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“Uaaah! Uaaaaaahhhh~! They made me wear a collar! A collar! And a skimpy bikini! Uaah!” On the floor, Aqua wailed into her hands.

“D-Don’t be sad, Aqua!” said Darkness, trying to prompt the arch-priest to stand. “It could be worse! Besides, these outfits are quite nice…” Looking down at the thin strip of yellow fabric straining to hold her chest, she went bright red and bit her lip to keep herself from drooling.

Nearby, Megumin shuddered in her own less-than-concealing two-piece. “At least Kazutrash isn’t here to see this…” She shivered at the thought.

Swallowing her pride, Megumin raised her head and looked around. The three of them stood in some kind of observation room–their pod had crashed straight through the great glass window and into the metal floor, leaving a giant dent.

Harsh rock formed the other three walls of the chamber. The one opposite the window featured two staircases, one leading up and one leading down. From the former came the sound of purring. From the latter: the crackle of lightning and the gurgle of water.

In between them stood an arcane apparatus: a barrel of glass, filled with water and perched atop an altar of white metal surrounded by stacks of small glass cups. Two of the cat’s eye golems hovered around it, as if having a nice chat. Megumin had never seen anything so strange.

Carefully avoiding the shards of glass, Megumin approached the window and looked down. The side of a mountain stretched towards the ground, growing wider as it descended. She flicked a glance behind her. That explains why this room looks like it was carved out…

Farther down the mountainside, a number of thick metal pipes burst from the rock and snaked their way across the desert to the tangle of them in the distance. Megumin frowned. What exactly is–?

A little sniffle from Aqua interrupted her train of thought. “What are we supposed to do?!”

Megumin smirked. “Hah! Don’t you think it’s obvious?”

Aqua and Darkness looked at her as if she’d gone insane. Aqua even stopped crying.

“We need to find a way to fight!” cried Megumin.

“H-how should we do that?” said Darkness, looking around.

“We need to explore!” cried Megumin.

“Ex-explore?” Aqua wiped her eyes and stared at her.

“Of course!” said Megumin. “This is just like a dungeon! If we explore, we should find lots of loot!” Her eyes sparkled. “Including weapons.”

“O-oh!” Darkness’s expression rose and fell instantly. “But what if we have to fight something while we search?”

Megumin grinned and raised her hands. “Well, we’ll just have to fight with our fists! Like this! Hi-yah!” She chopped, overbalanced, and almost toppled over.

Aqua started crying again.

Megumin rolled her eyes and strolled forward. “Come on!” she said. “Don’t be such a wimp! Aren’t you the great arch-priest Aqua?!” She pointed at Darkness too. “Aren’t you the great crusader, Darkness?! We’re experienced adventurers! We don’t need to be afraid of anything! And we don’t need Kazutrash to come up with a plan either! I, the great arch-wizard, Megumin, shall lead us through this dungeon!” Her eyes shone. “Follow me! What have we got to be afraid of?!”

She took a step forward. The floor panel beneath her foot clicked. As one, all three of them froze.


With a clang, a metal barrier covered the broken window. As they stared in shock, a hatch opened on the ceiling, and a little cannon poked its head out.


Megumin jumped back with a yelp as a blob of pink goo struck the tile on which she’d been standing. She shivered as it spread out, extending little tendrils. “Slime?”

With a series of clicks, several other hatches opened in the walls and ceiling.

“Uaaaah!” Aqua wailed. “What are we supposed to dooo?!



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