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“Cowgirl, huh?” said Futanari, fingering the relevant button. “I do like white stuff.” With a smirk, she gave it a punch.

“No!” cried Megumin, leaping to her feet and pounding against the glass. “Noo! Please! Let me out!”

From above her came the creaking of a pipe and the gurgle of heavy fluid. With a gasp, Megumin stepped back and looked up, heart pounding. What had Futa meant by ‘cowgirl’? What was it going to do to her?!

The valve on the ceiling opened with a schunk, and a deluge of creamy white liquid drenched Megumin’s face. She squealed, screwing up her eyes and spitting as it washed over her, slipping between her lips and up her nose. In seconds, she was up to her ankles in the stuff.

This turned out to be little more than a taster. An instant later, the pipe above gurgled again, and a torrent of white stuff poured from the ceiling, thick and bubbly and creamy. It covered her in seconds.

Flailing, desperate for breath, Megumin gasped and drew in a giant mouthful of the stuff. Rich and sweet-tasting, it slipped straight down her throat. Her stomach bubbled in protest.

All at once, a fire ignited inside her, and a terrible heat flowed through her form. When it reached her sex, she squealed a stifled scream, throwing back her head and releasing a spray of bubbles.

As she struggled to breathe, the fluid drained away. Floating down to the floor of the tank, Megumin lay there clutching herself and moaning, body pulsing with transformative energy. The first she noticed was a tingling in her ears–grabbing them, she found they’d stretched outward, turned long and furry. She squeaked at the feeling. “Mooy ears?!”

A second later, she felt a tingling atop her head. Running her hands through her hair, she found two little horns poking their way out of her skull. “Hoorns?!”

As she squeezed them, her tailbone rang like a freshly-struck bell. Looking behind her with a squeak, she saw a lump of fur poking its way out of her bottoms, followed inexorably by a length of black and white rope. Only as it swished did she realize what she was looking at. She clasped it, eyes wide in shock.

Just as she thought it might all be over, Megumin felt a new feeling, one far more intense than anything so far. A terrible pressure filled her breasts, straining her skin and making her nipples hard. Grabbing them, she squeezed and moooaned as her less-than-impressive endowments grew like two hungry slimes, stretching her bikini top painfully tight in the process. “Moooo!” Milk spurted from her nipples as they swelled.

Finally, the growth came to a stop, and her bikini changed from red to cow-print. Megumin could only kneel there, heart pounding, lacquered in sweat and milk. Her bloated boobs–larger than Yunyun’s or Arue’s or even Wiz’s–leaked constantly, dribbling onto her thighs like a pair of overflowing cauldrons. She felt so full she wanted to burst. “Moo?” said Megumin. “M-moo?! Moo!”

Outside, Futanari giggled and pushed a button. “Fufufu. Let’s get a closer look at nyou, nya.” With a hiss, Megumin’s jar rose, freeing her. But before she had a chance to run–hot that she could move very fast at the moment–the catgirl flicked her magic wand, and Megumin found herself snatched through the air to land on the cold metal floor in front of her.

“Moo!” she cried, struggling to shield her face.

Futanari loomed over her, cock twitching, erect. She licked her lips. “Nyow, let’s have some–”


As one, the two looked up. The cat’s eyes hovering amid the lab’s rafters were flashing.

With a crackle of static, the image of Taberu appeared. “Hey, everyone!” she said, waving happily. “Welcome to Turn 6! Guess what’s just won a vote? That’s right: a Wild Card! And nyot just one Wild Card, nya! But two! Wow! (Who knew they were like buses?) Let’s see what we got, nya!”

She vanished, replaced by a deck of cards, which shuffled and flipped to show a woman with shaking boobs.

“Oooh! No. 15!” cried Taberu. “That’s Milkquake! Hang on though, because we’ve got one more card to draw.”

This time, the cards flipped to reveal a woman sweating.

“No. 5! Heatwave!” Taberu laughed. “Wow! Two island-wide events at once! This is gonna be so much fun, nya.”

All of a sudden, Futanari stopped smiling. “Wait a minute, nya… Island-wide?”

The room began to shake.

“Moo!” Moaning, Megumin fell forward, her giant new boobs cushioning her impact. As she sat up, they trembled violently, their motion sending a thousand tiny ripples of pleasure flowing up to her mind. “Moooo!”

Beside her, Futanari squealed and seized her own chest. “Nyaaah!”

“Moo!” moaned Megumin, trying to keep her boobs from shaking. With every second, the motion grew more and more intense, until at last…

…the pressure in her boobs tripled in an instant, and Megumin lost the power to hold it in. With a scream, she threw back her head and moooaned as her nipples squirted milk like a pair of taps. It came in a pair of endless torrents, ceaseless.

Futanari didn’t fare much better. “Nyaaah!”

As Megumin moaned at the feeling of lactating, a second feeling struck her body: a heat that started in the stomach and spread rapidly to her groin, starting a fire that blazed its way up to her mind and torched every sensible thought she had remaining. “Mmmooo! Mooo!” Red-faced, covered in sweat, she thrust her hands into her bottoms and fingered herself wildly.

“Nyaaah! Nyaaah!” Looming over her, Futa screamed too. Hands tight around her cock, which had swollen to the size of a small cannon, she pumped it madly, faster and faster, with the second, until–


A second type of white stuff coated Megumin's face.


As the heat faded, the two of them fell back with a splat and lay there panting in a puddle of their own fluids.

Above, the cat’s eyes beeped again.

“O-oh,” said Taberu, leaky and soaked. “Also, um, just so nyou’re aware… The Hunt begins in 1 turn, nya! Nyou might want to start heading inward.”



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