets!”

Flail as she might, she couldn’t escape. Soon enough, she found herself in the dark of the machine, and which a schunk the hatch slamming behind her.

Trapped in the darkness, unable to escape the hands’ grip, Asuka thrashed as the machine whirred into life around her. Gears turned, lights flared, and nozzles sprayed her all over, leaving her wet and sticky and gross. “EW! Urgh! What is this?”

Looking down, she shrieked to find her business casual melting, running away through the grill in the floor and exposing her naked, sweating body.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the nozzle then sprayed her again. Asuka screamed as her body started to feel slimy. “Stop it! What are you doing to me?”

As she struggled, the hands tightened their grip. Like a piece of clay, they molded her, silencing her cries as her mouth slammed into her thighs. “Mmmphf! Mmmphf!”

Over and over they turned her and rolled her, till she was a perfect sphere of flesh in their hands. This, they took and slammed into a tray. Asuka moaned, but she didn’t have the strength to escape it.

With a whirring and a juddering, the machine began to heat up. Asuka moaned inside as the heat permeated her flesh, accompanied by an inevitable wash of pleasure. Nnn~! Oh God. It felt as if those giant hands had a thumb in her vagina.

As she heated up, Asuka found herself swelling, her body buoyed by the pleasure and the heat. She wanted to scream in lust, but she no longer had the mouth for it. All she could do was sit there and moan inside, hoping that, if nothing else, her torture would soon be over.

With a ding, the hatch snapped over, and the hands ushered Asuka out. Lying there on the counter, she steamed in silent lust.

“Hey!” said one of her coworkers. “Fresh bread!”

Asuka whimpered. Help me! I don’t wanna be bread!

Theiamillis into Bikini

Theiamillis writhed in the sticky confines of the web as the catgirl crawled towards her like a particularly feline spider. “Get away from me!”

“Fufufu,” said the catgirl, coming to a stop and brushing a lock of long black hair out of her eyes. “I’ve got nyou nyow, my pretty. What shall I make of nyou, hmmm? What would be pretty and novel and most of all: un-kitschy? Hmmm… Oh! I know! How about a nyice, sexy swimsuit~? Nyou’d look great as one of them, wouldn’t nyou, nya?”

As it happened, the giant web was suspended over the beach, so this selection of accouterment was more than appropriate for many reasons.

Theiamillis didn’t understand what was happening. One moment, she’d been sunbathing, the next she’d been slung into the air and pinned to this strange web like a fly. “Get away!”

“First, let’s get nyou out of those tacky clothes,” said the catgirl. She raised a single claw and flicked it ever so lightly in Theia’s direction.

Snick! Snick! Theia’s bikini top and bottom split and fluttered away like leaves on the wind. Squealing, she struggled to cover herself, but the sticky web clung tight to her limbs.

“Fufufu,” said the catgirl, reaching into her chest, “and nyow for the main course~.” Licking her lips, she pulled out a long black wand and spun it round her finger. Its tip sparking pink, she promptly turned it on Theia. “Saaaaay ‘aaaaaaaiiiiiiiii’!”


Theia screamed. “Aaaaaaaiiiiiiiii!” Arcs of pinkish lightning danced over her form and zipped between her limbs. Where they touched, her body tingled–she felt a strange, erotic heat.

As Theia thrashed, struggling to escape the web, she found her limbs rapidly losing their strength, till at last she could barely move them at all.

No, wait. It was her losing strength–it was like someone was gripping them, like some cosmic puppeteer had seized her body and were moving it against her will. Struggling to resist it, she found her arms curling at an unnatural angle to meet up behind her, while her legs did something similar down below. By the time they stopped, it looked like she was hugging a tree with all four limbs… only, like, backward.

As she unwillingly tightened her grip, the rest of her body trembled, and she found her flesh becoming as smooth and malleable as clay. Her limbs shrank, shrivelling into straps, while her head sank into her chest, throwing her vision into the dark.

When it returned, she found she had an excellent view of her breasts… and was just in time to watch them inflate like a pair of balloons. She would have squeaked, if she’d still had a mouth, but as it was she could only stare.

“Well, we have to make sure nyou’re big enough,” said the catgirl, smugly.

After a scarily long time, her boobs stopped growing, and her body collapsed in on itself, hollowing out and flattening till at last that remaining of her swollen chest were a pair of giant cups. Her stomach shivered and split, slice in half, and finally her skin shimmered before turning a pure alabaster white. Ribbons and frills, all a deep, royal blue, sprouted all over her, and with that the lightning ceased with a zzzip.

Looking down at her, Theiamillis whimpered. Where her once perfect body had been lay a skimpy bikini, white and ribboned and frilled.

Lowering her wand, the catgirl looked her over with a sigh. “On second thought, nyou’re two fancy for my tastes, nya. Reminds me of a wedding cake. Urgh.” With a flick of her wand, she cast Theia from the web to the beach below. “I’ll just let some human claim nyou.”

Landing on the sand, Theia lay there and trembled. What would happen to her now?

“Oooh~,” said a familiar voice. “What a pretty bikini. Why would someone just leave it around?”

Kiriha loomed into view above her. Theia couldn’t help but notice the size of her bust and hips. No! No! Stay back! Stay back…!

Mabel Makes Pacifica the Butt of the Joke

“Gosh, I sure love being of age and getting to do lots of adult stuff” said Mabel, slurping greedily at a juice carton as she slid down the playground’s slide.

A round of smug laughter cut through the more pleasant sounds of the park. “Well, well, well, if it little isn’t little Mabel…” Pacifica paused, forced to reevaluate her statement. The current Mabel was many things, but ‘little’ was not one of them. She had an ass larger than most armchairs to start.

“What’s the matter, Pacifica?” she said, turning and wiggling it at her. “Looks like someone’s a little desperate~. What’s the matter? Want me to put my butt in your face… butt-face? Ahaha.”

Folding her arms, Pacifica looked away, blushing a deep red. “As if I’d ever–”

Mabel hiked up her skirt, revealing the bare face of her as, and wiggled it so that her cheeks clapped together nosily. “C’mon, Pacifica, you know you want it. Just imagine how comfy you’ll feel nestled in my crack.” She snorted.

Like an ant who’s looked up and found the moon poised to crush her, Pacifica stood there, eyes wide. Swallowing, she crossed her legs. “Sit on me…”

Mabel blinked. “Wait, really–?”

“Sit on me!”

Mabel snorted. “Okay, if that’s what you want!” She took a step back, wiggling her butt face in Pacifica’s face. “Kneel down or something then, will ya?”

Pussy burning, Pacifica dropped to her kneels and looked up like a supplicant.

“On the count of three!” said Mabel, giggling. “One… Two…”

“Just do it already! Jeez!”

“Okay, okay! Here goes nothing!” Rolling her eyes, Mabel allowed herself to tip back.

Pacifica watched, frozen in ecstasy and fear, as the twin moons of Mabel’s ass filled her sky, growing larger and larger, until at long last–


She slipped into their crack like a credit card into a reader.

“Nn~! Oh my God!” Mabel’s voice came thick and heady, muffled by the overflowing fat of her overgenerous rear. Trapped between its cheeks, her head wedged in the fleshy pit between them, Pacifica squirmed and screwed up her eyes as she felt herself slipping deeper.

Heart pounding, skin slick with sweat, she struggled to slip her fingers between her legs and tickle her pouring pussy. “Mabel~. Mabel~. Nnn~!” She screamed so loud she made Mabel’s ass shake.

“W-woah… Hey! Calm down in there! I haven’t got you in yet! Nn~!”

Through the haze of her pleasure, Pacifica felt Mabel’s cheeks begin to move, opening and closing on her body like a pair of swollen lips as their worker struggled to work her ass-meal through them.

“Nn~! Nnnn~! Nnnn~! OH MY GOOOOSH!”

Finally, with a pop, Pacifica passed through. Falling back, Mabel struck the ground with a smack and sat there panting in delight as her butt and pulsed and throbbed beneath her.

Looking back, she giggled as it swelled, teasingly groping a bunch of the fresh fat. “Now you’re a real butt-face.”

Her ass shook as if in laughter.

Reader into MEME Doll

You’re sitting at your computer, one hand in your pants and the other rhythmically tapping the armrest, when the video of the girl with blue hair takes over your screen.

Snapping upright, you blink in shock, wondering what the hell you’re even looking at. It takes you a second to realize you’ve seen the girl before: with her long blue hair and generous figure, it’s impossible for her to be anyone but the MEME girl from that one Animator Expo short. …But why is she on your screen?

As you go to grab the mouse, the girl on the screen wags her finger disapprovingly, and you find your arm stiffening, caught mid-grab. As your eyes widen in shock, MEME spreads her arms to give you a hug, and you spread your own as if to hug her back.

Heart pounding, you struggle to close them, but you have little power to do anything but watch as MEME throws herself back and opens her slender legs too. Pulling them up, you spread your own, sides bashing against the armrests of your chair.

Sitting there, unable to move and dripping sweat, you watch as MEME leaps to her feet and runs her delicate hands through her hair. Long locks of the stuff rain over her sight–you wish you could brush it aside or do anything other than stare at it.

Giggling, MEME, now joined by two of her clones, takes her–their–hands and runs them over her face. You feel fingers on your own, and when you catch your reflection in the screen’s next flash of black you see not yourself, but another blue-haired clone.

With a cute little grin, MEME places her hands on her shoulders. You grunt as your own are forced in with an audible crack. Now they all massage their thighs, and you feel your own inflating, blessed with fat. Downward, downward, their hands dance towards her feet, and when she touches them, you feel your own toes slenderize, shrink.

Next, the MEMEs–there are dozens of them now–twirl and stick their ass out at the cameras, wiggling them in your face before reaching back and grabbing them. You gasp as they seize their cheeks and grope them; you can feel their fingers on your own, you moan to find yourself rising.

Squeezing in your waist, the MEMEs turn their attention to your chest, and while you squirm and strain and wiggle to escape, nothing you do can stop them from groping their giant breasts and giving you a pair of your own. Their blossom without restraint, tearing straight your shirt to jiggle freely in the air. The slightest motion strikes you with enviable pangs of pleasure.

Now the MEMEs take their hands and stick their fingers in their pants, making you scream as your cock hardens, straining desperately to escape your underwear. Just as you think it can’t get any harder, it collapses, as if the MEMEs have pushed into your crotch. The slit it leaves behind tingles intensely–you want nothing more than to stick your fingers in.

Seizing their tops, the MEMEs fling them away with wild abandon, and in the same instant your own clothes vanish. Looking down at yourself, all you can do is state: at the mountains of your breasts, at your slender arms, fat thighs and dripping pussy.

The MEMEs on the screen laugh. What are they going to do to you next? In answer, they drop to the ground, arms and legs spread like your own and with a flicker, they’re gone, replaced a horde of matching MEME sexdolls.

You pale, you sweat. Your heart pounds intensely. You want to leap to your feet and escape, but alas all you can only watch as a wave of lightness flows through you. It pumps up your lips and turns your hair to plastic; it plants a cap on your belly and bloats your breasts like fat balloons. Seams stitch their way up your arms and your legs, while your fingers and toes fuse into rigid lumps of rubber flesh.

Between your legs, your slick new hole trembles and fattens, rounded like a donut. Finally, you blink, and on the screen your eyes vanish, replaced by two cartoon facsimiles, big and blank and expressionless.

The screen snaps off. You sit there motionless.