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Madidi loved the beach.

As she lay on the sand, soaking in the sun and sucking on her cork, she shivered to feel the sharp salt wind tickling her buttcheeks. Behind her, the ocean lapped the shore like a faithful hound, its little crashes providing the rhythm of her comfort.

As she lay there, resting her breasts in the sand and her head on her hands, her body rendered almost invisible by the glare of the sunlight, Madidi spied a couple of humans strolling down the shore towards her.

Lazily, she turned her gaze to them: it was a man and a woman, young, healthy, swimsuit-clad, and absolutely delicious-looking.

Feeling the ache in her ass, Madidi shook her buttocks. Something squishy and pointed poked from between them. For a second, her harpoon shook there like a tail.

Then it flew from her butt as if fired from a cannon. The human woman shrieked as it slapped into her legs and coiled around her ankles in an instant. She squealed again as it yanked her off her feet, reeling her in like an oversized fish.

As Madidi’s harpoon dragged the girl screaming over the sand, the boyfriend yelled and darted forward. Grabbing his girlfriend’s hands, he dug his heels into the ground and tried to hold on to her. The sight made Madidi roll her eyes. With a wiggle of her buttocks, she willed her harpoon to retract. It did so with a snap, pulling the screaming woman feet first into her asscrack.

Looking back over her shoulder, Madidi flicked an amused glance at the human sticking out of her. Feet trapped, the girl was scrambling at the ground. Meanwhile, her boyfriend was running towards them, sweating in panic.

With Madidi’s assent, her ass went to work, its cheeks smacking like a pair of bloated lips as it worked the flailing woman through its crack and down into its anus. Schmack! they went, Schmack! Schmack! Schmack! With every clap, the woman slid a little deeper. Her squirming body made Madidi shudder in delight.

“Let me go!” The woman screamed as Madidi’s cheeks munched on her hips. With another schmack! she sunk in up to her waist. “Please!” she begged, when Madidi didn’t respond.

By now, the girl’s boyfriend had arrived. “I’ve got you!” he cried, grabbing his girlfriend’s arms.

Spitting out her cork, Madidi glanced at them disdainfully. “I wouldn’t bother,” she said, “once my suckers stick to something, they’ll never let go of it.”

Face dripping, the boy paused for a second. Then, arms straining, he resumed his struggles.

For several seconds, he and Madidi’s butt played a strange game of tug-and-war. In the end, Madidi’s ass won out, and the girl shot in up to her shoulders, leaving only her head and arms sticking out. Her boyfriend fell back with an ‘oof!’

“Help me!” squealed the woman, clutching desperately at her captor’s asscheeks. Tears streamed from her eyes as they clapped against her face, sucking her slowly, inexorably, between them.

Picking up her cork, Madidi ignored her.

With a final sharp pop, the woman’s head vanished, leaving only her hands and few strands of her hair.

For several further seconds, she managed to cling on desperately, fingers digging hard into Madidi’s swollen asscheeks. Then, just like that, they lost their grip and vanished, slipping through with a final, emphatic schlup. The last of her hair followed swiftly, sucked up like strands of black spaghetti.

As the last strands slipped away, Madidi’s buttcheeks clapped back together and jiggled and bounced like a sack of violent cats. Finally, with a boing!, they almost doubled in size, and though their shaking died down they continued to vibrate, as if something deep inside them were fighting to escape.

Looking back at their bulk, Madidi found her prey’s boyfriend lying flat on his ass, red-faced, sweating, and incredibly erect. His speedos were straining with the bulge they contained.

Spitting out her cork, Madidi flicked him a glance. “Put your penis in my anus, human,” she said, as if asking him to pass the sugar.

The man stared at her. “W-what?”

“Put your penis in my anus,” she repeated, flatly. Still the man didn’t move.

With a sigh, Madidi wiggled her buttcheeks again. Her harpoon poked out, aiming straight at the man’s face.

At the sight, he went white and leapt to his feet, hurrying to pull down his speedos.

Smiling, Madidi willed her harpoon to retract.

Stepping forward, cock out and bulging, the man planted his feet around her legs and lowered himself towards her ass. As he took his dick and slid it between her cheeks, he trembled, tears forming in his eyes.

Madidi plopped her cork back in her mouth.

Shivering in fear, the man thrust himself into her, wedging the cheeks of her bloated ass apart with his cock. With every buck of his hips, Madidi’s butt rippled and clapped. She lay there, head in her hand, and received him with silent amusement.

Slowly, thrust by thrust, the man’s breathing became ragged. His motion picked up speed; his cock twitched inside her crack. In time, he took on an almost violent air, ramming and ramming, as if avenging his girlfriend’s loss.

In the end, he gave a final, spiteful pump, and came with a groan and a whimper. Cum exploded from his cock, filling Madidi’s crack and blowing back in wild streams into the air.

Extracting himself with an audible plop!, the man fell back and stood there breathing heavily. Semen dripped from his cock, landing  on the ground in little splats.

Looking over her shoulder, Madidi noticed her ass had stopped shaking. “Ah,” she said, spitting out her cork, “I think she’s finally succumbed.”

The man looked as if she’d stabbed him.

Rolling her eyes, Madidi gave her ass another wiggle. Her harpoon shot out, wrapped itself around his face, and yanked him straight into her semen-filled asscrack. Unlike his girl, he had no time to beg as his head slipped deep between the gluttonous cheeks. Smothered by their mass, half-blinded by tears and stray semen, he nonetheless managed a muffled scream.

Madidi watched, almost lazily as her ass sucked him in, swallowing his flailing body inch-by-by. Schmack! Schmack! Schmack! Schmack! Her cheeks pummeled him, chewed him, forced ever deeper. He kicked and he struggled, but he couldn’t escape. The second her suckers touched his face, his fate as her meal was sealed.

Schmack by schmack, clap by clap, he slipped deeper and deeper inside her. His arms, pressed tight against his side, grappled vainly for handholds. His legs, still free, kicked and flailed in desperation. Schmack schmack. Schmack schmack. In the end, they were the only thing left, sticking out of her crack as if he’d tried to dive into her.

With a schlup, he was down to his feet. His toes flexed--the only option left to him.

Then, with a loud plop!, they slipped through as well, and Madidi’s cheeks slammed closed with a climactic clap. Gurgling, her ass bloated like a well-fed belly. She smiled, reached back, and massaged its fat lovingly.

And with that, she went back to relaxing.

Madidi loved the beach.

The character of Madidi belongs to Snackson69.


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