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I know what you're thinking. Not only have I not finished The Last Prayer, but I'm also stuck on From Ruin. Why would I start another fic? The answer to that is the entire outline to this new HP ff is already done. 
It's not a simple outline either. My outlines generally have dialogue and a bit of action written and this outline totaled out to 30 chapters and 86 thousand words. Each chapter only needs a few re-reads to polish up the flow of it. So unlike The Last Prayer and From Ruin, this story is pretty much done and easy to work on around my other fics.
Also, Kathryn518 helped me figure this story out so it makes this story extra special to me since her story motivated me to write in the first place.
For the details... It's called Death's Door. The original title was Death Wish but after catching COVID and staying in the hospital, I changed it. I've always wanted to write a Master of Death fic but I never really found many that I loved so I wrote one with a time travel twist. Because I'm a perv, it'll be a Harry/multi and have lemons in it but not with all the girls. There's a reason for this. You'll see when you read. It'll also have violence and cursing.
Lastly, if you guys notice anything that might improve it or a mistake I made, please let me know. I'll probably post this once I finish getting 5 chapters ready to post.
Enjoy the read, than you for your support, and please stay safe!



I don't think I have, but it's a bit silly to have two chapters in the same chapter. A prologue that's significantly shorter than the average chapter isn't strange at all, however. *Spoilers from here* . . . ‘I met death… and did not die…’ Is a fantastic point to end the prologue, but it's a full third of the doc. Personally, I'd do the split there, after what I had previously called the "intermission"

Grae Foxx

Mmmnnn. Interesting. Thank you. Ill see how that changes the flow.