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Beep! Beepbeepbeepbeep!

Though their Collars were ringing, Ruby and Samus remained frozen in the center of the desert, guns locked on each other’s chests, their swollen boobs rising and falling in time with their breath. Ruby Rose trembled in her swim ring. Sweat trickled down Samus’s tanned brow. High above, Queen Hentai watched, turning slowly in the air like a leaf in the wind.

Beepbeepbeep! Beepbeep! Beep!

The two squeezed their triggers simultaneously, but as the twin beams of bubblegum pink fluid sailed through the air–passing so close they almost struck–Samus’s Collar beeped once more, and she lurched to the right as if she’d been struck. Ruby’s shot flew past her and struck a pillar.

Samus’s own shot, however…

Splosh! “Aiiii!” As the sticky pink fluid slammed into her bloated boobs, Ruby Rose’s jaw gaped and her eyes went wide in horror. “No! Nonono! Get it off me! Get it off!” Dropping her gun, she stumbled backward, furry ears flat against her head as she scrabbled at her chest, desperately trying to swipe the pink goo off herself.

It didn’t work. Even as she flailed, the liquid finished sinking into her, leaving a blotch of pinkness and a sense of tingling that spread rapidly outward from her core. Ruby screwed up her eyes and squealed as it washed through her, making her every nerve feel as if it had caught fire. “Nn~! Stop!”

Her legs, already trembling madly, lost what little strength they had left. With a gasp, Ruby dropped to the ground, her swim ring squeaking as it impacted the sand. Through the haze of pleasure assaulting her brain, she managed to look down. Why did her feet feel so–?

Ruby screamed.

Where moments ago had been her feet, there now lay nothing more than two clumps of silky red fabric. Even as she watched, her ankles turned the same shade, smooth and shiny as the finest red velvet, and her feet crumpled into them as if sucked up by a vacuum. The rest of her legs tingled as they turned redder too.

“N-no! No!” she cried, tears pouring from her eyes. “Please don’t–please don’t–please!”

Her arms lost their strength; she fell back. Lying there on the sand, she looked left and right and found her fingers spinning themselves into ribbons as the hands behind them shriveled, turning the same shade of red as her feet. Even as she watched, pale-faced, too terrified to speak, her arms thinned out and fell flat, limp as two strips of fabric. Which, of course, was what they were now. “N-no!”

Farther down, the spreading redness flowed over her knees and washed over her thighs. Seconds later, they sank into her, leaving her with no limbs at all. All she could do was thrash and moan, tears streaming from her eyes. “Help me–help me. Yang! Yang!”

Yang’s blank face watched impassively.

Finally, as if a bucket of red paint had been tipped over her body, Ruby Rose turned as red as both her namesakes. She continued to thrash and scream as if she were merely trapped beneath a layer of red plastic, until at last she jerked back her head and opened her mouth as if trying to swallow the universe. Her final cry cut out as her jaw stretched and stretched.

Down below, something very similar happened between her legs: first her penis inverted, returning to its natural form. Next her lower holes grew and joined like three overflowing lakes before the single giant hole that resulted stretched as wide as her mouth. In her head, Ruby screamed at the sudden influx of sensation, a wave of pleasure crashing into her brain to stifle all her thoughts.

Finally, the rim of her former mouth dropped down her chest and back, and her shriveled arms curled over it to join up with what had once been her shoulder blades. With that, Ruby Rose ceased to move.

Lying there in the sand, wanting to scream and cry and moan, all she could do was whimper in her head as the tanned figure of Samus loomed over her.



Samus watched, feeling a little bad but mostly just pretty curious as the young woman with the dog-ears finished shriveling. In seconds, all that remained of her was the sluttiest red cocktail dress Samus had ever seen, lying sadly in its swim ring in the sand as if discarded by an out-of-place partygoer.

As the transformation ceased, Samus bit her lip. OMG, she shouldn’t, but, like, it was so fucking sexy.

Glancing left and right to make sure no-one was watching (and completely ignoring both the catgirl and the hundreds of eye-drones above her), Samus scurried forward and snatched the red dress up. “Oh my God,” she said, rubbing it against her. “It’s so, like, soft.”

Spinning it around, Samus seized its hem and stretched it wide. She was going to look so hot.


Ruby screamed. As Samus pinched her hem and stretched it wide, a flood of sensation rolled over her form and crashed into her mind, instantly annihilating all thought with its intensity. She squealed, begging for mercy. It felt as if Samus were fingering all her lower holes at once.

Just as she thought it couldn’t get any worse, something entered her. Ruby moaned in her head, gasping for mercy, as Samus tightened her grip on her hem and forced her down, forcing her entire, swollen body through Ruby’s altered hole. The flood of sensation tripled instantly in intensity, becoming an overwhelming deluge that crushed all sense beneath it. Ruby screamed, desperate for mercy. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stoooop! She felt as if her body would tear at any second.

Giggling to herself, Samus pulled her down, down, down, over her swollen chest, and around her curving buttocks and hips. Finally, she wiggled her head through what had been Ruby’s mouth and patted her hips in satisfaction. “OMG, I need a mirror, like, stat.”

Trapped around her body, plugged from pussy through to mouth, Ruby whimpered in tortured pleasure. H-help me…


Cupping the bodice of her new dress, Samus lifted it and released it with a giggle. It took several seconds for her boobs to stop jiggling.

A pair of feet settled on the sand behind her. “Well,” said Queen Hentai. “That was somewhat unexpected, nya. We had been expecting little Red to win, but nyevermind.”

Tail flexing, the Queen smoothed out her dress and cleared her throat. “Nyow, it’s time for nyour prize, nya: as Queen of the Bakeneko, we hereby promise to do all within our power…”

She paused, eyes flashing in amusement.

“...to grant nyou a single wish.”

A warm breeze blew through the arena, disturbing the sand around Samus’s feet. “A wish?” she said. “So I can ask for, like, anything I want?”

“Anything nyou desire.” The Queen smirked. “All nyou have to do is decide what that is…”

Samus looked around and gulped. Anything she wanted? Oh, but there were so many things! How about a big fucking cock in all her holes? That would be a great start. Or maybe, like, she should have everyone turned back? Actually, yeah, that sounded smart. And that way, she could suck on 18’s yummy cock some more.  “Okay, okay. I, like, wish for–”





"This was, like, really fun! I wish we could do it again, like, forever!" Cue Samus and the rest of the contestants being rounded up, restored as needed, and digitized to be turned into playable characters in a Battle Royale video game adaption, where the human contestants are forced to go through the whole scenario over and over again. (much to the now de-bimboed Samus's growing horror)

Ben Vest

“That everyone here becomes my best bimbo friends”. Basically a reversion of any bad ends and then everyone gets bimboed.