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Beep! Beep! Beepbeep! In sync, the four remaining girls’ Collars started to bleep. As one, they swiveled, training their guns–or hands, in Samus’s case–on the target selected for them. Squeals of horror soon cut through the beeping.

“Ruby!” cried Yang, struggling not to pull the trigger of her gun. “Move!” Her sister stared back in horror, her own weapon juddering in her hands. With every second, it grew that little bit closer to aiming at her.

Nearby, Samus and 18 moaned in horror too. “Oh my, like, God, Sammy! Like, take cover or something!” 18 tried to swing her gun aside without success.

Samus, the only one of them not to be armed, looked a little more uncertain. “Oh my God, 18, you look so hot with that big fat gun in your hands.”

“O-M-G, I do?” asked 18.

High in the air, Queen Hentai chuckled darkly. “Ah, that’s much better,” she said. “Nyou’ve turned the teams in on themselves. Purrfection.” She licked her lips. “Nyow, let’s move this contest towards the finals, shall–?”

The cat’s eyes floating above her flashed. Queen Hentai rolled her own and sighed.

“Hey again!” said Taberu, sheepishly. “Guess what it’s time for! …I’m just going to roll it. Nyou know what’s happening at this point, nya. …Nyo. 15! Oooh, it’s Milkquake! again. …Oh nyo, nyot–” Vwip!

As Taberu vanished, the four contestants started to shake (yet strangely, the ground beneath them remained still, with not a single grain of sand moving). Yang swore as her boobs giant violently, while her sister dropped her gun and cried out in fear.

Even as Yang struggled to get her own boobs under control, the sound of Samus and 18 moaning cut through her thoughts. Flicking them a glance, she found them groping themselves and shuddering.

Heart pounding, Yang turned her attention back to her own chest just in time to see the first bead of milk drip from her boobs. Her eyes widened in fear–it had been some time since the first Milkquake, and neither she nor Ruby had gone unchanged. Both of their chests had blown up like parade balloons, threatening to pin them to the ground with their weight. The first Milkquake had been bad enough, but now? Now that they’d grown so much?

Yang whimpered.

The Milkquake struck. Yang and Ruby threw back their heads and squealed. Their boobs didn’t merely shake: they rippled and jiggled with a deafening series of sloshes. It sounded as if someone had spilled the ocean.

“Aiiiii!” As Yang struggled not to cum, Ruby’s squeals cut through the cacophony. Opening her eyes, Yang watched as two giant torrents of creamy milk exploded from her sister’s swollen nipples. She had only an instant to prepare before they sprayed her in the face.

An instant later, the dams in her own breasts burst. To her screams of shocked delight, milk streamed from her bloated teats. Ruby squealed as they soaked her. Iin seconds, the pair were drenched from head to toe.

As she fell to her knees, moaning and wet, Yang heard 18 and Samus scream in delight and turned to see four thick streams of creamy white stuff flowing from their tanned teats. Groping herself, Samus stumbled forward, pushed 18’s gun away, and collapsed into a rich, creamy kiss. The two fell to the sand with a squeal of ecstasy.

For almost a full minute, the four women lay on their knees, squeezing their own teats or their partners, until at last, the flow of milk ceased to pour quite so fast and finally trickled to a stop.

As Yang lay there panting, thick drops of creamy white stuff still dripping from her teats, her Collars beeped. She gasped in shock as it wrenched her to her feet. Meters away, Ruby squealed as her own did the same. Like a pair of puppets, the pair leveled their guns at one another.

“Yang!” cried Ruby, tears pouring from her eyes. “Yang, I can’t–!”

“Ruby!” With a grunt of effort, Yang strained against her Collar. “Get out of the way! Get out of–!”

Both pulled their triggers simultaneously.

At the last second, just as her finger tightened, Yang’s Collar ceased to beep. With a cry of fury and despair, she jerked her gun ever so slightly to the right. Just enough to miss.

Ruby’s shot struck her straight in the chest, and an awful tingling washed through her form. She moaned.

“Yang!” cried Ruby. Throwing aside her gun, she surged forward.

As her sister approached, Yang stumbled and groaned as the sticky pink fluid Ruby had sprayed her with dripped from her chin and rolled down her chest. Screwing up her eyes, she squeezed her bloated stomach. Her swollen boobs and buttcheeks shuddered with the tremors of her flesh.

“Yang!” Grabbing her sister, Ruby tried to help her stand. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! I-I-I couldn’t–I couldn’t–” Tears streamed from her eyes. Her words became incoherent.

With effort, Yang wiped some of the goo from her face. A sudden sense of quiet certainty seized her–this was it, she’d lost. She didn’t know what was going to happen to her, but all that mattered now was making sure Ruby won…

Grabbing her sister’s hands, she squeezed them in her own. Ruby stopped sniveling to look her in the face.

“Ruby,” she said, “it’s okay. Everything’s going to be–” Boing!

Ruby shrieked.

Heart pounding, Yang looked down and found her lips pumped up as if stung from by a swarm of bees. Even as she watched, they bloated into an ‘O’, a thick, round donut, fat and–

Horror lanced her. She’d seen lips like this before on… She flicked a glance at the contestants she’d sprayed, sitting inanimate and plastic in the sand, nothing more than a pair of sex toys.

Like a weathered pillar, Yang’s certainty crumbled. She started to tremble. She wasn’t–she was going to end up like that… was she?

“Yang!” squealed Ruby.

Yang tried to reply, but her new lips refused to form words. Her entire body felt so sluggish, so solid, as if all her muscles had turned to sludge. Even as she fought to stay standing, her legs curled and fused, melding till they were a single, inseparable pillar of flesh.

As Yang struggled, her sister’s eyes glanced down and went wide. “N-no-no-no! Yang! Yang!”

Ruby! Against her will, Yang bent over, slamming her giant boobs into the sand and sticking out her equally swollen butt. Her arms, moving on their own, curled back and planted her hands on her hips, as if she were imitating a double-handled teapot. She strained to pull them free, but no matter how hard she tried she failed. Her hands had fused to her sides and refused to be separated.

As she fought to pull them free, wanting to scream in protest, her torso shrank beneath her hands, her bloated belly falling flat as her body rapidly streamlined. Slowly, her arms thinned, forming a pair of handles that perfectly matched the second pair sprouting from her backside. She felt them as if she’d had them for all her life.

In other circumstances, her assets might have had to grow at this point, but the nature of the game had made this step redundant. Instead, Yang’s ass and boobs simply shimmered a little and hardened, turned from soft flesh to glossy, rubbery plastic. She felt the change as a wave of utter delight–despite the constraints of her changing form, she shivered and moaned, juices pouring from her pussy even as its lips turned to solid rubber.

N-no! she thought, mind boiling in pleasure. Not that! Anything but that! Ruby, help me! Help me! I don’t want to be a sex doll! I don’t wanna be a sex doll!

Finally, her lower holes plumped into a pair of thick pink donuts like her mouth, her hair–her beautiful hair–turned to a clump of plastic–and Yang’s eyes started to shut. She had just enough time to stare at her sister one last time, imploring her to help.

Save me!


Fortunately for Yang, she hadn’t become a sex doll. Sadly, what she had become wasn’t much better.

As Ruby stared, pale-faced and sweating, her sister’s features faded away, leaving nothing more than a blank-faced, perverted effigy with a ring around its waist, a sexualized pillar for someone to–

Realization came to Ruby like a hand around her cock. As her member hardened, desperate to be used, she realized what her sister had become. “N-nonono! Yang! Yang!” Grabbing the relief station’s handles, she shook it like a doll. “Yang!



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