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Hey friends,

I want to come clean about my situation. I need to take care of myself. After I lost my job, I should've looked for another(of a similar position) harder than I had. But I just wanted to sit and write. Now tho the bills are catching up and Christmas is coming around so I need to focus on stabilizing my financial life at the moment. 

So, I apologize for the delay but at this point I need steady income. Don't get me wrong. I'm still writing. That's the second part of the delay. I want to finish my 1st novel before December, which is possible. I'm already at 40K words and I should be finished with it in a little over a week. 

I say all this because I don't want you guys to wonder if I've quit the fics. I have not. I'm still writing my ideas down for The Last Prayer. It's currently at 2K words. This also includes my Harry Potter fanfic From Ruin. Ch 25 is currently 2K. I want to keep going with both of them so I can finally and happily conclude those stories and hit that complete button, but I want to get my novel out first for obvious reasons; the freedom to just write for a living. 

Lastly, I'm definitely planning on posting my original here before I self-publish on Amazon. You guys more than deserve it for believing/supporting me. So thank you, thank you, thank you!

I apologize again. Hopefully there won't be many delays once the novel is out as I'm planning to write around the new job I'll hopefully land soon. Have a great one friends,


P.S. I say original but it's really just a Modern Day fic idea I had for both Harry Potter and Naruto(it worked well for both). And I just changed the names of the characters. 


Narendra V

Hey Foxx. Have to say, "The Last Prayer" is one of the, if not THE, best fanfic I have ever had the pleasure of reading and the way you have pulled off multi pairing is just nothing short of epic - I really can't wait for the continuation. That being said, I do sincerely hope that you land a decent job very soon. Thanks for publishing your work and letting us read.

Grae Foxx

Hey Narendra, Thank you so much. It makes me happy that others fans of Naruto can enjoy my fic. I feel like I keep doing my best because I know there are people out there who truly enjoy the read. I did get a disposable job to pay the bills but lately I've grown more attached to the idea of writing for a living, so I'm working on my original stuff around everything else. Don't know how I'll do, but if I can pay the bill writing books, my life would feel complete. Thanks again for reading and commenting. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and an epic New Years!! --Grae