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As the beeping of her Collar reached its apex, Darkness broke free of her chains and took an emphatic step towards Futanari.

All at once, a flush of heat spread through her. Ah! Ah! Oooh, they’re using me again. Puppeting me around like some kind of fleshy doll~. If she’d still had control of her body, she would have clapped her legs together. As it was, she could only bite her lip and moan as the pussy between them poured.

“D-Darkness!” cried Megumin. Darkness ignored her.

Coming to a stop in front of the catgirl, she raised her hands and ran them down her body, over her boobs in their tight, ill-fitting bikini top, down to her rear in its equally ill-fitting bottoms. The feeling of her hands digging into her flesh made her want to whimper.

“Wh-what are nyou doing?” asked Futanari.

Ignoring her, Darkness cupped her boobs and took another step forward, screwing up her eyes and shuddering in silence as pangs of pleasure flowed through her form. Biting her lip, she tightened her grip and squeezed, forcing her fingers deep into her flesh and tweaking her hardened nipples. Oooh~... they’re making me display my noble body like some kind of common whore! Nnn~!

Her pussy felt as if it were on fire. Plip. Plipplip! Behind her, Megumin gasped. Aqua groaned in disgust.

Releasing her breasts, Darkness took another sharp step toward the catgirl in the armchair, turned, and stuck out her butt. As the seat of her bottoms dug deep into her asscrack, she wiggled her rear in Futanari’s face, so close the catgirl could have leaned forward and kissed it.

What Futanari actually did was gulp. “St-stop that,” she said, talking to the cat’s eyes above as much as to Darkness. “Nyou–nyou know what kind of effect it has on me…” Between her legs, her cock twitched and rose, hard as a pillar and riddled with veins. Its tip poked Darkness’s butt in a little kiss of its own.

Even through the effects of her Collar, Darkness moaned. Red-faced, lacquered in her own sweat, she screwed up her eyes and panted for relief. Ah… ah… I’m being used to tease this beastly werecat. Any second now, she’ll give into her baser instincts and ravage me like an–Oooh~!

Shivering, she looked over her shoulder. Futanari sat there trembling, eyes screwed up tight. Her penis–her beautiful, awful, delicious, terrible penis–looked as if it might erupt at any second.

“Darkness!” cried Megumin.

Before she knew what she was doing, Darkness had turned. Tearing off her bottoms, she spread her legs and straddled Futanari’s chair, lowering her burning pussy to the leviathan shaft below.

As Darkness’s nectar soaked her penis, Futanari’s eyes snapped open. “Nnyo~! Don’t!” she cried, tears pouring from her eyes. “It’s nyot fair–nyou know I’m nyot allowed to… nyot allowed to–”

Darkness’s labia caught her tip, ever so slightly. Futanari screamed.

As Darkness froze, lost in the abyss of her own pleasure, Futanari slammed her hand into her chest and pulled out a long white wand. Panting, eyes wild, she aimed it at Darkness’s chest.

The bolt of pink lightning that followed cut through Darkness’s mind and ignited it like a bale of straw. She screamed, wild with delight, as the pleasure of its energy ripped through her form, evaporating her bikini top and leaving her naked and shining.

“Darkness!” cried Megumin and Aqua. She didn’t even hear them.

As the lightning bolt coursed through her form, Darkness twitched and jerked like a poorly-strung marionette, her curves bouncing with every violent shudder. Finally, she threw back her head, released once last, orgasmic moan, and froze as her skin turned a shade of bright yellow, smooth and sheeny to the touch. Slowly, her limbs shriveled away, and her limbless torso shrank to a tenth of its former size. Finally, the lightning faded.

As the energy cut out, some of Darkness’s sense returned to her. Ah! she thought, unable to speak. Ah! What have those monsters done to me? Her entire body felt so small, so tight, so erogenous. They’ve turned me into a simple object, she thought, lust already returning. What kind? Nn~! What kind?!

Futanari’s giant paw snatched her out of the air before she could fall and squeezed her so hard Darkness wanted to scream. Before she had a chance to process anything else, the catgirl raised her high and slammed her onto her–

Cock, thick and tall and hard and veined, penetrated Darkness’s hole and filled her from groin to skull. Pleasure, hot as lava filled her instantly, tearing away what little coherency she had left. Use me! Use me! By Eris, use me!

Tightening her grip, Futanari pumped.


Megumin dropped to her knees and stared, trembling in despair as Futanari gave the thing on her cock one last pump and came with a grunt, filling it instantly with thick semen. Sighing in delight, she pulled the swollen cock toy off of her shaft and cast its form aside without a thought.

Striking the wall, Darkness squeaked and fell to the floor, where she lay bloated and leaking. Padding over, the dog-girl sniffed her. Megumin whimpered.

“Nyaah~,” said Futanari. “That felt good… I wasn't supposed to zap nyou guys this early, but I just couldn’t resist, nya… Nyaaah~.” Sitting up, she stroked her tip. “Nyow, what should I do with the rest of nyou, nya?”



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