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Just wanted to make update that I’m still working at new works n doing fine, but this week was hard and it’s keep going to be like that 😀

In our country it’s getting cold and actually autumn this year is really COLD one. So a lot of people getting regular flue.. And it’s really scary when people not sure this is something regular or it’s covid :(

My bf got a flue and we was not sure is it it or not, cause everyday it was getting not better. And we both was trying to understand is it something which was in his childhood or not.

In his childhood he had really serious disease and when he was 9-10 he lost his hearing cause of it. His family helped with it of course and everything got back after time . That’s why we both was nerveous for so long lol

Of course all this time I needed to help him and do things by myself (cooking, walking with dog, going to lessons with our dog (we have it twice a week) and etc). So it was really hard for me to work normally cause I was just tired in the end of the day:(

Gladly he is feeling better now and we started doing all things together for now. But life had its own plans and its period time 👌😀 Morning for me begun with huge pains and I take few painkillers to be able to live lmao

Today I planned to post two babes which was almost done previously, so if I’ll have enough energy n good well-being, I’ll finish their few last things and post them🥺💖

Hope y’all doing good loves. Please take care of yourself 💖



So glad to hear things are going better now, just do your best hun, no pressure!


Thank you for your care as always babe!! Hope you staying safe n doing good as well🥺💕


Of course!! And i am, you stay safe as well 😊❤️