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Hey, everyone! It's the end of the year and with it this Patreon's fourth month, so I just thought I'd check in to wish you all a happy New Year, thank you for supporting me...

...and ask you all a simple question: 

What do you guys want from this channel? 

...Because I want to offer you guys more. I just have next to no idea what to offer you.

That's "next to no idea" because I do have a few. I could set up a Discord, to start with. That's a thing creators do, right? Or I could offer, say,  X free captions of images of your choice per month. 

...Or I could start printing t-shirts. Does anyone want a complimentary Nyanlathotep-brand t-shirt? ...No? What about a mug? 

You get the idea. If you have anything you'd like to see this channel offer, please tell me, because I am clueless. 



I want more CGI.


Personally, I'd love some more stories/art with preexisting characters from anime and games, these are always fun!


I'd love to do more fanart in the future :D I'd /like/ to do more fanfic too, but the questionable legality of posting it behind a paywall makes it a little tricky to justify when I'm trying to build up a portfolio. Of course, there's no reason I can't write free stories to go with my art, if that's what people are interested in :P


For me, I personally like that X free captions of images per month. As well, something like a bit more art, since I find your art quite good.


I like T-Shirts


You know, I was joking about the t-shirts, but I'm pretty sure there are services out there that I could use if people wanted them. Hmm.


Thanks! I want to make more art, but I'm still pretty slow compared to most artists, so it's a little time-consuming at the moment. I'm working on it though! :D Time is what worries me about the caption idea too. I'd like to offer it, but it's going to have to be restricted somehow because if I offer it too freely I could very easily bury myself in work. Even 1 per Countess & Duchess might be too much if everyone claims it. I may have to do a trial run and see how many people are interested in practice.


I assume that the merch is a straight import from the bakenekos? XD (jk) Anyway, from what I read from the others, I do have to say that the caption-idea might be a bit bad since, as you mentioned in another comment, it might cause a too great (time-)burden. If you however really want to do it, I could suggest a "round-robin"-method, meaning that you do a list of all the VIPs (countess and/or duchess) and then basically go down the list by 1 each month. That way everyone would eventually get their turn while at the same time encouraging members to stay longer (and avoid people to just quickly join and then leave your patreon for cap-grabs).


I'd definitely offer man-made merch if I could :D As for captions, a round-robin format would be a good way to keep the workload from becoming overwhelming, though I think 10 a month might be a more reasonable number (I'm pretty sure I could do at least that many a month--it's the idea of going to 20 or more than kinda scares me.) Another option would be tying them to a poll somehow, e.g. maybe I do the top ten for that month? Either way, I really think I need to do a trial run before I can make it a permanent thing.


On a serious note, maybe add art for stories that you really like to mix you passions. It would be cool to see what happens within the story artistically.