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I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded for a while recently.

Recently, I started to feel a little pain in my back.
The pain was not serious, but I was examined at the hospital just in case.

Fortunately, there was no big problem with my back. But the doctor warned me about sitting and working for a long time.

So I started exercising properly for my health.
I suddenly started exercising, so my body needed time to adjust, which prevented me from maintaining my working pace until recently.
That's why the task upload was delayed.

I'm sorry that I couldn't stay healthy and the upload of the work was delayed.
I will try to upload a new work within this week.
Thank you.




don't worry about us your health is important


Good recovery!


Hey, there's no need to worry. Your health is the biggest thing. Don't worry, we're not going anywhere ^-^ We will wait.


What a great WIP teaser! Can't wait to see the full product! Also, as others have mentioned, please take time to keep yourself in good health. I also suffer from muscle and back pain at times, so I try my best to keep things from escalating. Take breaks from the computer and stand up, walk around and stretch every couple of hours. Make sure you stay well hydrated with water, not energy drinks. Make sure your work space is ergonomic so you can sit at it without being in pain. A good desk and chair, along with adjusting monitors can do wonders. Exercise is also great, but make sure to start small. A short walk or some light cardio will be a great starting point, and then once you're comfortable with that, start to increase your time in small increments. Also, don't expect results overnight and stick to it. I started 5x per week exercise about 6 years ago and I'm very glad I did. I don't go crazy or anything, but even 30-60 minutes per day consistently can make a huge improvement! I know it did for me!


Exercise is a good idea, I need to do that more.


큰일이 아니라 일단 다행이군요. 근육을 더 키우면 아는 작가님처럼 공장장이 될수도? 나이숭

しお のり

Is your body okay? It's not good to overdo it It is important to do everything moderately

Lee cy

You have worked really hard. Regarding back pain, I understand that feeling too. I've also had a back injury because of my job. The back injury also affected me later in life. If some harm is handled carelessly, it will follow for a lifetime, and I regret it myself. Don't force yourself, and take good care of your body.


좋은짤도 좋지만 건강도 중요하기에 너무 무리마시고 몸조심하세요 화이팅입니다!


Take care of yourself over work 👍