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As promised, I put together a pre-recorded commentary on another one of my popular videos. This time it's the first episode of my cyberpunk documentary miniseries! I added a little extra effort to provide context and additional info during post-production.

I hope you enjoy!



Eric Wilson

That was great. Thanks!

Space Hedgehog

Cool, gonna watch it later. Interesting concept, a documentary directors commentary - documentary^2 :D


I did one a month or so ago live on podcast, but I did a bit more preparation and editing this time, so I think this one is a bit better produced. Hopefully you find the video interesting!


So glad you liked it, Eric! Recorded until about 1am the other day, but I tried to stay upbeat throughout, haha.

Joel El Rican

The Cyberpunk series is my favorite out of everything you've done. I'm gonna enjoy this, for sure


Thanks so much for your support! I'm planning on making more of these commentaries in the future as well...