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I was thinking about making some Halloween/Spooky themed YCH's (and not only adoptables :)) and was wonder to ask ya'll for ideas?
What would you like to see from me?
Do you prefer to see YCH in usual way (non-multi slot) or with multi-slot option?

It can be idea with a whole scene or just a diorama (i hope it's called like that?) thing (when character placed on an "island") and etc.. pls text whatever you have in mind!

if you prefer you can always describe your ideas personally over my discord - Malaikat#1242



I would really like to see a multi slot option 🖤 And a few ideas for your island consept: a creepy summoning alter with the character being "summoned" in the middle? or maybe a vamp coffin in an ancient cathedral with the character waking from a long slumber surrounded by lots of lit/unlit melty candles? A dark, decrepit rose garden with the character as a "marble statue" displaying signs of life (like, strait up "angel" vibes from Dr Who but with parts of the marble cracking and flaking off to display the character a bit more).


A ghost ych, where the character is sorta floaty and has pieces extra ghost-like (on their legs and hands maybe?) looking worried!! On a little floating island with a river running through it, maybe a little waterfall from the river? I’d use this idea myself if I was skilled enough aaaa LOL Maybe a big ych!! If you really wanted!! With a big graveyard island, the little spiked gates and stuff in the background, a tree or two? And then you could have like… a zombie coming from the ground, a mummy chasing a frankenstein’s monster’s leg (with the frankie ych looking shocked at their limb with the missing leg!!) and a vampire and witch having a flight in the sky with some bats!! I know that would be huge but you could auction off each slot! That way you can do a big group one but do them all separately 🥰