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Once their clothes had finished changing, Erza led the two of them out of the pod, hands raised to replace the sword she couldn’t summon. Her breasts swung from side to side as she looked around. “I don’t think we’re in any immediate danger.”

Swallowing, Lucy poked her head over Erza’s shoulder. She wished she had her keys–she’d never wanted to summon a spirit so badly in her life. Failing that, she’d at least appreciate a t-shirt. Why did she always end up in outfits like this?!

Looking around, she found they’d landed in a luxurious bedroom, like something out of a five-star hotel. …Well, what had once been a luxurious bedroom. Their pod plowing through the balcony wall hadn’t done much for its condition. Debris littered the bed and floor alike, and the air smelled strangely of sulfur.

Snatching a candlestick off a cabinet, Erza swung it like a club.

“You–you’re planning to fight?!” asked Lucy.

“Of course,” said Erza. “Though we should look around first. If this is meant to be a survival game, there might be weapons for us to find.”

Lucy swallowed. “That sounds like a good idea.” As Erza dropped to her knees, Lucy looked around. Her eyes soon caught the room’s wardrobe. “Hey, maybe there’s something better to wear in here!”

Grabbing its handles, Lucy swung the wardrobe open. And went pale. Drawing in a deep breath, she slammed it shut.

“Not to your tastes?” asked Erza, rummaging under the bed.

“N-no,” said Lucy, red-faced.

As Erza searched the room, Lucy retreated to the bed. It looked like any normal king-sized four-poster, big and luxurious. The only thing out of place was the black book on the bedside cabinet. Bloody sigils burn on its cover. Lucy had to resist the urge to touch it.

Leaving the book shut, she turned to the balcony… or what remained of it. Their pod had demolished the actual structure, but she could still look outside. Maybe she could even find a way to climb down.

Placing a hand on the side of the hole, she peered over the edge. And went pale for the second time in a minute. Dropping to her knees, she clutched the wall for support.

Down below–far, far below–lay a little resort town, shrunken by perspective into a model village for ants. Lucy’s world swam; she struggled to stand. She hadn’t been so high up since the Tower of Heaven.

Pushing herself away from the hole, Lucy struggled back to her feet. Maybe she’d have more luck in the bathroom…

She didn’t. The bathroom looked like it belonged in a king’s palace, with a gold-seated toilet and a bath large enough to serve as a makeshift raft. (Foreshadowing?) Even the pipes connecting everything were gold.

…Actually, now that she thought about it, they looked more like brass. And what was that hissing she could hear from behind from the tiles?

From outside came a ‘hmm’.

“What is it?” said Lucy, returning to the main bedroom. “Did you find something we could use?”

“In a certain sense,” said Erza, pulling a giant pink rod from underneath the bed. When she flicked the button on its side, it buzzed like a beehive.

“P-put that back!” said Lucy, slamming her legs shut instinctively.

Erza swung it like a sword. “But it’s got such a good balance.”

Two hard knocks cut through their thoughts and froze them where they stood. As one, they turned to the door. “Coooie?” called a sultry voice. “Room service~.”

Their Collars beeped.


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