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Hey hey! *engages in an elaborate secret handshake with you*
Just wanted to say on behalf of Salty and myself THANK YOU for such a great response to the launch of "49 Songs You MUST Hear Before You Die". You are all legends!

I'm going to try to respond to every message and comment, but just so you know, the notifications thing is a bit weird so sometimes there's no notification for comments. I think it happens if you leave more than one comment in succession or something? Not sure..

Also I definitely recommend getting the Patreon app for your phone, it'll display everything we post in a news-feed way, which is handy for keeping an eye on any bits of content you may have missed.

It'd be super cool if you loaded up your favourite social media service and bragged about how much fun you're having on the Toehider Patreon to all your friends, let's get this party as big as possible! Like an 80's movie party where instead of the people jumping off the roof into the pool, we make exciting and inspiring music and visuals for the whole world to enjoy instead.

Ok that's it for now, continue being the best humans on the planet.




I think Metal Mills is almost as abashed of getting this attention as mr.Arjen Ayreon is, and seeing as both are brilliant minds of their generations, it must merely be a humble trait in this type of machine. I regard it as less then I used to pay for a CD back in the day each month for much more in return. Ive bought nearly all Mikes physical releases, but to nervously preserve them I listen to Toehider via spotify or youtube, and that doesnt pay Mike much morr than a joke, so this patereon is a nice way to give a little tinu contribution. And hell people, when Toehider blows up big we can all say we were here and we all prefer his "early" works before he quit his day job. Like a small army of musketeers.


Can’t wait to see and hear everything y’all cook up!