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The streets of West City thronged with people. Men and women bustled about in their hundreds and thousands, flitting to and from stores and enjoying the pleasant weather. Others sat outside cafés, sipping coffee and eating buns beneath the clear blue sky above them.

All of a sudden, out of the aforementioned blue, a bolt of pink lightning fell from the sky and struck an unfortunate shopper. Dropping his bags, he screamed in shock, before vanishing in a comical poof of smoke.

Those around him could only watch, eyes wide in horror, as the cloud cleared to reveal a simple donut, coated in chocolate and sprinkles.

For a moment, the crowd simply stared. A second later, they broke and ran screaming.

As they fled, a second bolt of pink lightning cracked out of the sky and surged through the fleeing shoppers’ forms. In a series of poofs, they vanished as well, dropping to the sidewalk as tens of chocolate donuts.

Descending from the sky, Android 21 licked her lips. Landing just beside her first victim, she flicked her wrist to levitate the donut into her hand, before opening wide and taking a big bite. “Mmm~,” she said, chewing loudly, “mmm~, mmm~, oh it’s so good.” Swallowing, she let out a sigh of ecstasy. “Ahh, what a delicious appetizer. And now that those obnoxious Z-Fighters are out of the way, I can make as many delicious treats as I want.”

Licking her lips, she stuffed the rest of the donut into her mouth and picked up the next one.

As she finished the last of the former crowd, she heard a screaming coming from the distance. For a moment, she paid it no regard. She was out on the hunt--of course people should be screaming.

Then she heard the purring, coming from above. With a frown, she looked up.

High above, descending from the sky, was a circle the colour of molten cheese. As she watched it grew closer and closer, larger and larger, until at last it covered the city entirely, leaving the streets below blanketed in shadow.

21 grit her teeth. “Ugh, what now? I was just about to start my feast!” With a surge of ki, she took to the air, shooting towards the saucer like a blazing crimson comet.

Halting halfway between the ground and the spacecraft, she raised her hands above her head. Red and black ki coursed up her arms and through her fingers, forming a writhing ball of energy that glowed above her like a miniature sun. With a scream, she threw it at the saucer.

Her ki attack struck the spaceship halfway between its edge and its center and exploded with a tremendous crash. 21 smirked as the shockwave rushed past her, a cloud of dark smoke filling the sky.

As the smoke cleared, however, her smile faded. There was a visible hole where her technique had struck, but it wasn’t half as impressive as she’d expected. Worse still, it appeared to be regenerating--even as she watched, the edges of the hole trembled like something liquid and closed in on themselves, leaving little sign of the damage she’d done.

Now, red lights flashed across the saucer’s base, and a yowling alarm blared. As 21 grit her teeth and prepared to fight, the spacecraft started to… sweat? All across its base, head-sized globs of the strange substance that made it were dripping away in their thousands.

21 raised an eyebrow. Was it melting?! Watching the sky rain yellow blobs, she almost burst into laughter.

All at once, however, each of the thousands of balls of molten saucer stopped mid-fall and produced from itself four smaller orbs. They floated atop the larger spheres, making them look like cartoonish cat’s paws.

In unison, they charged 21.

As the wave of paws approached her, 21 laughed and unleashed a blast of destruction that spread from her body and blew them to pieces, scattering large and small orbs alike all across the city beneath her.

She had little time to appreciate this victory, however--an instant later, the second wave of catspaws was on her.

Swarming her, they formed a sphere that blocked out everything beyond it. Glaring, 21 whirled in search of an escape.

As one, the paws all aimed a smaller ball at her, as if making a finger gun. From each of their tips burst a beam of pink light, which struck her like a barrage of cannonballs.

21 growled. Alone, each beam would have meant nothing to her, but a hundred or more of them together packed a punch. 21 found her amorphous body deforming under the pressure, struggling to maintain its shape.

With a scream, she unleashed another blast of ki, scattering her cage of paws and sending them flying into the buildings around her.

Instead of striking them and exploding as expected, however, the catspaws splattered on impact, forming hundreds of yellow puddles. They reformed rapidly, aiming their finger-orbs at her again. Clinging to their impact zones like makeshift turrets, they released a thousand crackling bolts of pink lightning, all aimed at 21.

With a snarl, she took flight, dancing out of the path of the hundreds of pink missiles and letting them sail past her. Instead of shooting off into the distance like she wanted, however, they curved in mid-air to resume their chase, forcing her to keep moving.

As she darted and wove to avoid the growing flock of missiles, the saucer above her was doing something. With a hiss, a large hatch opened in the center of its base, and from the hole dropped a giant yellow ball. Suspended in a cradle of crackling pink energy, the sphere flowed into the shape of an equally enormous cylinder, which spun beneath the craft, tracking 21’s position. Arcs of pink light coursed along its length, forming a glistening ball at its tip. It shone brighter with the second and sounded louder as well. An incessant purring filled the air, blocking out all other noise.

Finally, with an ear-splitting yowl, the rod fired. A titanic beam of pink light burst from its tip, aimed straight at Android 21.

With a final scream of frustration, 21 slammed into the ground, spun around, and threw a titanic beam of her own straight back at it. Tearing through the thousands of smaller bolts chasing her, it crashed into the saucer’s with a tremendous crack. Every window in the city shattered instantly.

For an instant, the two beams warred in the air, each attempting to overwhelm the other. The saucer hissed. 21 screamed.

A second later, their owners gave in, and the beams dissipated with a rather pathetic zilch sound.

Exhausted, 21 drew in a breath.

Harsh laughter sounded above her. As 21 snapped her gaze up, something like a giant lump of dough slammed into the ground before her, cracking the concrete.

“Wow,” said the dough-stuff, reforming into a more humanoid shape, “nyou’re a lot stronger than nyou look, nya.”

The figure stood and stretched her chubby body, running a hand through hair like molten cheese. Atop her head, cat ears twitched. Behind her legs, a cat’s tail flicked. “I wonder,” she said, licking her lips, “if nyou’re as tasty though, nya~.” She grinned.

21 smirked. “And who are you?” she asked, cracking her neck. “I’d say ‘look what the cat dragged in’, but, well…”

The catgirl smiled. “Taberu,” she said, holding out a hand for 21 to shake.

“Taberu?” replied the android. “How amusing. Die.” With a flick of her arm, she tossed a ball of crimson ki straight at the catgirl’s head.

Instead of dying, Taberu opened wide. The ball of ki shot inside her and--

--Taberu’s teeth slammed shut. She swallowed with a gulp. “Mmm~,” she said, rubbing her belly, “nyour techniques pack a lotta energy, nya.”

21 frowned. “Very funny. Why don’t you try swallowing this.” She thrust her finger forward, and a bolt of pink electricity flew from its tip, striking the catgirl in the chest.

As the energy coursed through her form, Taberu shuddered. Her body pulsed, lumps of flesh rising and falling all over her, but she didn’t vanish like 21’s previous targets.

Instead, she snapped back to normal with a single loud laugh, lurched forward, mouth wide open, and bit 21’s chocolate beam in half.

21 dropped her finger in surprise.

Stepping back, little arcs of ki crackling around her teeth, Taberu swallowed loudly. “Nyot bad, nya. Nyot bad.”

21 growled.

The catgirl tilted her head in confusion. “Say, nyou look a little hangry, nya. Maybe nyou should eat something?”

Before 21 could attack her again, the catgirl stuck a hand between her boobs and rummaged around inside her cleavage. 21 could only stare at her, bewildered.

With a loud pop, Tabery extracted an entire chocolate cake, complete with plate. Grinning, she held out her arm and it stretched like taffy, carrying the cake all the way to 21. “Try some, nya.”

21 sniffed. The smell of cocoa washed into her nostrils, accompanied by a richer, more etheric taste… “...Wait,” she asked, visibly salivating, “is this…?”

“Made outta people?” asked Taberu. “Of course it is, nya! That’s the best tasting food.”

21 moaned. Snatching the cake off the plate, she opened her mouth wide and stuffed the delicious treat between her lips whole, spraying flecks of cake and saliva everywhere as she chewed.

Tossing aside the empty plate, Taberu grinned.

At last, 21 swallowed noisily. “Oooh,” she moaned, rubbing her belly, “oooh, it tasted sooo good.”

Taberu giggled. “I had a feeling nyou’d like it, nya.”

“Wh-what did you say your name was?” asked 21.

“Taberu,” said Taberu, stretching her arm again so 21 could shake her hand.

Frowning, the android did so. “21.”

“Oooh, that’s my twenty-first most favorite number!” said Taberu. She giggled. “Hey, wanna try some more food?”

21 went to protest, but the tidal wave of saliva pouring from her mouth answered the question for her. In the end, she simply nodded.

Taberu giggled. “That's what I thought nyou’d say, nya. Come on, let’s go find some humans.”

Grabbing 21’s arm, Taberu took off, shooting through the streets of the city by bouncing off the sides of buildings like a chubby, feline ball.

Crashing to a stop atop a little drug store, she released 21 and looked around. “Hmm,” she said, scanning the horizon, “there aren’t as many humans around as I would like.” She giggled. “I guess our little fight scared them off~.

“Don’t worry though, nya, there are still plenty about. They’re just in hiding, which means we gotta dig ‘em out.”

Before 21 could respond, Taberu grabbed her hand and leapt down to the street below. Sniffing, she dragged 21 along the street towards a hastily abandoned clothes store. “Come on,” she said, “I can sense humans hiding in here, nya!”

Frowning, 21 followed her.

As they entered the empty store, Taberu released 21’s hand and dropped to all fours. Crawling forward, past dropped bags and knocked over mannequins, she sniffed like a wolf and bounded forward, disappearing into a changing room.

21 watched, one eyebrow raised, as a series of muffled moans and shrieks and giggles echoed from the room. A few moments later, Taberu emerged with a man in one hand and a woman in the other. Held by the scruffs of their shirts, they protested feebly.

Skipping back over to 21, Taberu dropped the humans on the floor. The android looked down at them disdainfully. College-aged, they looked like boyfriend and girlfriend.

“Want me to do the honors?” asked the catgirl.

“Er, sure.”

Grinning like an imp, Taberu reached back into her chest and retrieved a slim yellow rod, like a much smaller version of the one her saucer had produced. Twirling it like a conductor’s baton, she aimed at the humans on the floor.

Zzzap! An arc of pink lightning spewed from the rod’s tip and slammed into the unfortunate couple’s bodies. They squealed in shock.

As 21 watched, suppressing the urge to drool, the two melted, clothes fading into flesh that was turning beige and doughy, heads sinking into necks that were themselves collapsing into torsos, arms dripping from shoulders to land with splats among legs that were pooling into puddles. With every second, the two shrank, and dark spots appeared all over their light brown bodies.

At last, the pink light faded, leaving nothing more than a pair of big chocolate chip cookies.

Giggling, Taberu scooped them up. “Want one?” she asked, offering one to 21.

Swallowing the swimming pool’s worth of saliva that had collected in her mouth, 21 snatched the cookie out of the catgirl’s hand. For a moment, she held it up close to her nose, letting the incomparable scent of chocolate and freshly-baked dough waft into her nostrils, before opening wide and stuffing the cookie inside her.

As she crunched it into a thousand, spittle-soaked pieces, a wave of undeniable pleasure flowed through 21’s form. Throwing back her head, she moaned through her mouthful, struggling not to drop to the floor and pleasure herself right there and then.

Finally, she swallowed. Tears dripped from her eyes. Opening her mouth, she released an orgasmic breath. Her face flushed. “It’s so good…” she said. The statement almost came out as a whimper.

Taberu giggled and clapped her hands childishly. “Great! Nyow let’s go find some more…”


Leaving the clothes store behind them, 21 and Taberu went marching through the streets of the city, following Taberu’s nose in search of more prey. The catgirl could pick out people with incredible ease, sensing them from the street regardless of how well they were hidden. Ripping the unfortunate humans out of their hiding places, she zapped them casually into food, offering half of everything she made to 21.

The android, meanwhile, felt as if she’d been roped into a tour of the world’s tastiest food factory, a wonderland in which every new room had a special set of free samples to tease her. She swallowed donuts, cookies, cotton candy, and more, all made from human beings and all so delicious she wanted to scream. Swallowing them one after another, she fell into a trance-like state in which she could do little more than follow Taberu and eat.

Sniffing the air, Taberu giggled. “Oooh, I think there’s a big group of humans hiding around here, nya. Come on, let’s go take a look.”

21 followed eagerly, leaving a trail of drool as she walked.

Humming to herself, Taberu led them down a set of stairs and into a cramped subway station. Hoping casually over every barricade in their way, the two found an entire train of cowering humans just waiting for someone to eat them up.

“Oooh, just look at all these tasty treats waiting for us, nya!” Licking her lip, Taberu advanced on the train. “Wait do nyou think we should do with them?”

A big drop of drool fell from 21’s lips and landed with a splat on the stone floor of the station. “Candy,” she said airily. Her face was, and her breath came out as a cloud of steam.

Taberu giggled. “Sure thing, nya~.” Twirling her wand, she aimed it at the train car.

With a zzzap!, an effervescent pink bolt surged through the vehicle, piercing each of the humans inside it in turn. Screams filled the air as their skin started hardening, turning shiny and colorful. One by one, the screams died out as the passengers turned into a collection of candy sculptures.

Now they shrank, and their clothes changed as well, melting into metal or plastic, which swelled over and coated their bodies, endings twirling neatly into wrappers.

At last, the pink light faded. Where a carriage full of humans had been cowering, now there was nothing more than a car of little candies, lying sad and pathetic in their wrappers.

Giggling, Taberu spun her wand, and the former humans flew towards her like a swarm of bees, coming to a stop just before her face. Picking one out of the cloud, she peeled off its wrapper with exaggerated care and offered the little red ball to 21, who opened her mouth eagerly. Nom!

As the strawberry candy melted on her tongue, its juices slipping down her throat, 21 groaned. “M-more,” she said, rubbing her belly. “More…”

Chucking, Taberu obliged. Twisting her wand again, she unwrapped the whole cloud at once and sent the tens of little candy balls that comprised it flying straight into 21’s mouth. By the time the android closed her jaws, her cheeks were bulging like a chipmunk’s with candy. She swallowed them with a single loud gulp and released a sigh of utter ecstasy.

“Nyou know,” said Taberu, as 21 moaned, “eating humans like this is fun, but if nyou really wanna banquet, nyou should come back to my saucer with me. It’s much better equipped to feed someone like nyou!”

“Oooh…” Rubbing her belly, 21 moaned. “...Please.”

Taberu giggled.


One quick teleport later and the two of them were striding through the cheese yellow halls of Taberu’s flying saucer. The catgirl took the lead, skipping ahead excitedly. “Come on!” she said. “This way to the food factory!”

21 swallowed her saliva. “The what?” she asked, hearing her belly rumble.

Taberu giggled. “While we were hunting the humans down below, I sent my other ships out to search the rest of the world and pick up all the tasty humans they can find to make into treats for us!” She grinned like the devil.

As they reached the end of the circular corridor, the wall barring their path simply melted away. As one, they stepped through.

They emerged into a titanic factory. Hundreds of boxy machines and industrial bowls and conveyor belts, all composed of the same yellow plasticky stuff as the rest of the saucer.

Belatedly, 21 realized her earlier dream had come true.

“What should we try first?” asked Taberu. “Oooh, how about the chocolate bars?” Licking her lips, she dragged 21 over to a conveyor dumping screaming, naked humans into a mixing bowl bathed in pink light. As men and women fell into the swirling maelstrom of chocolate, their bodies turned brown and melted into it, leaving little more than faces.

A glass tube on the base of the bowl sucked out chocolate and pumped it into a small, purring box nearby. Every few seconds it spat out a fresh bar.

Picking one up, Taberu giggled. “Ta-da! One man-made chocolate bar. Look how lewd the design is, nya!”

21 took the bar and held it up to her face. Sure enough, the bar was styled like a woman caught with her legs spread and flattened, her hands held up in V-signs, and her face trapped in the throes of ecstasy.

Stomach rumbling, 21 stuffed it inside her and crunched it to pieces. Pleasure roared through her body as she swallowed. She couldn’t stop herself from moaning in delight.

“Quickly, over here!” said Taberu. “This is where we’re making the donuts!” She guided 21 along a lengthy gantry way to a platform overlooking a complex arrangement of machines.

“Making donuts is a little more complex,” explained the catgirl. “First, we have to make some humans into dough…” She pointed to a giant bowl much like the chocolate-making one. As humans tumbled off the conveyor belt into it, the swirl of dough sucked them up and absorbed them.

“Of course, we also nyeed to make the cream!” She pointed to a second bowl, much like the previous, only filled with white fluid. Another pipe flowed from underneath, pumping its contents into another bowl to be whipped into cream.

“Nyow,” continued Taberu, “first we bake the dough like this.” She pointed to a pipe sucking dough out of the first bowl and depositing it in globules on a nearby conveyor. This belt carried it into another boxy machine, which was purring and radiating pink light. From its other end came a line after line of plump, baked donuts. Their scent made 21 drool.

“Finally we insert the cream.” She gestured to a phallic device being fed from the cream bowl. As 21 watched, it stabbed each donut on the conveyor belt in sequence, pumping them full of delicious whipped cream.

Stretching her arm, Tabby snatched one off the belt and handed it to the android. “Try one, nya.”

Drooling, 21 raised the donut to her mouth. Like the chocolate bar, it looked like a woman, legs spread, body mashed and molded into donut shape. Cream dripped from her former vagina.

21’s belly rumbled again, and she stuffed the treat inside her.

Taberu giggled. “My, nyou still aren’t full nyet, are nyou?” She giggled. “It’s fun to see someone with an appetite like me.”

“...More,” moaned 21.

Taberu smiled. “Come along,” she said, taking the android’s hand. “I still have so many more treats to show you.”


“And finally,” said Taberu, “the macaroon room!”

21’s jaw dropped. A waterfall of saliva poured from her mouth. Before her stood a ring of giant bowls, like those from the previous rooms, into which humans were being stirred into a variety of substances: meringue, cream, chocolate, and more. Glass pipes pumped these products into a line of purring boxes, which in turn spat out a variety of colorful macaroons. Some were pink and filled with cream, some brown and full of tasty chocolate ganache. All of them, no matter their flavor, made Android 21’s mouth water.

“Go ahead,” said Taberu. “Eat up, nya.”

With a bestial moan, 21 leapt forward, snatching macaroons off the conveyor and stuffing them straight into her mouth. Crunching and swallowing like a pig at the trough, she devoured a hundred or more in a matter of seconds, spraying crumbs and flecks of cream everywhere.

As she ate and ate, her body blazed with the ecstasy of eating. Every one of her cells felt as if it were screaming in delight.


“Nyou’re still hungry?” asked Taberu, once they’d run out of macaroons. “Wow, I really am impressed, nya. Well, my minions have just finished gathering up all the humans on this planet. So, why don’t we sate nyour remaining appetite with a little buffet?” She grinned.

As 21 drooled at the thought of eating more, Taberu led her into a giant yellow dome and clapped her hands.

Something clicked above them. 21 looked up. She was just in time to see a hole open in the ceiling and a pair of glass tubes descend from above, dropping all the way down to her and Taberu.

Taking one in her hand, Taberu snapped, and a chair grew out of the plasticky floor behind her. As she dropped into it, another formed behind 21. “Take a seat,” said Taberu.

Frowning, 21 followed her instructions. “What are these tubes for?” she asked.

Taberu grinned. “These tubes are linked directly to the factory we just toured,” she explained. “Any moment nyow, they’re gonna start pumping all the humans it’s been transforming straight to us!”

21’s eyes widened. Her mouth drooled.

The catgirl laughed. “Get ready, ‘cos the feast is gonna start any second nyow!” She raised the tube to her mouth and opened wide. 21 followed suit.

A few seconds later, a loud alarm yowled, and a torrent of sweet treats came pouring down the pipe: donuts and chocolate bars, lollipops and macaroons. Fairy cakes and cupcakes and muffins and sponge cakes and every flavor of ice cream. They dropped through the pipes in a constant, unending stream, one delicious morsel straight after the other.

As they shot out of the pipe and into her mouth, Android 21 chewed and swallowed as fast as possible, struggling not to moan as she did. The flow of food came almost as fast as she could eat. No sooner had she gotten one delectable treat down her throat than another one followed it.

Moaning and panting, she swallowed treat after treat after delicious, tasty treat, chewing and swallowing them as fast as earthly possible. Cookies followed macaroons, followed bars of chocolate, followed ice cream. And with every meal she swallowed, a fresh wave of pleasure exploded from her groin, making her whole body shiver in delight.

In the other chair, Taberu grinned as she ate just as fast.

After the first few minutes of this feast, an outside observer might have noticed something interesting happening to 21’s body. With every meal she ate, her exposed stomach grew a little bit plumper, a little bit rounder, a little bit fatter. After two minutes, it was the size of a melon. After three it was the size of a beach ball. By the fourth, it was almost twice that, and 21 was straining in her chair to move.

Second by second, meal by meal, the pink-skinned android grew just that little bit fatter.

By the tenth minute, 21 had eaten thousands of people-turned-treats, and her stomach had swollen to the size of a small truck. Swelling over the edges of her chair, it lifted her head up towards the ceiling, carrying the food pipe with it, wedged between her equally bloated breasts. The flow of treats hadn’t slowed--nor had 21’s willingness to eat them. Her stomach still rumbled for more, more, more.

21, meanwhile, barely realized what was happening to her. The flow of treats, the pleasure of eating, the sensation was just too much. Her mind blazed like a campfire, leaving her few remaining thoughts smoldering like smores. She couldn’t think about anything other than how good it was to eat.

Finally, after what felt like an hour of this…

Through the mists of her ecstasy, 21 heard a little snap and found herself chewing on empty air. Opening her eyes, she saw the torrent of food had stopped. For a moment, she kept chewing just out of inertia.

A moment later, reality caught up to her size. Looking down, she took in the sight of her swollen, house-sized stomach, and felt how intensely, overwhelmingly full it was. Her hands and feet were little nubs on the planet of her belly, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t move at all. For the first time since her creation, she didn’t feel hungry at all.

She groaned.

“Had enough?” asked Taberu.

Moaning, 21 turned her eyes to the catgirl. Taberu must have eaten as much as her, but she’d processed it considerably better. Even as 21 watched, the catgirl’s swollen stomach was shrinking.

Soon enough, it was small enough that she could walk. Or waddle, at any rate. A big grin on her chocolate-stained face, she made her way over to 21. “Had enough?” she repeated.

21’s groan must have been a sufficient answer. Taberu laughed.

“Well,” continued the catgirl, looking at the watch noticeably not around her wrist, “it’s been fun, but I’ve really gotta get back to my own universe, nya.”

21 tried to respond to this, but all she could produce was a burp.

“Anyway, is there anywhere in particular nyou’d like me to drop nyou off?”

21 belched.

Taberu laughed. “Okay, okay, if nyou say so, nya. I guess we can just drop nyou off where we found nyou.” She snapped her fingers, and a pillar of pink light appeared around the android’s form.

“Hey,” said the catgirl, “let’s meet up and get a bite to eat sometime in the future, okay? Okay? Great! See nya then, nya!” She snapped again.

With a final zzzip, 21’s world went pink. A moment later, the light faded, and she found herself back in the city below. The streets were empty; the only sound was the whistle of the wind and the purring of the saucer in the air.

Slowly, the giant yellow spacecraft floated higher and higher, before turning on its axis and slipping out of reality like a CD entering a drive.

Watching it, 21 moaned.


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