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“Oooh, I know,” said Futanari. “Filling nyour friend with cum was really fun, but it didn’t quite sate me, nya. Why don’t I make another toy to stick my cock in?”

As Megumin and Aqua flinched in horror, Futa turned to the latter and smiled sickly. “A big, curvy goddess doll sounds like a fun thing to play with, nya.”

Aqua paled. “N-no-no,” she said, pounding on the glass. “You–you’re not serious, right?”

Smirking, Futa punched a button on her console. The pipes around Aqua’s jar began to gurgle.

Looking up, Aqua gaped in shock. “You–you’re not serious. You can’t be serious!” Pounding on the glass, she cried out in horror. “You can’t do this to me! I’m a goddess! I’m a goddess! I’m not meant to be some stupid cat freak’s toy!” Throwing back her head, she wailed in despair, thick tears flying from her eyes to trickle down the glass.

Finally, the hatch above her opened with a schunk, and a deluge of glistening pink fluid poured into the tank. Aqua screamed as it washed over her, melting her bikini in an instant. Eyes wide, she opened her mouth to scream and gagged as she sucked in a mouthful of the stuff. “Mmmphf!” Her thrashing only raised bubbles.

As the catgirl outside stroked her shaft with a smirk, Aqua flailed and scrambled desperately at the glass. She could feel the pink goo working its magic on her body, tickling her nipples and slipping between her legs, forcing its way deep, deep inside her. A terrible fire raged in her core.

With every second, the heat and the tingling grew stronger, flooding Aqua’s mind with sensation. She found it hard to move, harder to protest, harder to scream. Within a minute, she could do little more than sit there.

Floating off the floor of the tank, she spread her arms and legs both, barely registering how lewd this made her look. Her body felt so loose and light all of a sudden, less like a person and more like a balloon.

Just as she got used to this new feeling, the tingling inside her became a pressure, forcing her skin outward to contain her new contents. Her boobs bulged, stretching into perfect spheres, while her ass swelled into two fat, graspable cushions. She mewled at the sensation, unable to control herself. She wanted to scream, but she couldn’t move her mouth.

As her fingers and toes fused, her skin shimmered and turned as glossy as plastic, seams running up and down her arms and legs. Meanwhile, several other parts of her took their cue to grow: between her thighs and cheeks, her pussy and anus swelled into two fat pink donuts, perfect to match her lips. They were so erogenous, the feeling of the fluid on them alone almost brought her to orgasm.

Finally, the fluid drained away with a gurgle, lowering Aqua back to the floor of the tank. As her swollen new butt struck it, she squeaked in sudden ecstasy.

Megumin! Help me! Heeeelp me! Megumiiiiin!


Megumin whimpered, white with horror, as Futanari pushed a button and opened Aqua’s tank. Reaching inside, she snatched the doll out with a smile and held it up for Megumin to get a look at.

“What do nyou think, nya? I think she looks much better like this.” Arm wrapped around Aqua’s stomach, she squeezed the doll’s swollen breasts playfully. Squeak! “Of course, there’s only one way to find out if she’s really improved.”

“No!” cried Megumin.

Hiking up her lab coat, Futa stroked her cock to full erection, raised Aqua’s new form high, and–


Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Megumin shivered with each thrust.

Finally, Futanari gave one last emphatic pump and came with a grunt. “Ahh~,” she said, discarding the doll with a sigh. It hit the far wall and dropped to the floor with a squelch, dripping semen. “Nyow,” she said, “how shall I deal with nyou, nya?”

Megumin whimpered.



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