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Thanks for all your feedback and suggestions, everyone! I've read through everything you wrote, digested it, processed it, meditated on it, et cetera, and now I'm basically going to do what I was always going to do from the start, but with slightly more confidence! Hooray for creator/community dialogue!

What does that mean in practice? Well, for one, I'm doing to do more art. For two, I'm going to go ahead and make that exclusive Discord server I mentioned. Mostly because my ego demands one, but also because it will help implement at least one of the other things I have planned, specifically...

...Countess Captions™! Yes, that's right, I'm going to TRIAL (emphasis) opening up caption requests to Countess and Duchess-tier patrons. I'm setting up a very official-looking form right now to accept your requests, and I'll be working through them on a first-come, first-served basis at a rate of roughly 10 per month (unless that proves impossible, in which case I won't. Again, TRIAL). Countess-tier patrons will be able to place one request in the queue at a time, and Duchess-tiers will be able to place two. Finished captions will be posted to an exclusive channel on Discord (unless you all hate that, in which case they won't. TRIAL.) 

Expect to see another announcement regarding both Discord and captions as soon as I get all the metaphorical kittens lined up neatly. 

Final note: T-shirts. I'm not doing T-shirts. Commiserations to those of you who threw out your wardrobes. 

(Got any feedback on this follow-up to your feedback? Please let me know in the comments below.) 



sounds like a good idea to me on how to do things. Looking forward to joining the discord server once that has been setup


Sounds good to me! If you need help with the discord-server setup, feel free to ask me for help! (-> Mei-Nanita#2699 ) Got some experience with that as I've set up my own discord-server, as also having set up a discord-server for a GTS-community and for a TG-writer and his fan-base. Also got some experience with coding bots for discord in case you might find it useful.